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Everything posted by bakamitai

  1. This is an amazing shame. I hope you all land somewhere safe.
  2. [quote name='Diabloz' timestamp='1322003996' post='2849317'] tlr; TR merges into NG [/quote] I'm sure if TLR merged into NG I'd have heard about it by now.
  3. [quote name='Crazyman93' timestamp='1321946888' post='2848852'] [b]CSN has more honor than any alliance with "New" and "Order" in their name.[/b] And we don't make crap up about what we've done, unlike some clown with some Darth Vader parody in their avatar. [/quote] I must protest. While we have made mistakes in the past, we have learned our lessons and we have been making an honest go at doing right by both allies and former enemies alike these past 2.5 years. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1321965126' post='2848937'] RV sees Athens' six months, and raises them two years. [/quote] Well played, sir. Well played. [quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1321997309' post='2849254'] Words [/quote] Thank you for assisting us in our time of need. But if you choose to fly our colors, be aware that the conquest may not have been yours after all.
  4. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1321939551' post='2848587'] You guys truly deserve each other. [/quote] Damn, beat me to it.
  5. In before lockout. Or after. o/ SOS, we hardly knew ye.
  6. [quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1321368710' post='2845052'] who won the tech race? is it over yet? [b]when are you rolling NPO next?[/b] Why is your govt all pro-MK where's the diversity? Whos this Archon fellow, wheres the neverender when you need him? [/quote] The ODP we share expires in 5... 4... 3...
  7. This announcement is full of win and amazing. Cheers R&R!
  8. This is terrible because Kait is awesome. Good luck Rampage.
  9. I'd like to congratulate VE and MK for presenting themselves this wonderful opportunity to see what life is like when everyone wants / expects you to fix every little thing. Edit: words
  10. I disapprove of this announcement. No more disbandments!
  11. Well this sucks. Another alliance falls to inactivity. Good luck in Avalanche.
  12. Great read. I detected a hint of respondeat superior in the Latin lesson.
  13. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1320297351' post='2837491'] If you would like to keep your embassy open, please post in it within the next five days. If not, your embassy will be deleted, and the respective diplomat will be [b]unmasked[/b]. [/quote] Finally, we will know who those diplomats really were behind those masks!
  14. Down with democracy! Long live autocratic authoritarianism!
  15. Ron in high gov, squick. At least you've got him locked up in IA. Congrats to everyone else (except aboooe )
  16. I support female heads of government, so I support this thread.
  17. Gopher is MoFA? Oh good, now I know who to bug when I want to terrorize some multi-colored people.
  18. This election is a sham and everyone elected is terrible. This needs more Chris_Kaos. Anyway, o/ Spanish cats! (especially Kevlar and ajluke)
  19. Very sad to see this, IAA has been a long-time stalwart. Although if Rush is right, it can't be all bad. Take good care of them, GATO.
  20. Good luck in your new relationship. Make sure to buy chocolate on Valentine's Day.
  21. And another alliance bites the dust, with more on the way. I do not approve of this thread.
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