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Everything posted by Uralica

  1. Za Sibir'! o/ Also, good show, Brookbank.
  2. Welcome to White, R3 and Paragon. And that flag is indeed schmexy. Also NO U. [/insidejoke]
  3. Who were the "winners" between FEAR and TSO?
  4. Only problem I see with the IC religion and ethnicity CBs is that it might result in OOC bigotry rearing its ugly head, something that even the peanut gallery would have trouble curbing if there's enough of it. Then of course one has to take into account that religious and ethnic themed alliances will have a huge bullseye on their back.
  5. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1282875526' post='2432309'] Hey, I'm the longest-standing baron if that counts. Mind you I've switched baronies, but it's still the same rank. [/quote] But you weren't in the announcement! Bah, fuhgeddaboudit.
  6. Meh, I wouldn't be surprised to see myself in a "Worst [i]Player[/i] Ever" competition. Worst alliance currently? I think I've already voiced my opinion on that.
  7. I may not like all of them, and I'm sure some of them don't like me either, but [i]anyone[/i] who says MK lacks stones is kidding themselves. I was on the same side as they were in NoCB, and I held them in incredibly high regard for their fighting spirit. It's a good thing someone said MK was a joke nomination on this thing I'd've had to've slapped whoever nominated them if they were being serious.
  8. There are a lot of good ideas that have been brought up in here, and some I don't necessarily agree with as well, but here's one I will chip in. People should be careful not to misuse colour sanctions. I've seen a tendency for people to just outright sanction upon request regardless of the situation, or to misuse their own sanction. Now for people who go all haphazard nuking people randomly, or people who are constantly acting the bandit (RUKUNU or Freudenschade for example) to alliances' lower ranges are fine to sanction IMO. But when you start sanctioning one-off non-nuke rogues or even ghosts that haven't done anything but ghost, you're on a slippery slope that would inevitably drive people that might otherwise turn out to be productive members out of the game. Also, I definitely agree about trying to make new players feel more welcome. Although with that would have to come some responsibilities to teach them how to post in such a way that they won't make a speedy pariah of themselves by slinging mud at everyone who doesn't go along with their get-popular-quick schemes or excessive butthurt over getting hit for a legitimate reason. And let's be frank here, there are times I wish certain posters in certain threads were gagged, for being far too vitriolic. (This always depends on the thread.) Anyway, that's my two penniä.
  9. If I were NEW, I'd be fuming at that.
  10. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1282850618' post='2431947'] God that would have been so much cooler. [/quote] Except if TOOL won (which they're obviously not going to now ) where would I go? I'm not exactly high-quality free agent material... am I?
  11. greene345's fail roguery on Unity after he created the alliance. Oh, how I love to squish rogues.
  12. Enrage Fail title is fail. Otherwise, congrats Legacy. o/
  13. Good to see a theme chosen that hasn't already been done Also, T-O-P is good people (Yawoo's a'ight too) so this should be good for a decent run. o/ The Station
  14. Godspeed, old friend. And good luck in your endeavours in the Wild Blue Yonder.
  15. This is indeed interesting. But hey, sometimes "The Odd Couple" can make a pretty good pair. Y'never know, do ye? GOONS (Hi nippy. )
  16. Hey, at least the ERA-CCCP War is over. GK publicly taking Andover to task must've worked As for this bloc, I guess I'll take a "cautiously optimistic" approach.
  17. [quote name='PorkPotPie' timestamp='1282582067' post='2427846'] I've been reading the topic and everyone if going by one province per 200k alliance strength, where does it say that? In the OP is says one free province as well as one more per 100k alliance strength. Someone please enlighten me... [/quote] One per 200K was what the initial rate was. Bringer bumped it to one per 100K because a bunch of people pointed out that there were way too many provinces otherwise.
  18. [quote name='der_ko' timestamp='1282519986' post='2427025'] I'd love to see this "contest" done on the OWF, but I seriously doubt the thread would survive for very long before igniting a flamewar. [/quote] Your doubts are well-founded. Most people around here aren't known for their ability to control their e-language. Myself included.
  19. Regardless of who wins this "Worst Alliance Existing" context, no one can possibly top WAEbbilon. Unless that entails an alliance that you can't laugh your derrière off at.
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