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Alfred von Tirpitz

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Everything posted by Alfred von Tirpitz

  1. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1320456060' post='2839121'] It doesn't matter who wins between NSO and Legion anymore. MK wins however this turns out. Why VE keeps facilitating this, this makes it three times now, is beyond me. [/quote] That is what crack addiction is, you get hooked, you need to keep licking it to feel normal. Eventually, it gets so bad that any ol' crack will do. Of course, there still is time for rehab for some. If only they wake up in time. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1320456103' post='2839123'] Wow, you guys are all retarded.... Why are you seriously complaining about this? It ends a stupid war and makes NSO and Legion swallow their pride. It isn't a sliperry slope, because two alliances with very unique positions are agreeing on something. This is literally the perfect topic. [/quote] ^ Case in point.
  2. Even if the poll comes out 100% in favor, it is still impossible, as long as GOD itself wishes to continue.
  3. It is good to note that the Pylons, Hogwarts, America's Army and Florida are not on this list. Also, did not TYR merge into someone or the other a while back?
  4. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1320297661' post='2837493'] Where's Van Hoo? Is he still bear cavalry or what? [/quote] He is undergoing the most tiring RL celebrations ever. Also the longest one. I fear he may never be the same again. But no, not riding bears, still swinging the axe.
  5. [quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1320079991' post='2835779'] While i'm terrible with Wiki's Rok has about 8 splinter alliances. ARES, Apocalypse, Epicurean, Mjolnir (not the bloc), RAD, NPL, and a few others i'll have to rack my brain about. edit: didn't see Rok under \m/ [/quote] RAD was not a splinter from RoK. You also missed out a couple from the "go forth and proper period" There was that alliance on yellow that was lead by SMH. At about the same time as Apoc formed. Prior to that there was the move of former ASC dudes to form something that later turned into Athens i think [could be wrong about this one]. Also another splinter which comers to mind was The Corporation, comprised to a large extent of people that left RoK to form it, quiet a few of them were formerly the ole iClean crew, but they did take a load of Rokkers with them.
  6. 11.11.11 is going to be a hectic day, got to attend no less than 5 weddings... drink toasts at them all, got to get to the store and get my Skyrim.. play it. And somewhere in there i have to finish off a report that is due the next day. CN Wise... NSO will keep legion engaged till 11.11.11 so that on the date, a new holiday can be created, akin to Alamo Day. With the roles of the Mexicans being played by the sith and their allies/friends.
  7. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1320160161' post='2836468'] Wow, a wild Anu Drake appears. [/quote] He Cares!!!! I would not mind a MoG[News]
  8. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1320137659' post='2836362'] I'm still failing to see how NSO failing to accept reality officially, the same reality that a few NSO members have accepted privately in this thread is somehow Legion's problem. NSO attacked the Legion. Implying that the Legion should feel threatened because NSO would do anything it could to prolong a conflict that quite easily could have been resolved with quite the generous surrender terms provided them by Legion if not for hubris and bluster is not warranted. The fallacious argument that because it is white peace conditional on admitting reality and is not [i]just[/i] white peace is invalid. No extortion is occurring, no false statements are being forced. Just reality. As Impero mentioned, it's becoming hard to take the NSO seriously as having the best interest of its ally in Tetris in mind, whom have acted quite respectably throughout. [/quote] There is also the teensy weensy possibility of people still wanting the Legion to "Eat !@#$ and Die" for their own reasons either new ones or from a time gone by. There is also a possibility that folks simply do not care and would enter for the sake of a good war, or do not care and will enter if an ally requests aid, regardless f the potential damage to them and their own future plans. What i am saying, is simply that unless there is a formal declared end to the war, all we have is a "current trend as per stats" we do not have a foregone conclusion to the war. To write off anyone at this stage is silly. Keeping this in mind, i believe the NSO and Tetris have all the right in the world to go on fighting and using all the means available to them in order to further their goals and desires. Till such time as we see an actual official end to the war. Most often by the way of a formal document signed by the governments of all those involved in the conflict.
  9. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1320134829' post='2836348'] You're going to have to shed some NS :V [/quote] For you? Anytime! Everytime! OOC [spoiler] PS: Give my regards to that fine crockery you have at home.[/spoiler]/OOC [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1320136462' post='2836354'] We've all been hanging around the same world. I know I'm not the only one to have come to this conclusion. If it were any alliance other than NSO here I would probably be wrong. Since it is NSO....they won't ever cop to what Legion wants here...ever so like I said nowhere to go but down for Legion here. [/quote] I think it is funny how folks have been drinking too much of the PR/karma/"omg what will the people say" brand koolaid to realise that mere verbal barbs on this international discussion forum will not prevent other interested parties from intervening to safeguard the interests of their allies and by extension their own interests. If someone really wants to deter any escalation or intervention, there has to be a credible deterrent in the form of possible warfare, which... needs to be big enough for the others to worry about. Till such time, all is merely hot air and a lot of hoohaa. If RoK or another NSO ally were to make up its mind about entering here, no amount of "OMG PR Debaclezzzz!!!!" is going to prevent them coming n and breaking some !@#$ and getting blown up for the NSO. Strange how NSO is allied to some of the most "dont give a flying $%&@ about stats" kind of people.
  10. Congrats! That cake looks good except for the fact that Shrek came on it. Where the mead at?
  11. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320131630' post='2836338'] Also yea man, rolling Tetris at update. Twice. [/quote] Dibs on one of USMC's slots. You do hand out temporary wartime letters of marque, right?
  12. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1320124698' post='2836300'] I agree NSO could bring in more allies, but if Legion isn't trying to get any reps from NSO, I don't see much point in NSO trying to turn this into a victory using the strength of their allies. All that would prove is NSO has more allies willing to jump into the war for them, but wouldn't say anything about NSO's individual fighting ability if they rely on others to win this for them. NSO fought well, better than anyone else in their coalition. There is no shame in them admitting a loss now that 3/5 alliances in their coalition have already surrendered. [/quote] That would be akin to you not doing tech deals while some alliance or the other was ZI-ing you. You for one should not be telling others to refrain from using all the tools and means at their disposal. i do not see anything wrong with an alliance wishing to use any means necessary [within the bounds of the laws of the realm] to try and ensure victory or stave off defeat. Or to cause as much damage as it can before it finally can not do any more. Or would you rather people stop drop and roll all the time at the first little setback they face? Just to be clear, i am not making a value judgement here on who is wrong or right, or who is beaten or victorious at this point, all i am saying is, to make snide comments like "admit defeat if you bring in allies at this point" like so many here have been making, is nothing but people trying too hard. Sure it may inconvenience you if the war goes on longer, or you may wish to see the NSO be defeated, but hey, step in the ring and take a shot if that is what you want bad enough. If not, sit back, watch as the flames grow larger, bring marshmallows and beer, keep your gun cocked, and chill out. Winter can always wait.
  13. How's it going? Axes sharpened? XD.

