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Gre, remember your Codex



II. On Reparations

The Grämlins shall not pay reparations for defensive wars and shall not demand reparations for offensive wars.

Yet here you are demanding reparations for offensive wars.

III. On Peace Terms

Peace terms shall not be used to humilate the opponent or to cripple him economically beyond the need to remove the current and immediate threat to the alliance. No terms shall be offered which The Grämlins would not consider acceptable if the sides were switched. The terms shall reflect the opponents' behavior during battle.

Yet here you are humiliating an opponent and offering terms that you would not consider acceptable if the sides were switched.

V. On Treaty Chaining

No mutual defense agreement shall chain with other agreements not signed by The Grämlins.

If you want to make the argument for II that you are in a defensive war, then it is because you chained treaties.

IX. On Grudges

Nations or alliances which have fulfilled their peace terms are considered guilt-free from that moment on and past actions shall not be held against them in future relations.

This is the most important one. You seem to be carrying out a grudge beyond the peace terms from the Karma War.

You are free to do whatever you want in this game, it just makes me sad to see this. When I started playing this game and watching how you handled yourselves and your performance in Karma, this is quite a departure to say the least.


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the codex is perhaps the worst document I have ever seen in my time here on CN. That being said, yep if they take reps they are breaking it but I suspect you'll get some quip referring to section 3 of the charter "Executive powers" which entitles the conclave to negotiate peace terms. some of the shortcomings of the gramlins has always been the poor charter, the emphasis placed on the codex by members at the time as some governing document above the charter (it isnt) the lack of a charter redo when they went paperless (the current charter has a lot of treaty heavy language no longer applicable) and the inability of the community at large to understand the charecter of the alliance has changed dramatically.

Bawwing about it now isnt going to matter, they dont care.

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To be fair gre members usually don't visit owf that much. At least I can't recall seeing them post alot.

Recently at least. Once there were quite a lot of active Gremlins OWFers.

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I still haven't seen a single GRE member post on the owf about this <_<

I was GRE up until 22 days ago, I find it unlikely they have changed a great deal in that time, but ive been wrong about a great many things in life so you never know. like I said look for something along the lines of the executive clause in the charter to cover the reps.

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Grämlins is a dead alliance. What is left of the nations still on that AA is barely shadow of what it once was. They stand for nothing and trying to hold them to something that was created when they had some leadership is a waste of time.

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No they aren't. Nice try.

Oh no, I was housed by the great Choader. What ever shall I do. Oh, wait, I know...I will go bury my head in the sand. :P

Oh...and they're bandwagoners. If they did what they did two years ago, I doubt the action would have been tolerated. If you really need this spelled out, I can procure a visual representation for you.

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Baww-codex crowd is late by several months :P.

I'm also a bit upset that most people seems to have dropped the attempts to pin this on mk. Have you forgotten that we're the root of all evil? That NPO guy from the locked thread had us pinned down as enablers thus making it all our fault. That wasn't too far fetched you can work with that. Come on. We need the attention :(

Yes MK is ebil :P.

People cannot pin the blame on MK, from what we've been told, they wish to move forward, not Ramverse. In all honesty, CnG alone cannot be held as enablers of this infact if we look at the fighting capabilities of the engaged alliances, the significant superiority of fighting power comes from outside CnG, heh, Gremlins aren't the ones pinning or enabling things with their grand total of 3 wars on the military front, its the political front where they're spending the currency earned via goodwill of their relations with others. I do not think others too would be keen or happy about being used as enablers, tho I do not speak for them.

DAWN's terms are even more shens, lolDAWN :P

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Just continue to bash Gremlins. I don't think they will care much. Poor taste Goldie. Poor.

The truth hurts sometimes. They are the only reason now why this war is still continuing.

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The truth hurts sometimes. They are the only reason now why this war is still continuing.

Then make all the information available so others can judge aswell. I'm quite annoyed about this "I know something and I'm gonna make snippy remarks about it, but I won't tell you what I know." crap.

Either you make everything public and discuss it publicly. Or you keep everything private, including those remarks.

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