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Everything posted by Orkules

  1. Yeah, NPO's actions tonight really show how confident they are in their "certain victory."
  2. But the pyschedelics make the forums glow with pretty colors!
  3. You really don't read the forums much do you? Also, trickery only gets so many to follow you...real problems gets a hell of a lot more. And we've got a hell of a lot of people.
  4. Did you inform OV that negociations were over? Did you tell them that Moo pinging out somehow equalled him condemning their alliance? Did you tell them that even though bigwoody was negociating it didn't matter? If no to ANY of those questions, you $%&@ed up.
  5. They're going to regret a lot about the last few hours. Actually given the stunt with TORN I think they already are.
  6. It's mostly the attacking while in the middle of promising negociations. But the not officially declaring war until 30 minutes later is just icing on our cake.
  7. Yeah, they've done it more than once tonight.
  8. At least now they're only trying to excuse being late...
  9. Shhhh...you'll spoil the perfect trap he's laid out!
  10. We didn't believe it the first hundred times, this one was no different. The next won't be either. Seriously, just shut up or admit it. You have $%&@ed up.
  11. True...but grudges are just so damn fun!
  12. You have spoken my exact thoughts. This was...a terrible terrible move.
  14. My god...so obvious now. That's why you called off the negociations before you attacked them! Clearly you weren't just upset that things were being resolved without your beloved violence and curbstomp.
  15. Delay what? OV's mass assault on NPO? Oh dear god no. And if it were true you should have called them off first.
  16. Karma...it's a !@#$%*. When you make a bad, idiotic move like this one it comes to bite you in the $@!. Your actions were dishonorable and insulting and you will suffer the consequences of that.
  17. God I love you guys. That's what you get for being a complete son of a !@#$%*.
  18. Took your sweet time eh? Well I guess late is better than never...not by much though.
  19. Yeah yeah yeah. Saw those "negotations" if you can call them that instead of mindless interrogations and I am unimpressed. See you soon lads.
  20. Given SA's view of this game I find it highly, highly unlikely.
  21. The death of old GOONS was the fault of your new protectors.
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