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Everything posted by bakamitai

  1. This announcement is terrible, and you should feel terrible for posting it. Lol, j/k. Great job as always.
  2. What's this I hear about NAAC spying on us? Brb, grabbing GATO and Legion...
  3. Don't you know that you never pay reps to GOONS? It's got to be the oldest unwritten rule in the world. Also, hi Sardonic. Well played
  4. [quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1334452797' post='2953500'] I didn't dump any logs and yes they never threatened to cancel. [/quote] Looking back, I see it was actually President Gunn who posted the logs, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110331&view=findpost&p=2952933"]here[/url]. I thought of your name because he was quoting you. My mistake, I apologize.
  5. [quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1334388191' post='2952923'] We'll see how the bird spreads its wings, i suppose. Best of luck to both parties. [/quote] This basically sums up my view. Invicta has been in our shadow for far too long. They deserve some time in the sun, and I hope that they get it. [quote name='NoMercy' timestamp='1334388212' post='2952924'] Body Republic copy/pastes NPO standard answers, probably right from Brehons pen. Please enlighten us with something more valuable. [/quote] As hard as this may be for you to believe, the BR does not speak with one voice. Ours is an alliance of many opinions. However, we act as one, and the BR is largely saddened by but supportive of this move. The general consensus among the BR is that we shouldn't troll this thread out of respect to our long, shared, and largely happy history together. I agree with their wisdom 100%. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334389247' post='2952944'] So how many wars have Invicta fought for you guys and how many have NPO fought for Invicta due to this treaty? Seems this treaty served NPO well in the past, but I suppose with the new allies you guys are going for its best to get rid of the old. [/quote] Each alliance must operate in its own best interests. That is the purpose of forming an alliance in the first place. For a long time, our interests were aligned with Invicta; now they are not. This is simple to understand. In spite of this cancellation, I am grateful for the good times we had together, and I wish them well. In response to the speculation on our FA direction and our motivations for this: we did not cancel because of the CSN treaty, we canceled because our paths have diverged. The CSN treaty is only an obvious indicator of what has been a long-running trend. We held onto the Invicta treaty as long as we did out of respect for our shared past, and a hope that our paths would once again converge. Unfortunately, it appears clear that we won't be walking the same path for awhile. [quote name='NoMercy' timestamp='1334390450' post='2952976'] 1. Well traditionally the BR has very little say in the business. I am not sure if the information policy in NPO has changed, I doubt it. So yes, there is the danger they have never stopped giving you one-sided information. You guys all know that better than me, you are invited to correct me. However the posts I quoted strongly suggest that I am right. 2. The threatening includes threatening to cancel the treaty. I assume it was very important for Invicta (judging their reactions). You are free to disagree with them, but my point stands. After what they have done for Pacifica, it needs more than a few disagreements to justify a cancellation. If the will to cancel was mutual, you could have made a joint statement. If your disagreements were unfixable, I am sure Invicta would have agreed to that. The way this announcement was posted simply doesn't reflect that you guys are actually deep in their guilt. [/quote] 1. The BR does not make leadership decisions, the leaders do. This is no surprise, it's how most alliances work. We keep the BR informed as to what's going on with regular reports. 2. We did not threaten to cancel on Invicta if they signed with CSN, as you can see from the logs Thrash has already dumped in this thread. [quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1334407658' post='2953093'] Didn't think this was getting posted yet. Silly me. [/quote] We would have preferred to make a joint statement, but somehow word that we wanted to discuss a cancellation got leaked to someone other than NPO and Invicta gov. This forced our hand, because we knew we could no longer discuss anything privately (including whether the treaty could be salvaged). I know for a fact that Brehon was waiting to talk with you about just that when we got word that members of other alliances had been told of the impending cancellation. I would invite you to ask the other members of your gov how word got out, but I suspect you already know. In any event, the treaty will be canceled, and I think it's in the best interests of both our alliances. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1334406317' post='2953091'] Going by what I have been told by both pacificans and invictans in regards to the sorry state of communications and the actual relationship between these two former friends and allies...all I have to say is that both parties are better off. [/quote] [quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1334413558' post='2953126'] This is expected/10 I have no idea why people are so up in arms about it. Both NPO and Invicta have been moving in different directions since DH-NPO [/quote] [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1334416432' post='2953149'] The mobs will always disregarded the several factors that go into a decision like this decision--and there were plenty--in order to create their own easily-digestible narrative however false or off-path it may get; however, in respect to all the reasons, I for one applaud and laud Pacifica's decision to conduct its [b]own affairs[/b] in its [b]own interests![/b] [snapback]2302971[/snapback] As regards Invicta, you deserve respect and admiration for the crap you have slogged through for so long by positioning yourself in NPO's wake. You've been a fast and loyal ally and good friends in darkest times. You deserve credit for talking to NPO about your latest FA move(s) before ink hit paper, and considering NPO's opinion and stake in the moves you make. In the end, whatever brought you to this point, it is best that the clean split be made now rather than 20 minutes after the next war starts. I wish you both the best moving forward. Unless either of you is signing more Doom-o-sphere treaties. [/quote] These posts sum up the situation very well.
