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Everything posted by Bernkastel

  1. I don't know who these TCB guys are (they seem pretty cool) but congrats to both parties. <3 Edit:hail doge and future doge of Hoo.
  2. Congrats and good luck. Looks like an exciting new adventure. :)
  3. I knew I should have surrendered yesterday. I have a reputation to uphold. I'm such a disappointment. :( Anyways, it was a blast. Everything Bern'd pretty well I'd say.
  4. Welcome to the fray this fine day, STA. There's plenty of slots to go around. :v:
  5. Enjoy yourselves TIR. More micro drama woo. :popcorn:
  6. Very admirable. Have fun and enjoy the wealth of targets to bern down. :)
  7. I'm sorry I'm a disappointment so far. Also Lysergide, honey bun, I love you too. >:3
  8. It entertains me immensely. There's a line for that. Not sure if or when it will end. Xfd
  9. I am totally going to remember this post when I totally don't. I'd rather burn in an actual war than some dumb micro dramas. Not enough excitement or thrill in those.
  10. I've been waiting months for this. I am not disappointed. Everything. Must. Bern. #FeelTheBern
  11. Anything to get out of an abusive relationship, baby cakes. Nice to see you can't keep your end about mutually ignoring each other.
  12. This is a surprisingly entertaining endeavor and everyone should partake. And feel the bern. Because bern, baby, bern.
  13. Congrats on the peace, MI. You have earned every bit of it. Good luck with rebuilding. :)
  14. Fortunately many more business opportunities will come to our corporation. We will perfect our standard operating procedure. If people value their livelihoods that is. :v:
  15. This is an investment that is paying off for me. Anyone who is missing out on this financial opportunity is a fool. Invest and join us today. Or not. Fool. :v: * This is an actual customer testimonial.
  16. I knew about this months ago. :v: Hopefully my rather quirky personality doesn't run them off. ._. 2quirky4u
  17. I, for one, am truly excited over this prospect. I can't wait to be wall of nonsense'd to death.
  18. We should have left you to rot after your stupid baiting for war anywhere you could. I've been in the constant micro drama road and I didn't like it. I was one of the few people absolutely and totally opposed to maintaining a relationship with you. Everyone else had high hopes you'd get your act together. I didn't. I just wanted you gone, peace preferred, from our little circle of friends. Kashmir has been nothing but patient with your actions and your constant drama llamas. They've spent so much time, effort and money and it's all gone to complete waste. I'm also going to state for the record that I thought you were in the wrong and I gladly gave aid to TSO. You have been nothing but a constant traffic cone in our rear. I, for one, am not shocked at all where we are at now.
  19. Well, this is going about how I expected it would. Time to become a crater, MI. :v:
  20. Congratulations to both DK and Atlas on this truly wonderful occasion!
  21. Become king of the peasants, they will accept you and you shall have a cult following. You will be more powerful than ever. :v:
  22. Oh, this looks like a lot of fun. Can't wait to see how this one plays out. :v: Have fun to all involved.
  23. The only cutie I see here is me. ;) Also, this is a good announcement. I expect much from our new-ish government.
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