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Everything posted by Orkules

  1. Ya know I hope it's a trap. Even if it's a pretty terrible one given how many of us keep expectin it.
  2. That's what I get for not reading every post >_< I saw the orange in your sig and assumed you were in IRON and didn't read anything else cause I'm an evil troll =(
  3. Well your actions today haven't done much to dispell this belief.
  4. You know...after all the years I've played...I've never been more disgusted in my life.
  5. Funny how you all do it the exact day the war goes south and were all vehemently defending NPO before that and welcoming a war. Yeah I believe it.
  6. Hey remember when Valhalla and TPF and the OPP and their friends rolled BAPS and TDSM8 was treatied to them? Do you remember what the 17 of us did? We fought. TDSM8: More balls than Valhalla, IRON, GGA, TPF, and OG put together.
  7. So much for all your honor. Good to know how much you value your friendships.
  8. It's easy ot have guts when there's a million other nameless zombies running next to you.
  9. mhawk, you may not like me and I certainly don't like you but good luck wherever you go. I need me a nemesis somewhere!
  10. Good luck guys. Hope you get peace, been fun watching you guys run circles around em. Also Doitzel, herd youz liekd one of my posts once
  11. <3 MercyFallout How you been bro?
  12. WATCH OUT! THEY CAN MOVE BILLIONS TO STOP US! Play like you got a pair boys.
  13. Good times amirite? Not that it would matter. There's a difference between a war continuing during negociations if no ceasefire has been declared and started a war while claiming your trying to solve the issue. Especially when you start trying to use the negociations, again without a ceasefire to stop the war, as a cover to retreat hoping we won't notice.
  14. Funny how quickly your tune suddenly changed. I get the feeling somebody's about to duck out.
  15. Yeah, NPO done $%&@ed up. Well it's too late to go back now boys. Valhalla, come out to play.
  16. Thank you kind sir. The award ceremony will be soon.
  17. Damn admin. He pulls all kinds of silly games!
  18. It's also funny to see how little you care about your friends.
  19. I sense great &#33;@#&#036;%^ry and do not approve :colbert:
  20. This thread just gave me a massive bulge in my pants. This day just keeps getting better.
  21. Wasn't your problem with seth that he accepted them period? Oh wait, he's not NPO so it's evil.
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