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Everything posted by Uralica

  1. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1282517350' post='2426972'] I'm sure ODN being in CnG had nothing to do with that. [/quote] Yet MK and Athens, and allies of theirs in Sparta and GATO, all did.
  2. Hey, at least they had themselves up there in the running. If this is for all time though (which is what Worst Alliance [i]Ever[/i] kinda implies), needs moar Rebbilon, Flying Tigers, TPO, GDI, etc. Even if you're just going with existing alliances, I'm astounded how ERA isn't up there. MK is up there (even though they were eliminated in Round 1) and ERA isn't?
  3. How the heck did I forget about Bob Janova?
  4. Ouch. Sounds like a different kind of bloodthirsty than Wampler then. And probably not the kinda guy I'd want in my alliance.
  5. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1282446362' post='2426242'] Joining a newbie alliance that had no membership activity (it only had a signup section, nothing else, lol), had no nation building guides or anything else, never knowing about tech deals (until after joining DOOM), planned on getting a crappy trade set (yes, it had Fur), tech raiding a 19 day inactive person (received no loot), got kicked out of the alliance after apologizing for the raid, and was insta-raided by someone who spammed aircraft and CMs at me with ground attacks and [b]told me that he liked to ZI new players for the fun[/b]. [/quote] Wampler? Sounds like his style.
  6. MT Also, props for showing compassion to Swanfield. Za Sibir'! o/
  7. Most of the RL military servicemen of any sort that I've met in this game - KingRich, Combatmedic, CVTWayne, and USMC123 immediately spring to mind, but there have been others as well - have been sources of inspiration for yours truly. I've always had a certain respect for Kryievla, because she seems the type that never says anything negative unless absolutely necessary. That's less negative than me, for crying out loud. :lol: I also really admire Ogden Chichester from CCC, and his ability to keep a cool head even in the most heated of situations. When I was still in the alliance, he pulled us out of a few scrapes because of the fact. That isn't to say he can't fight, but he'd be serving you tea as he's nuking you.
  8. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1282367443' post='2425471'] What? No one remembers RealIce9 and Bama? [/quote] I think this was mentioned earlier by Gamemaster, Alf.
  9. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282362875' post='2425387'] Don't think someone being in an alliance your fighting causes you to lose all the friends you have that are in that alliance. [/quote] Heh, there are people who seem to like me but think my alliance should die in a fire.
  10. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1282362715' post='2425383'] I personally disagree with the whole notion that "poaching" is a CB for war. [/quote]It's a matter of scale and newness of the player. If an alliance was glomped with messages slandering it and encouraging to join this other alliance under threat, by someone who was very much established, it would IMO be a CB. One could call it a bipolar continuum, ranging from an honest mistake to such an example as I gave above, and only maybe a small portion of that continuum would constitute an actual CB. [quote]If some crappy (and lets face it 99% of all recruiting messages are crappy) in-game message can convince someone to leave my alliance..you know what? My alliances is probably better off without them.[/quote]Probably right. Of course it would sting if it were a friend of yours. But agreed about the recruitment messages. (+1% for recruitment messages coming from me. ) [quote]Where I would draw the line is the message being non-generic and engaging in slander and untruths against my alliance to sway an opinion.[/quote]Absolutely. This is one of those rare occasions where "poaching" warrants more than a talking-to. [quote] Why alliances want to keep members that could be so easily swayed away, is beyond me. My guess is they just need something to get angry over in case it ever happens to them. [/quote]Conceded - you're probably right. Still, it's something I'd avoid doing myself. If nothing else, "poaching" is disrespectful. But just as young children learn the maxims of RL etiquette by trial and error, so the newbie learns the maxims of CN etiquette the same way. Too bad that was lost on Andover.
  11. I would agree with Bob Janova here for the most part, although sometimes the person doing the recruiting is so new that they don't [i]know[/i] there's a tendency to frown on such things, so one ought to go easy on them the first time around. Maybe just take them aside and tell them that such things can be frowned upon. Now there are some alliances who really wouldn't care, as evidenced by this thread, but it would seem that a lot do. As far as forming a splinter group - I have no qualms about letting a group of friends do their thing. I suppose the line could be drawn when said group of friends begins actively bombarding the old alliance with messages asking members to bail. Still, I don't think one should be as quick to jump the gun as ERA was recently.
  12. [quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1282275036' post='2423917'] Two words: Protected Nation. -Bama [/quote] Ya mean [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51613"]this[/url]?
  13. ^That actually happened the exact day Mia and I started playing. March 18th brings teh dramaz.
  14. I've never joined an alliance that I had been at war with previously, although I did switch web sides - was in CCC first, then joined TOOL. (Granted, TOOL and CCC have gotten along pretty well overall )
  15. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1282273394' post='2423886'] Convincing a whole series of young men that Oreo was my daughter IRL. I haven't gotten so much respect so quickly since I wore an Army officer uniform. Oh and...Oreo generally got left alone to play the game without getting harassed too much. [b]Must be the .44 magnum[/b], though personally I prefer Glocks. [/quote]It'll blow your head clean off. So they asked themselves "Do I feel lucky?" and obviously the answer was no. [quote name='Rebounder' timestamp='1282273523' post='2423889'] Did You Polar really too stupid to read? [/quote]It's so epic that it got its own demotivational poster. [img]http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/0904/did-you-polar-really-too-stupid-to-read-cyber-nations-cybern-demotivational-poster-1239471143.jpg[/img]
  16. Rebbilon's crusade against the ebil ODN. "Where there is fire there is smoke." Man, that Banner was a walking quote-producing machine.
  17. Kill 'em all There are some decent alliances on Brown these days. Like those guys over in Silence, for example.
  18. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1282197364' post='2422773'] I see some 'dress up' in Hoo's future. Poor !@#$%^&. [/quote] Sorry Hoo, but I had a good laugh at this. And I can just imagine Mia trying to dress GK up
  19. Kewl. Blood Brothers are epic awesomeness, and I like Sanitarium's theme, so I can get behind this treaty. o/
  20. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1282194113' post='2422708'] As long as they are not as bloodthirsty as Kait. KaitlinK [/quote] Kait's bloodthirsty? She had me fooled.
  21. [quote name='snibbmaster' timestamp='1282191751' post='2422636'] Disbanded twice [b]if I'm not mistaken[/b]. [/quote]You are. [quote name='Uralica' timestamp='1282182645' post='2422403'] Wikied it, and the first "FIRE" was the Federation of Independent "R" Empires. So technically, this is only the second incarnation, if you go by the [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Federation_of_Imperial_Red_Empires"]full name[/url]. [/quote] Now this:[quote]But that just means this one is ten times better! o/ RoK! o/ FIRE![/quote]Is spot on.
  22. Wikied it, and the first "FIRE" was the Federation of Independent "R" Empires. So technically, this is only the second incarnation, if you go by the [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Federation_of_Imperial_Red_Empires"]full name[/url].
  23. [quote name='RePePe' timestamp='1282181781' post='2422372'] As someone who does graphics myself occasionally, those graphics are sweet. Very crisp. This is a wait-and-see thing, but thus far, I like what I see and I wish FIRE the best of luck. Did I miss who they were protected by? [/quote] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90871"]Athens.[/url] I hope it turns out better this time. I must admit I headdesked when the last incarnation went under. o/ FIRE
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