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Everything posted by smurthwaite

  1. I, Sharkbait Eddie Chumbucket, approve this message.
  2. Ye should consider joining this assortment of scoundrels, scum, scallywags, and knaves. PPO Forums
  3. OK. Looks like I have to drunk diplo again. o/FARK May Smontag have mercy on your souls, as he will show your booze none.
  4. He can be a ho if he remember who da pimp is. Have fun with the new AA, josh.
  5. This is good. This I can get behind. o/TTK o/SUN
  6. I don't know if it is an accomplishment, but that might be the greatest flag in the history of this place.
  7. I don't want to imply anything negative with this statement, but it does seem funny that we have these two different lives (<---not the right word). 10/3/2007 6:24:14 PM (2,975 days old) Lots of stuff happens in 8 years, yet in one of those lives things remain pretty much the same.
  8. Airing dirty laundry seems like you have neither forgiven nor have you forgotten.
  9. We have the only crew on the seas that expects it's members to tell Xanth to $%&@ off on the daily. ppo.spickle.com
  10. I'm fairly certain that even if they wanted to, they couldn't hit anybody in MI, given the perpetually wrecked state of MI nations.
  11. Not what I expected. Congrats to my friends in MI6, though I wish you weren't MI6. (<- I fully expect my friends in MI6 will find that funny, and if they don't, then they probably aren't my friends).
  12. HA! Twyin is doing the exact same thing he cried about in another thread. Best of luck Kiwis. I'm glad Grub had mercy on your beaks.
  13. Where be me rum and wenches? The answer be in the PPO.
  14. I am having trouble with the words it takes to describe what is happening, but I think you'll find this video aptly captures the essence of the answer to your question: Metaphor Enjoy, though if you do there is something sick and disturbing about you.
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