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Everything posted by iamthey

  1. thanks for clearing that up
  2. Congrats int. GL to the remainder of CnG. Fear the pink elephant.
  3. So long MK, bob is without a doubt impoverished by your loss. There are few alliances if any, that can match you for cultural dynamism and a willingness to always push the envelope. No matter what people thought of you, they could never say you didn't being something novel and interesting to the world.
  4. Austria notes the occurrence of the ceremony, and commends the bravery of the Athenian armed forces.
  5. "We have taken the liberty of preparing a first draft."
  6. Your pink elephants are confusing me auctor stop, please.
  7. How about you explain to us what exactly you think this is? It is clear you, we, and everyone else have a subtly different understandings of what has taken place.
  8. Enjoy retirement to those departing, and gl to those taking their place.
  9. The following dispatch was directed to the Argentine Foreign Office.
  10. Torn is king of the - valhalla? Good luck to everyone, definitely a significant passing.
  11. I never really expected polar to ever sign up with a bloc of any composition ever again, but hey it has been awhile. Good luck to everyone. living the dream~
  12. Schröder proceeded through the proper forms observing the relevant etiquette of the athenian court before proceeding to the business at hand, giving a nod to his Foreign minister. With no delay, Velimir of Metternich began, "Your grace, Austria was both honored and humbled by your invitation. With the fall of Germania, and the rise of a new Europe it seems most appropriate that the two of us might be natural partners in shaping the character of Europe's future. We have come to discuss both the future of our own people and how the two of us might cooperate on the greater project of the continent." Alexander continued, "Yes it seems apparent that there is great policy overlap between our two nations. To this end we would be quite interested in both formalizing relations, and opening up channels of trade and intercourse- if not effecting an explicit agreement to collaborate on matters of defense."
  13. I feel relevant. Obligatory: no member below the rank of stratephor may post here, reasons have been convey privately.
  14. Haha, really funny guys; because we're friends haha- right guys- right? :|
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