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Everything posted by Orkules

  1. GOONS is now a labradoodle...my god...I hate you so much right now I can't even...god dammit...
  2. This man is wise, unlike you.
  3. Well at least you admit to belonging to NPO.
  4. Maybe NpO has, but NPO has not. And they killed you just as surely as NpO did. Perhaps their actions were worse. At least Polar was open about destroying you. Pacifica still seems to think they can claim they never went against you. !@#$%^&*. Also everytime you post I want to nuke your whole alliance. Seriously, your post style is absolute !@#$.
  5. Make the acronym not match and we MAY forgive your insult. Or cancel on NPO. Otherwise, your just a bunch of pansy-$@! pretenders.
  6. Wasn't VE at war with them too or is my memory off?
  7. Well lets see...you allied to the guys that killed you...your terrible...your not as cool as your old ally...and your posting style pisses me the $%&@ off. Oh and you came from the !@#$@#$ moon. Yeah you pretty much suck.
  8. You know I actually laughed and thne died a bit inside at that second bit. Don't even try to pretend you did nothing to them.
  9. No kidding bro. I'm rather pissed because of this.
  10. Yeah somehow I find myself underwhelmed and surprisingly unimpressed by this rather lackluster attempt. Good luck I guess. Or some !@#$%^&* that I don't really mean.
  11. We shall counter with a George Lucas. Check and mate.
  12. Brilliant strategy was brilliant.
  13. I love how our side is the "Pit vipers" side. More like zombie horde of Trashcat.
  14. We'd have to literally annihilate every nation in every alliance that fights to make rogues a remote threat to...well pretty much anyone. It's simply foolish to think that this will somehow make rogues and unaligned a threat to pretty much any alliance.
  15. I wasn't complaining about the infra loss. I lost them all in honest to god wars and fights. The only thing close to playground bullying might have been BAPS (can't remember what caused that, too long ago) or the Coalition War both simply because of how horribly uneven they were. But I always had fun. So no complaints. When they tell you they'll personally see you isolated if you treaty an alliance, that's more than normal political pressure. Sorry for not clarifying exactly what I meant before.
  16. They can make me think twice about who I treaty if it's somebody they don't like or somebody they think could somehow threaten me as I may fear that I could be caught up in their "crusade for justice" against them. Now personally I don't care, my nation has been wrecked a number of times and even wiped from the planet on one occassion before. Nothing new or frightening there, it can be rebuilt. Some though, won't ally with friends for fear that it will make NPO notice them and put them on their list as well. Or some such radical, crazy belief that is likely just as insane as your mindless devotion. However, you are right. They don't screw with my infra purchases. I concede the point. Though they have destroyed my precious infras many times but that just made it cheaper and easy to buy so no worries.
  17. Beneficial? How is NPO beneficial to me? They don't protect me. They never have. They have actively opposed almost every alliance I have been in, some of them simply because they once had friends who didn't like Pacifica. Not to mention I don't wish a regime, or control. I just don't want somebody to dominate every aspect of how I play this game.
  18. It's already here. It lives in a trashcan and is not amused.
  19. The great warriors of ancient times are returning to fight the final battle. God we are all $%&@ed.
  20. Holy $%&@ it's mpol. We are so screwed.
  21. Of course they do remained tied to one "side" of this war though I guess you could ignore that... EDIT: Sleepy makes me no type well.
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