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Blog Comments posted by Moridin

  1. I'm reasonably sure more effort goes into decrying "moralism" than has ever gone into perpetuating it. No significant political or military action in this game has been made for overtly moral reasons for almost a year and a half. I'm not sure what the purpose is of lamenting something that as far as I can tell has a negligible effect on the game.

  2. not really. If everyone leaves GOD to handle UPN and allies on their own then GOD wont be able to force them to disband because they aren't strong enough to do it on their own.

    That would require more than just iFOK leaving. While iFOK is not directly allied to GOD, R&R is, and I suspect they might have a few qualms with leaving GOD in the war.

  3. NPO, NpO and NSO clearly have nothing in common.

    That's not true. We have similar names and were founded by the same person. All three alliances have in the past had treaties with one another - and NSO and NPO still do. However, when discussing current outlooks and relationships, there's really not much there in common between Polar and the other two.

    Anyway, are you excited as I am about AMoL coming out this fall?

    Naturally. Given the continuous progression in the quality of the books since Crossroads of Twilight, I have little doubt that AMoL will be amazing.

  4. Moridin, I think that you misunderstand the intention behind the use of this label.

    We all wish that NpO still acted in unison with the NPO. Both alliances were much much much better when they were together. Apart, both seem aimless and small minded.

    Perhaps Ivan can reunite them for Christmas next year and bring back the real Orders?

    While it warms my heart to see you're able to take any subject under the sun and still make a jab at people you don't like, I doubt that people use the term "Orders" because they wish the NPO and NpO were united, rather than falsely believing that we are. It makes zero sense to use a label while simultaneously acknowledging it is not a valid one.

  5. Did your emperor tell you you could say that? Admin forbid you have an independent thought.

    The groupthink and obvious prostration you guys display is just disgusting. I can understand groveling on your own forums, but your ambassadors seem to think they have to grovel in their embassies abroad, too. It's disgusting.

    I'll respond to this as soon as I get my reply approved by the Ministry of Truth.

  6. Personally, I use the term "Order" to mean any and all of the N_Os (Pacific, Polar, and Sith). To me, the word order in the "Order" sense means a certain kind of alliance with a certain (negative) connotation; specifically a totalitarian dictatorship headed by an emperor and populated by mindless drones and sycophants who live only to serve their emperor. As for what the Orders as alliances actually do, in my experience, Orders have no allies, only tools and patsies that they use to advance their own positions at the expense of everyone and everything else.

    So yes, I think grouping the three of you together is fair. You're all the same.

    How dare you insult us! The Emperor, may His Divine Holiness live forever, shall strike you down with his tremendous wrath!

    Stop pluralizing GOON while you're at it. It's GOONS, not GOONs.

    I agree with this one too. I've always found "GOONs" a very bizarre misuse of the acronym.

  7. Eh, that's not exactly what we're saying. It's more a mix of that and the other way around. NPO and certain allies are willing to sacrifice you to save themselves and you're more or less complicit in the plan, since them entering wouldn't help you and them not entering buys you a potential friend of convenience down the road. It's not really them you're trying to save, it's the hope of a future victory.

    Archon said the NPO was "The alliance they [Polar and allies] shield, the alliance they cling to, and the alliance to which they entrust their safety and prosperity". If all he was trying to say was that it was possible that at some future date we might be friends, then it was a gross exaggeration.

  8. You may not be at the level of relationship you had in the OoO, but to me at least, the creations of Moldavi are the collective Orders; just because you don't act as one does not remove the shared history.

    I agree that shared history has not been removed, and if you are referring to historical events in which NpO and NPO acted in unison, it's a valid term to use. However, I've seen many instances in this war - and I can cite them if you disagree - of people using the term "Orders" when describing what they suppose are the joint views, behavior, or goals of NPO and NpO. While there's nothing intrinsically wrong with using the word "Orders", in just about every instance I've seen it used, it's been used in such a way as to imply some current form of unity between NPO and NpO, which is something that simply does not exist.

    Saying that the two alliances "may not be at the level of relationship" as during the Ordinance is one of the larger understatements I've seen recently. It's not so much that the relationship isn't quite there yet, it's more that the relationship is nonexistent.

  9. Hail the world freakin' police, Polaris

    Shouldnt you be off saving the world from evil tech raiders like \m/

    Your illuminating comments continue to set new standards for thoughtfulness and maturity.

    At any rate, I wasn't aware that it had sudden become unacceptable for an ally to help another ally. I seem to remember GOONS' allies invoking this very sentiment no more than a few weeks ago.

  10. While you might think IRC requiring something more than a pulse to access would set it above the forums, it often does not. The ease of access for the forums is outweighed by the more formal atmosphere, as opposed to IRC which in almost every instance is highly informal without much care or thought put into messages. IRC can vary heavily depending on the channel and people therein. Some channels are so saturated with immaturity and spam that they'd rank well below anything else you listed; others might remain comparable to, say, Alliance Announcements.

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