  6. Kaskus and Mongols Have opened Pandora's Box Beware what's inside
  7. This is amazing. Great job, guys!!
  8. This is absolutely awesome. Pretentious Gaming is working with Bootleg Media to bring you the best in entertainment and hard-hitting interviews. Please tune in!
  9. I'm going to derail this discussion by hailing TLR, who have proven themselves to be not only friends but brothers in arms. I am glad that this treaty has finally been announced, and I am glad to have signed my name to it.
  10. I'm glad to see this finally posted, because it gives me a chance to publicly thank TLR gov for being such great people these past several months. Here's to a bright future together! o/ TLR o/ NPO
  11. But now where will I get my distro updates?!
  12. Congrats I guess, but I came to see Aurion's avatar.
  13. I like this policy in principle, because it provides clarity and sets expectations about sending and receiving aid. However, in practice, someone will screw up and accept aid when they shouldn't, and there's a CB. If you were annoyed at people sending you unsolicited aid for tech deals, this wasn't the right way to show it. Edit: words
  14. Congrats on finally making the announcement! I'm expecting great things from the Empire.
  15. The Great and Powerful Trixie commands it. [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/006/8/9/the_great_and_powerful_trixie_by_wilshirewolf-d4ljubg.png[/img] (also, congrats)
  16. I am very sorry I got hyped up about this. It has disappointed on so many levels. Someone please let me know if or when Roquentin posts something actually damaging. I won't be following this asinine nonsense any longer. *walks away, shaking his head sadly*
  17. [quote name='WorkingClassRuler' timestamp='1329617248' post='2923705'] Spoiler alert, MK is a secret NPO colony. [/quote] No no, you've got it all backwards. NPO is a puppet of MK (and NG).
  18. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329417730' post='2921901'] Good then it's going to be tough for them to mount a defense for an Emperor that makes enemies as much as possible. Oh the irony. [b]NPO will die because of you. I can make it happen too. So you just signed your own death warrant.[/b] Much appreciated. Like I said you don't know how big of a favor you've done me. [/quote] [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329417944' post='2921904'] Haha, but NPO has been whittled down. Their numbers served them well in Karma. Still had a lot of allies in DH and chained a lot of people in through lying. What are they going to do this time? If I could take NG and MK on, [b]NPO is nothing. They'll exist in the same state NpO does now.[/b] Maybe I can ask 400k tech reps too [/quote] [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329418321' post='2921910'] Hi, I'm Branimir, and I can't handle the truth. Like I said, please re-sign OoO. You're like a carbon copy of D34th, seriously. [b]NPO has been hypercritical[/b] and especially skeptical of me, despite me telling them I wasn't going after them, but it's very good since [b]they're an easy target[/b] and a great way to kick things off. [/quote] [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329419554' post='2921924'] [b]I can make !@#$ happen[/b] and you'll just have to watch. I made this happen and I have other stuff to pull out. [b]I think I've made a very real threat to Brehon's Pacifica[/b] so I don't know what you're talking about. Was it a smart move of him to decide to trash me? Nope. One or two things happen, I reel MK and NG with minimal support or [b]NPO is going to be grinded down to a newer low and will lose sanction[/b]. [/quote] [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329424011' post='2921962'] [b]It was your decision to make NPO a target again.[/b] Remember that. You're playing with fire when there are sharks who want you already as an individual. [b]Should be fun regardless when I come knocking.[/b] [/quote] [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329424689' post='2921974'] You do realize how I've responded to any claim where that's brought up? I keep on telling you. There are no bad alliance members, just leaders that aren't capable enough. MK isn't made up of stellar people and Non Grata has Hydrafurr who never fights so I'm not too worried. [b]NPO is recovering and would be the entry point.[/b] Didn't I say I have full confidence in the treaties I hold? I said I could potentially get Umbrella's support for a [b]war on the New Pacific order[/b]. [/quote] I am still waiting for your DoW. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329426092' post='2921992'] I'm not interested in fighting NoR. I have a list of three alliances. It's your choice to be a pathetic crony. It's also more like two, really, since [b]I only really care about MK and NG.[/b] [/quote] Could have fooled me. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329432009' post='2922062'] [b]I do have the logs. I mean, I wouldn't have said it if I didn't.[/b] I'm just extrapolating from a broader general point. I mean, it's not the first time I've made the claim, is it? I told it to worldconqueror before I accused you and I told Daimos about it. He didn't seem to see an issue with it. [/quote] I'm quivering with anticipation. No, really. Edit: found even more things to highlight. Also, Mary got on my case about using a bad meme.
  19. Wow. This is awful. Do you at least have a temporary place to stay? Enough cash to buy food?
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