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Everything posted by potato

  1. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1327694301' post='2908377'] Ask Leet. [/quote] I'm asking YOU since YOU are the one claiming MK wants to roll RoK.
  2. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1327691419' post='2908360'] I am sure you do. I was just curious about what MK's recent interest in rolling Rok was in spite of their ties to NoR/Mj. VE would certainly jump at the chance if they weren't so wary of your intentions after Mj burns. (Edit for on topic's sake)...the Fark treaty would have been useful if/when this does happen. [/quote] Why would we want to roll RoK though?
  3. [quote name='Jaiar' timestamp='1327690378' post='2908349'] Are you saying Nordreich is so special that you never thought of rolling Rok very recently? [/quote] We think of rolling just about anybody on a daiy basis.
  4. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1327520166' post='2906745'] Sparta wont be able to get revenge on UE for the curbstomp they received at the [s]hands[/s] hooves of the ponies [/quote] If that's any help, we could them for good measure.
  5. Surely, after all that time in your bunker, you should have found your agenda... In any case, happy b'day, old friends.
  6. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1327235036' post='2904702'] I dont get it... [/quote] We noticed.
  7. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327152822' post='2904166'] I'm trying to say he doesn't really care whether or not an alliance leaves PM or not. His actual opinions will be shaped by other factors. edit: nah [/quote] I'm going to guess the edit wasn't very nice so I'll just tell you here and now I'm not trying to start anything with you. After all those years working together, I still have respect for you, even if you're gunning for my alliance. To answer your actual post though, of course, opinions are shaped by several factors. If there was only one reason for it, it would be dumb. But Rush is usually a straight shooter and I don't want to speak for him.
  8. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1327148325' post='2904146'] Considering we had to force NPO out of pm and not even all of their nations and you're de facto MDPed to them, give me a break, and you did the real fighting so TPF didn't have to. xfd edit: It certainly didn't do Polaris any favors with you to cycle their nations outwith maybe like 10 and lose 3/4ths of their NS. [/quote] Am I completely misreading/misunderstanding this or did Rush leave TLR? Because I'm not sure what you're trying to say, Roq.
  9. [quote name='Gloin' timestamp='1327008031' post='2903011'] Yeah Zhaan! Why would you make a new alliance?! Why can't you be like the big alliances in CN who have been here since before CN was created and have never had to make a DoE!? [/quote] Out of all this, you got one word right: "why". And you copied it from my original question. Impressive. You really need to try harder. Or better. But since I have to spell it out for you, and because I'm in a good mood: Why? As in: Why would you recreate an alliance that never did amount to anything in the first place? What makes it different from the first time? What makes you think you won't fail this time?
  10. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1326761606' post='2901212'] That's the point. I am the running joke of the DFA even though I am arguably the biggest supporter and follower. Why would I subject myself to the abuse again? 1st time is bad luck. 2nd time is a coincidence. 3rd time is a pattern. 4th time is a conspiracy. If I come back for a 5th time I am a freakin idiot. [/quote] Raymond Poulidor.
  11. I only have one question: why?
  12. I like you, Brehon. And while we never really worked [i]together[/i], I'm struggling to see what you are trying to achieve here. It may because of the alcohol but anyone who has talked and/or worked with FARK knows they are a pain in the dick/ass/any part of your anatomy you can think of.
  13. Pretty sure that's MK's going rate too.
  14. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1326661156' post='2900191'] You should probably read more often before posting too. [/quote] Love the irony behind this post.
  15. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1326651037' post='2900115'] Except, this AA protecting thing is a relatively new concept. If you're an older player just now coming back, that may seem retarded. [/quote] How is common sense a new concept?
  16. [quote name='Endurance' timestamp='1326154873' post='2896561'] DH is looking for a CB and Anatolian only just realized it. Where's my popcorn? Oh! there it's [/quote] Only two of those you quoted are in DH alliances. And none of them are gov't.
  17. For anyone caring, Legacy - Terran Empire Protection Pact PIAT with NEAT LoA with Order of the Black Rose ODP with TSA ODP with CCC
  18. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1326098442' post='2896227'] Who here can see the obvious problem with this plan? Anyone? [/quote] Is it because it was suggested by SCY?
  19. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1325932590' post='2894706'] MK not nominated for: Best Rookie Alliance, Most Active Alliance, Most Honorable Alliance, Best Alliance Growth, Best War Flag, Alliance Most Likely to Succeed in 2012, Most Controversial Alliance = Joke competition. [/quote] We probably were but OP came up with a $%&@ed up reason to ditch us because we rig the polls or something.
  20. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1325719786' post='2892734'] Well you know potato, when someone gives you aid after a war to help you rebuild and you turn around and attack one of their allies its quite rude. [/quote] I was mocking who ever wrote this announcement. Not what actually happened.
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