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William Blake

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Everything posted by William Blake

  1. [quote name='Teddyyo' timestamp='1327190819' post='2904401'] My god, people, we're not going to turn into Oceania because of this bill -.- [/quote] You might be blindly trusting your government a [i]bit[/i] too much.
  2. William Blake

    Post-War ---- eh?

    He already left MHA.
  3. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1322492574' post='2854834'] this is all you've done for like the past three wars [/quote] Hilarious coming from someone in Umbrella.
  4. In what way? The areas where they are uneven greatly outweigh the few areas where they are somewhat even.
  5. Wow, those are some crappy war chests (along with a couple decent ones).
  6. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1320812473' post='2841997'] What about those of us that want to join NG to get some warring done? You could then relax this restriction, right, let folks join both NG as well as Tan's Gang? It could be a beautiful war [/quote] I think it's ok if you join us as long as we're on the winning side of the war. *fingers crossed*
  7. Nice work Legion. You finished off the side dishes, now remember to clean your plate. edit: also the other 3 alliances should be thoroughly embarrassed by their performances.
  8. lol, settle down, Tyga. Why would I be making excuses for NSO? I was merely clarifying a point, not "air brushing".
  9. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1318635224' post='2825244'] And if I cut the horn off a unicorn it'd be a horse. It is not Legion's fault that IAA and BTA are not fighting to their full capacity so I'm not sure why the statistics for those alliances should be airbrushed out to make things look nicer for NSO and Tetris. [/quote] Never said anything of the sort. I was just trying to help explain to that other guy why RV's comments weren't unreasonable. IAA wasn't ready to fight and clearly had no interest and their entrance was probably a foolish/short-sighted action taken by someone without consulting anyone else in his alliance. Don't know what BTA's story is, must just suck.
  10. [quote name='dev0win' timestamp='1318633675' post='2825222'] Yes you guys are SOOOO [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqoKxlQUYv4ldEJxcnlQaEpaOXlaaXp3ODAwTW4xSGc#gid=0"]disadvantaged[/url]... You have about 25 members that are in an "outmatched" tier but dominate both the top15 and the bottom 190, with an overall average of 88% advantage 1 to 1 ans(see spreadsheet if that doesn't make sense). [color="#DDA0DD"]Legion ANS: 20586.550697479 [/color] [color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 20401.6473346303[/color] [color="#DDA0DD"]Legion Total Membership: 238[/color] [color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 257[/color] [color="#DDA0DD"]Legion Total NS: 4,902,743[/color] [color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 5,350,538[/color] *These are current NS's and Tetris and Co have suffered greater losses than Legion and this disparity was greater at the start of the war in favor of Tetris and Co Tier breakdown(From Tetris and Co Perspective) Average +/- member to member Tetris/Legion _____________________ [color="#00FF00"]Top 15........115.48%[/color] [color="#FFFF00"]16-25..........93.72%[/color] [color="#FF8C00"]26-50..........84.72%[/color] [color="#00FF00"]51-100.........99.29% 101-150.......169.84% 151-200.......190.05% 201-*.........440.36%[/color] Maybe if NSO should start working with these "less than useless" alliances? Of course it's easier to blame failure on someone else rather than step up eh Rebel? [edit]eww sorry for the evil colors... fixing[/edit] [/quote] The problem with just looking at the Coalition numbers against Legion is that you are counting IAA and BTA's numbers as if they were fighting. Those guys have about 12% of their potential max NS currently at war (meaning instead of IAA's 1.6 mil NS, they only have 176k fighting, for BTA it's like 80k out of 500k). Their numbers are simply serving to inflate the Tetris coalition's totals without actually contributing hardly anything tangible to the fight. If you took out those two alliances, the Tetris Coalition actually has much worse numbers than Legion in probably every category still (ANS, total NS, total nations, nukes, etc). edit: punctuation
  11. Nice work, Polar. Nice to see that title associated with something good for once. Obligatory, lolGATO.
  12. Who was the guy that used to do the retard's history of CN or whatever that was? This is better than that. Keep up the good work.
  13. To be fair, you just mean this current "boo Xiph" campaign. People have had plenty of reasons to want to roll him for as long as the 4 years I've been playing.
  14. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1318254693' post='2822171'] So, a bunch of idiots (assessment based on level of discourse in logs) invite you into their war coalition channel, give you SOP, then accuse you of spying? I remember when the sinister setup plans were really sinister and planned. [/quote] Come on now, these kids are doing the best they can, you'll have to be more patient with them.
  15. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1318113948' post='2821126'] They now have good alliances protecting them. [/quote] Glad they finally got that protectorate hammered out then, I'm sure their new protectors will be able to help them finally turn their alliance around (succeeding where NPO failed all those years ago).
  16. GATO sure does a lot of !@#$ talking these days, where does their bravado come from?
  17. Any way you can add number of wars on that list too?
  18. Getting pathetic, guys. I guess Legion isn't as !@#$%* as you all were saying before the war.
  19. [quote name='Turin' timestamp='1317761780' post='2816382'] Really, I wouldnt this to the VE-NpO war since that one involved proof of y'know, actual spying. (I.E. logs and names, including that of the spy). [/quote] I'm confused, did you mean to say that this one was the one that actually involved spying, rather than the Ve-Polar one? Looks like you mixed them up.
  20. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1317690281' post='2815191'] Kick some Legion ass Tetris o/ [/quote] I'm sure they will, and by "they" of course I mean all the alliances they bring in to bail them out. Pathetic as always, tetris.
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