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Everything posted by Orkules

  1. You have taken the name of a copycat alliance that was formed from people who betrayed their friends and fled the battle. How do you think they should feel?
  2. If you don't want this to be the same TF you don't call it TF. The name has negative connotations attached to it (just like \m/, LUE, and the like have for some people). Either change the name or you're asking for whatever you get.
  3. Captain Floop: You're a pretty cool chick, I'm enjoying our little fight. Keep it up, I've enjoyed talking to you and you've got more fight in you than my other opponent. Ducky: Well you won't buy military anymore but your messages are pretty amusing I must say. Come out to play my friend, I miss your soldiers in my territory.
  4. How exactly can you support your alliance from peace mode? Like seriously? You can't send aid. So that leaves moral support. "Shouting go team go!" from peace mode while crying that the war is not right really won't get you far. Honestly, I'd be more pissed off at a member who went into peace mode and started talking about how much he disagrees with the path we're taking. If he's going to to stay with us and fix us from the inside he needs to be willing to do what we need him to do. If he's not willing to fight, then he needs to go and surrender. Maybe we'll let him back in when the war ends if we believe his view point is justified. He really can't have it both ways. If Legion has the policy that you can go into peace mode when you disagree with the war and there are no negative consequences, I feel for the chaos that could easily ensue. I don't like surrenders. TDSM8 never had a member surrender during wartime. However, we were also a much smaller alliance that kept it's general members highly informed on what was coming and the details as to why. Those are both things I very much doubt can be said about the NPO. When we knew we were going into the slaughter that was the BAPS War we gave everyone almost a full week to decide if they would march with us or not, and the details to make an informed decision. We did similar things before the NoCB War. Nobody left, but the option was open. Obviously I understand such forwarning is not always possible and that it becomes even harder in an alliance the size of NPO. However, I do think they keep their members far too in the dark to not expect things like this to come and to try and compensate for it by threatening members really only makes the situation worse. In this case I will support the surrendering member. However, in some cases I will not. There is almost nothing in life that I don't try to approach with an open mind and I always try to see both sides (Yes I know I fail at it a lot but at least I put forth the effort, which is more than I can say for many people here *OOC* or in the real world *OOC*).
  5. I do think Legion did the best it could with the situation it had at hand. This is not discussing the reason for the war (I honestly can't remember the details, I believe it was during one of my periods of relative inactivity and not giving a crap) or how I feel about you becoming one of NPO's loyal allies afterwards, they honestly have nothing to do with Legion's surrender. Legion had turmoil in government and membership, a terrible collapse of PR due to the disbandment thing (if I remember correctly anyway), and was getting the living hell beat out of them. I cannot blame them for jumping on the chance to surrender even if the terms were terrible (again, that is based off of memory, they might not have actually been that bad and I could be thinking of somebody else's terms). However, a lot of alliances were not given your opportunity. FAN has not been for example. Other's do exist. Just the same there are those that when given such terms would rather disband than force their members to live in chains (from their point of view and honestly I agree with them). My own, beloved TDSM8 died of the surrender terms we had no hope of realisticly completing. They slowly starved us and drove us to inactivity as we lacked the ability to finish the terms and thus the ability to continue truly growing as an alliance.
  6. In this game it's as close as it gets. It obliterates communities and drives out players. Yes an alliance can't be destroyed unless it's members let it (see FAN and Vox, probably the only really good examples I can think of). However, NPO will do everything in it's power to make staying alive so impossibly hellish that only the fanatic would try to stay under those circumstances (You know you are FAN and Vox!). They will do all that they can to destroy the community. Once the alliance is dead, the members drift apart and many quit. That's pretty much the worst thing you can do in this game and it seems to be their favorite tactic.
  7. You know this made me laugh so hard, the coke I'm drinking shot out my nose. Not a fun experience let me tell you! It's rather sad that you find it a negative trait that he has his own beliefs about what's going on and how things work. I mean, must really disappoint you to see someone with individual thought. For those of you crying disloyalty...pointing a machine gun at the back of somebody's head and telling them to charge is not the best way to ensure loyalty. Take a look at how many Russian Commissars died mysterious deaths in World War II and think about it. You might understand what I'm trying to show ya.
  8. Haven't you paid attention to anything she's done? Reyne IS OG. Well she's convinced she is anyway.
  9. If you're not going to surrender please rebuy your military and actually fight back. I'm so bored.
  10. Yeah, we're curious how many times we can attack you before your alliance becomes a black hole and destroys the world. Call it a science experiment.
  11. Welcome to the brawl. Please leave your coats and hats at the door and remember, no biting. Now, let's get to it.
  12. It's good to see someone stand up so thoroughly for our friend and ally. Good luck my friends, I'll see you out on the battlefield. *trudges back to his tank*
  13. They should have relied on NPO like GGA did. After all, NPO can move billions.
  14. This just made an already epic thread even greater. Congratulations my good man.
  15. So TPF is fighting for it's life and likely barely able to keep aid flowing between it's own members and your pissed you're not getting any. That's pathetic. They're probably doing all they can just to keep fighting as well as they have without having to worry about making up for their protectorate's lack of ability to effectively prepare for a war or to actually pay attention to anything that is happening on the board. If you couldn't see how bad things were going to be then frankly you're an idiot. You mean like the rather coup like activity of signing things in his name without consulting him or the other Trium. Shut the $%&@ up and stop trying to justify yourself you spineless little prick. Mogar is no friend but just because you suspected he was leaving gave you no right to break the rules of your alliance to get what you thought was best. And that doesn't even consider that you did not consult the other trium.
  16. Not the most strategic decision but I'm sure your allies will be happy. As will NSO I'm sure. See you on the battlefield.
  17. 64Digits I fought against you a number of times in TDSM8 and every time was an honor and a pleasure. You are class A cats and fun to fight. You also have big balls, and we liked big balls. So good luck lads, keep up the good fight and if I see you out there on the battlefield I'll toss you a salute. To IRAN, that's low. $%&@ off.
  18. You know, when you start bragging about that kind of thing it becomes far less impressive.
  19. To be fair, I think Mogar chose to withdraw to continue fighting, he wasn't forced out. However, I agree the move was rather !@#$%* and dumb, not consulting him and then signing his name.
  20. But Feanor...they did it BECAUSE they respect you so much!
  21. Feanor have I ever told you how much I still love you bro?
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