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Everything posted by smurthwaite

  1. This is exactly what I have been saying since the OP. I want to acknowledge our thanks for taking Stripes off of the OP. Edit: deleted the 1st 1/2 of the quote, as I was only replying to the remaining part
  2. I'd rather somebody took Stripes' name off the damned OP.
  3. It's time for rum. Rum breathes life into all things.
  4. I have no idea why Stripes is on this list. We don't really care about Minc. Hell, if pressed, we would certainly claim we don't like Minc. We are in no way connected to Minc, other than having kicked their ass a few months ago and letting them off with a surrender under the condition that they go away and not bother us again. Edit: Please take our name off of this list, as we don't care if Minc burns or not.
  5. Damn all of you who forced me to agree with Tywin.
  6. o/peace Nukabeers all around. Lesson here - if you are going to hold a grudge, don't hold it with Kashmir.
  7. Were you inviting me to come out and play? I'm sure my buddies in Kashmir would welcome me.
  8. Meth, do you smoke meth before you post? I can't figure out if you are the dumbest person in this world, so some sort of genius who is deliberately moronic in an elaborate attempt to grab attention. As far as I can tell, the OP has absolutely nothing to do with you; however, you have hijacked another thread (this one and others), in an attempt to make it about you. Please quit rehashing your personal anxieties, fears, or whatever it is you are doing. Seriously, I was attempting to be polite when I asked you to please stop. Now, just shut your mouth, your unclever troll. Edit: My feelings were clear enough so I edited for clarity.
  9. So, you started this ruckus and now you are unhappy with how the other team plays? Interesting.
  10. Reading is my strong point. Writing just isn't yours. Everything about you is a headache. Please stop. Whatever you are doing, just stop.
  11. Seriously, there is only one response to this thread that makes any sense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwDpAfFzcRQ I swear Jesus is pointing at this world and laughing.
  12. Nope. I'm pretty sure that Oculus has been infiltrated by TCA and that is why Minc is at war. It's the only logical reason for this.
  13. OH look. Methrage is here. So is Tywin. Now the whole band is singing "Crazy Train." "I'm going off the rails on a crazy train" Oh yeah, Do something? Damnit. I can't get "Crazy Train" out of my head now.
  14. I like this announcement. Kashmir is better people than they want the world to know. Oops. Sorry. I forgot I wasn't supposed to tell anybody that... Anyway, does anybody else hear the lyrics to "Crazy Train" whenever Sir Kindle talks? o/Kush
  15. You mean the pound signs? Obligatory hailing of TPF for fighting for your allies. I've been in your shoes before (I was once in SF), so you have my empathy. Use this burning to fuel your anger. Start an underground resistance. Or something. I don't really know where I was going with that. Oh look, I see MI6 over there carrying their bag of ....
  16. You have seriously overstepped yourself; that said, I hope you do better than your last war efforts. Good luck.
  17. Thorgrum, buddy, have fun on your wait out. I assume that is your plan. That said, I don't think you anger is justified, as Kashmir is actually pretty easy to get along with, once you figure out their sense of humor. Edit: Stupid homophones
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