  14. Heh, it is funny to see Legionnaires saying stuff like "bend your knee or we will break you on ours". Very amusing. Not that i think you are not entitled to a bit of preening at this time, seeing as how you did gain a lot in this war. I don't see how anyone bringing in allies at whatever stage in a conflict is not allowed anymore? Bring in anyone and everyone you can, all of you. Have a great big bloc party, Burn down the community centre, chant "the roof, the roof.. the roof is on fire" Then at the end, when the booze and the aphrodisiacs wear off, we can take stock and see who needs to surrender.
  15. Congratulations on the treaty [quote name='Laserwolf' timestamp='1320029172' post='2835440'] Congrats to both RoK and OBR! [/quote] No, this is about twinkies, not about mead.
  16. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1319896281' post='2834423'] To me, the offence (and therefore the good CB) occurs when you use subterfuge to get hold of information you shouldn't have access to. Using information that you're still masked for but shouldn't be is low class, but it's not spying per se (though depending on the level of information and the inferred intent of you taking it, it can still be a good CB). Taking information from a private location you have legitimate access to is leaking, not spying, though it will probably get you kicked from your alliance. [/quote] So if someone forgot to revoke person A's authorizations from something like NORAD or SKYNET or [take your pick] and they still had access, then maybe spread some info from there over irc or something, it would be a !@#$%* thing to do but not actual spying?
  17. Infra purchased in war has its place in the strategy book. You just have to know why you are doing it, and what is the trade off. Legion, you have won a big intangible this war, dont go mucking it up. NSO, you are better than this, shake hands and walk away my friends.
  18. o/ Goose and the Spacing Out Dude. o/ CSN, 5 years is not shabby at all. Thanks for being a friend when i needed one. See ya around.
  19. All's well that ends well. Good to see you decided to stick around for a while more.
  20. Hellfire and Brimstone!!!! Ocean of Tears. That is all. For Now.
  21. What a maroon. Also vote for that guy who moved to purple with his alliance mates, that stickman dude.
  22. yay! SoM!!! uhh, hi to the rest of you. I am sure you are good, just dont know you all.
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