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CB's... destroying CN since 2008

Rush Sykes


Here we sit, yet again. Waiting for the next controversial CB that 3/4 of both sides will think is absolute BS but will cite "obligations" as a reason to join the winning side (and lets be honest, there will be plenty of treaty conflicts, hence the winning side CAN be legitimately picked by anyone.)

Whoever started this nonsense of needing a "valid CB" to advance the political game here on Planet Bob should be stabbed in the face repeatedly. Its a broken, boring system. Yet here we all sit, playing by the broken, boring system, with nobody willing to act on their general dislike of the people and leaders in other alliances, because it is not "politically expedient." When a war does break out , some alliances will opt out, citing treaty conflicts(basically saying that this is not a smart political move for us at the time) and will be labeled as cowards, even though all of us (myself included)... sit here with our hands tied waiting...endlessly. We are all cowards, we are all hypocrites. Planet Bob is dying, it is our fault, and there are actually still enough egos out there within certain areas to think that the game is doing just fine. Shame on us all.


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CN has been around longer than 2008.

Yes, but prior to 2008, CBs came rapidfire, as 50K players with larger alliances were more willing to take risks. You actually had people who would do things that actually created a CB. The problem was, the community decided that one of these need to be present into eternity, because *gasp* Admin Forbid "I dont like you and your alliance" be used as a reason for war.

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I don't know. Even if Bob did have a war every 3-6 months (maybe even a non-stop war), it seems to me the mere monotony of things would be enough to finish off the game. Same old OWF arguments... same old memes... same old shallow insults... same old OOC attitude... same old nukes. Day in, day out.

It is possible a war could make the game better. But it can't be just any old war. It has to be something with plot and substance. Doomhouse attempting to take over the world, or something. :P

I agree with you that "bad guys" should be more unashamed, though. How much fun would it be if the "bad guy" made no attempt whatsoever to justify himself? Monotonous forum arguments should drop dramatically (because no one is debating the fact that the "bad guy" is bad). "I am evil - debate that, e-lawyers!" :v:

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Can people please stop whining about needing a !@#$@#$ war ffs.

This game is all about the politics. Wars are necessary, but so are times between wars. This isn't TE and it shouldn't be.

If you need a random number generator to make this game interesting then obviously you need to find something more exciting for you.

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CN has been around longer than 2008.
Yes, but prior to 2008, CBs came rapidfire, as 50K players with larger alliances were more willing to take risks. You actually had people who would do things that actually created a CB. The problem was, the community decided that one of these need to be present into eternity, because *gasp* Admin Forbid "I dont like you and your alliance" be used as a reason for war.

So then I take it your favorite CN Leader was Ivan Moldavi's stint at the head of Pacifica?

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You lose a war with "no CB" and see what happens or better yet ask IRON and TOP. I'd start a war tomorrow except i'd be stuck paying reps for a year. Its not the need for a CB that’s the problem. Money is the route of all evil or to be more specific, reps.

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THese threads get me just a little excited cause it means that the base level of blue balls is starting to rise to sufficient level to spark a war in the comming months. Yes i said months.... oh well ... its the first step!

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I dont think the problem is a lack of people with testicals to attack with no reason above "I dont like you" I think the problem is, the world instantly goes against them. We can see that now with the Mj/SF standoff. If I had dollar for everytime I heard "Whoever attacks first will lose" I'd be able to go out to dinner later. That's because rarely is a cb considered a good cb.

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I hereby declare war on high prices.BRB off to find my WIN Button.

Here ya go:


I'm thinking there are about....oh....ten or twenty of us who might get that. I'm probably the only non-American who does.

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CN has been around longer than 2008.
Yes, but prior to 2008, CBs came rapidfire, as 50K players with larger alliances were more willing to take risks. You actually had people who would do things that actually created a CB. The problem was, the community decided that one of these need to be present into eternity, because *gasp* Admin Forbid "I dont like you and your alliance" be used as a reason for war.

That doesn't make sense. You're complaining about there needing to be a CB to wage war today, but claiming that prior to 2008 was better. You then say that prior to 2008 everyone came up with lots of CBs. That's a contradiction.

The problem isn't CBs or a lack thereof, but that there aren't enough CBs being used for your taste. We've always had CBs, and we've always criticized those who launched attacks with CBs we thought insufficient.

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Here we go again, another discussion from the guys on top about how everyone else is killing the game. I never knew all you lulzers were such scholars.

And, once again, the discussion centers around everything except the real problem, clumsily dancing right next to the real causes in a bad attempt to avoid the B-word. Blame.

... sit here with our hands tied waiting...

True enough, but once again the mark is missed. This continual march against ideals broadly attributable to that catch-all term moralism is really rather tiresome at this point. CBs do not tie your hands, your treaty web ties your hands. It is not a need for CBs that has put in place MDP after MDP after MDP between SF, C&G, XX, PB, and DH. It isn't "need for CBs" that put an ODOAP in place between Mjolnir and PB the day after Mj was signed and heralded as a new center separated from the rest.

Like alcoholics in denial, your game as you want it played won't happen until you surrender to the truth and stop looking everywhere but the mirror for the causes and the solutions.

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Here we go again, another discussion from the guys on top about how everyone else is killing the game. I never knew all you lulzers were such scholars.

And, once again, the discussion centers around everything except the real problem, clumsily dancing right next to the real causes in a bad attempt to avoid the B-word. Blame.

... sit here with our hands tied waiting...

True enough, but once again the mark is missed. This continual march against ideals broadly attributable to that catch-all term moralism is really rather tiresome at this point. CBs do not tie your hands, your treaty web ties your hands. It is not a need for CBs that has put in place MDP after MDP after MDP between SF, C&G, XX, PB, and DH. It isn't "need for CBs" that put an ODOAP in place between Mjolnir and PB the day after Mj was signed and heralded as a new center separated from the rest.

Like alcoholics in denial, your game as you want it played won't happen until you surrender to the truth and stop looking everywhere but the mirror for the causes and the solutions.

But I like alcohol.

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TE has no CBs. I've always hated it. I play this game for the politics, not the wars. If there were no CBs, the world would be a rather boring place full of griefers.

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Yes, but prior to 2008, CBs came rapidfire, as 50K players with larger alliances were more willing to take risks. You actually had people who would do things that actually created a CB. The problem was, the community decided that one of these need to be present into eternity, because *gasp* Admin Forbid "I dont like you and your alliance" be used as a reason for war.

CBs still come just as quickly. The only difference now from the past is with what's considered sufficient reason for war has changed to a higher standard.

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