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Everything posted by Orkules

  1. Actually I do believe you quoted somebody saying that it was in fact the same/similar to what the guys we're against have done because we in fact have rarely disagreed with this part of the surrender process. But yes, though the terms are good and such, they are more or less the usual business.
  2. These are about letting those nations who don't want to/can't continue fighting get out of this war. The important targets won't take them, probably why they're important. Personally I think anyone who takes these terms without being expressly ordered by a commander is not the kind of member you want anyway. They have no dedication. This is quite simply to save those guys who just coast along and don't care much from having their nation destroyed for a cause they care nothing about. Everyone has done that since...ever.
  3. How does letting a few individual nations surrender and stop fighting kill an alliance?
  4. Also, to the guy who said we look like we want destroy nations or players. No we don't. We may greatly dislike players (some hate yes) and we may want to see some stuck up pricks humbled...but we don't want them gone. At the very least I run out of people to hate then!
  5. Dunno about them but if it wasn't I'd be pissed! I came lookin for a fight, not a bloody massacre!
  6. I'm not in BAPS and am curious as to what the lesson is. Tell me!
  7. Personally I enjoy watching both sides burn. The fires in my city let me read without turning on the lights. GO GREEN BABY!
  8. I do believe he refers to who your treaty partner is. But, to be fair I am glad that you are honoring your treaty, no matter what I think of said treaty.
  9. Welcome to the other side. Sad to see.
  10. Lines drawn, sad to see, let the nukes rain, etc.
  11. The way I see it Vox Populi was never about the leaders. It was about the people. Having leaders want to bring down NPO is one thing. Having the masses desire it too is another.
  12. It feels good to fight at your side once more Vox Populi. This time we shall know victory. When Hell burns around you...Bring the rain.
  13. White Peace, LIKE A BOSS Congrats Rok.
  14. *Armies of IRON charge at ROK* *Fark and Gremlins launch air strike and wipe out army* Nice.
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