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Everything posted by lonewolfe2015

  1. I'm impressed, this is quite a lot of work for one person, good luck gaining membership equal to your dedication level.
  2. I wonder why another former FAR has declared on \m/
  3. [quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1280005102' post='2387674'] Can you blockade other nations in this game?[/quote] Yes, you can't blockade yourself. [quote]How does the blockade effect that nation? [/quote] You lose a percentage of your tax collection for every successful blockade attack, and it cannot be broken without running a blockade breaking attack or collecting taxes. [quote]What is required to set up the blockade? [/quote] Battleships, Frigates, Cruisers, Submarines [quote] Can you set up a blockade without necessarily starting a war, like the trade federation did in star wars? [/quote] No. E: Gah, I've been ghosted!
  4. [quote name='The Boss' timestamp='1280004748' post='2387671'] Really? [/quote] Yes, if you aren't a neutral (aka, will get into a war eventually) then going beyond 14k is really useless and just a bunch of wasted money that will be destroyed in a war rather quickly and provide little to no benefits. Your income does not increase unless you temp trade every single collection, you will only lower your net income (somewhere around 15k depending on your trade circle) increase your declaration range against you by people with higher tech levels and WRCs (which will annihilate you) and your warchest will be worse off than theirs because they didn't spend it on the infrastructure that you did. Most alliances that spend time with their largest nations recommend not passing the 14-15k infra boundary and never again once you've gotten the Universal Health Care wonder. But some alliances forget from time to time that you need nation building advice after you've reached the levels which net you multi-millions and you're just buying tech. Destroying the infrastructure will suck, but if you're in bill lock you need to destroy it down to the level that gets you out, and not buy anymore, focus on getting yourself the proper trade set, more wonders that defend your nation (not that Moon base which costed you a fortune that could have kept you out of bill lock) and technology. Not to mention you need a Manhattan Project, the moment someone knocks you below 75k you can't purchase nukes anymore.
  5. You have too much infra, it's a waste to go beyond the 14k required for the last wonder, and maintaining 14k is a waste after you've gotten it.
  6. [quote name='Lord Panis Rahl' timestamp='1279940007' post='2386891'] The following nation (rubber/water) would like to join Circle #92 5BR +Fish/U. I have also completed the form too. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=145940"]http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=145940[/url] [/quote] That was an Asgaard circle I asked Kirke to tack up and have since removed. Gianny was needed to finish another circle and I edited MasterGeneral's to be something another 3 people fit into with our spreadsheet. We'll try and put your person into the next circle they fit into that one of the coordinators uses. If Umbrella would like to participate in this program you should contact Kirke.
  7. How much of TCU is not from a merger...? Anyways, good luck folk.
  8. [quote name='Philotheos' date='23 July 2010 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1279922520' post='2386607'] I only attack nations in my own alliance. [/quote] Who are you, I think your profile isn't updated?
  9. Weird, just a week or so ago I was wondering what it would be like to go to war with CN Staff, quite the entertaining opponent you have there WAPA II. Looks like you need to call in the calvary against em. A mod staff invasion is in order?
  10. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='22 July 2010 - 01:58 PM' timestamp='1279821486' post='2384588'] Only against you guys But seriously, I don't know how you got that from my words, I'm just saying that raiding alliances are no better than 'rogues' – you both do the same thing, attack people unprovoked. [/quote] The difference I have noticed is that while they may attack unprovoked as a tech raid, they offer peace upon request. Fernando and his bunch intended on attacking without said peace at the moment of attack, an act of aggression holistically different than the intentions of a standard tech raid and synonymous with roguery or a declaration of war.
  11. Asgaard would sell weapons to both sides to fuel the war.
  12. What kind of person has his friends attack an alliance for him and then hides?
  13. This has been attempted before, just make sure you follow through the game rules so you don't get everyone banned. It would be a very good way of demonstrating how human behavior works I think, as cybernations rulers have done the most basic human function when in masses, forming groups, which we demonstrate as alliances. And those alliances have formed blocs to create giant communities.
  14. I got this for you ape, remember? ASG #2 2BR Resources Ruler Aluminum - Cattle - constapatedape Fish - constapatedape Gems - andy50 Gold - MasterGeneral Iron - MasterGeneral Lumber - Marble - Oil - Gianny Uranium - Gianny Water - andy50 Wheat -
  15. [quote name='Tiberius12' date='20 July 2010 - 08:05 AM' timestamp='1279627487' post='2380429'] Doing it wrong again. [/quote] [img]http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/kid_freak_out.gif[/img]
  16. [quote name='Crazy Crazy' date='20 July 2010 - 07:46 AM' timestamp='1279626343' post='2380410'] Bump for a friend. Guys, they are almost to [b]3 million[/b] strength, join them and help push them over the top. [/quote] We'll be back over before long, we have an applicant who would push us over but growing to 3mil takes little time from where we are
  17. I've tried to get a ruling on this in the past as well, hopefully someone official can comment on it.
  18. Aluminum, Cattle, Fish, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Pigs, Spices, Sugar, Uranium, Water, Wheat. Get two of these, and you're set long term. Get Uranium and [i]most[/i] other resources, and you're set.
  19. Alliances do not offer contracts, you offer yourself as a contributing member and player in part of their community. By joining as a small nation and if given assistance to grow in the effect of money, usually a nation is expected to not abandon that alliance for quite some time or after having repaid the alliance's kindness. You do not join an alliance to better your nation but to help better the alliance. While this may defeat your independent ideals from the former thread you posted, it is how alliances survive by not having an individualistic approach to each nation, but for each player to collectively look to improve together. If you think this is something you're able to do, feel free to PM me on these forums and we can talk further, but I'd much rather you understand that and most other alliances would as well.
  20. If you want it to fit your screen's size just take 76% of the dimensions of said picture and that's your size before autoscaling occurs.
  21. [quote name='Vukland' date='19 July 2010 - 08:43 PM' timestamp='1279586604' post='2379580'] Why isn't your alliance stepping up to protect you. I don't understand how an alliance can sit there and do nothing. While their member is getting it handed to them! [/quote] He never did anything else but post it here...
  22. I have you in a black team circle nearly finished that you agreed to join...
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