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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300722670' post='2672287']

I was just curious to why you worded it that way so it was looking like you were struggling to get a target, when that was not the case because you were in no fit state to even fight, I must have just picked your wording up wrongly.

Ok, super quick edit, and yeah, struggling to find targets, was not only for myself when I was looking (hence why I know when they started Peace) and still looking for targets for my alliance.

I am allowed to look even though I can't attack anyone?? Right?? :unsure:

edit: not that I don't understand why they are there...just responding to HN

Edited by Kilkenny
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[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1300723145' post='2672290']
Uhm, never said you didn't get the LAST .21 of my infra, and I know that because idiotbang sent me a pm bemoaning the fact he fell .21 short of ZIing me. And you didn't do as much damage as idiotbang and nightshade (idiotbang has by far done the most he was wRC and 2x your tech). Nightshade was the one who got those nukes in on me during that time, so his damage was way up there for that day, but over all not that much.

and you were down to $42,000 at one time, way broker than i ever was :)

As far as not wanting to divulge plans, thanks for confirming that it was just random that all the attacks happened at one time. It is no state secret that people attacking the same target attempt to co-ordinate their attacks even if they are in different alliances. And yeah, it did catch when when i was away and yep, in hind sight i am over extended, But it was fun!!!! and i got a bunch more casualties!!!!

ZOMG the person that has the highest Tech does the nuking, ZOMG he created more damage. That's a given is it not?

Did I state you couldn't look for targets? A more friendly version, Who pecked your shed?

Did you not wonder why I got so low on cash, I was spending it to stop you raiding it away, I knew that an aid drop was coming and I would have near 30 million in a day or so, big enough to re-buy to 1k infra and begin banging at you. A bit like why you wont accept your 6 million pending, Because you know I would take it from you or destroy it, along with the stagger doing so tonight.

Anyway it was fun while it lasted.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300723422' post='2672293']
ZOMG the person that has the highest Tech does the nuking, ZOMG he created more damage. That's a given is it not?

Wow, hurt feelings much?? you wnet from I DID IT TO YOU ALONE, to OF COURSE THE GUY WITH THE MOST TECH DOES THE DAMAGE.

Uhm, sorry if I hurt your feelings, I didn't realize you were so sensitive. Would you like a tissue?? or maybe a cookie?? I have some nice irradiated cookies here for you :rolleyes:

too bad no one informed nightshade about that though...he might not have nuked me if they had. :D

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1300721471' post='2672273']
Like I said, oh, 50 pages ago. I'll pay the 400 million in reps, IF, Athens/=LOST= pays me 400 million each. They were not part of the original attack. We entered on a MDP, so did they. You want to argue this point? Argue it. You think we are not winning the war? Ask me again on Labor day.
You're extremely delusional, reps are only paid to winning alliances. Were you winning it would be within your rights (and ability) as an alliance to attempt to gain money from people who attacked you, I wouldn't argue against that. Additionally, if you think you can last to labor day you're even more deluded. Your side is already seeking to compromise with us.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300722520' post='2672285']
Your top tier is only on your first page? That is what you brought up yes? That your top tier has fought. It looks like it has not fought.

You do realize that the top tier [i]will[/i] drop out of being the top tier after having fought? Your rationale doesn't take this into account. This is true of all alliances that have unleashed their top tier in any sense.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300722520' post='2672285']
Your top tier is only on your first page? That is what you brought up yes? That your top tier has fought. It looks like it has not fought.

Hiro my dear... You know that I am usually defending and agree with you, but in this instance, you're wrong. Pretty much the entire NSO has fought in this war, so they are not the worst of them, at all ;)

Credit is to be given when credit is due, and NSO should really be given credit here, as opposed to most of the rest

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[quote name='Kilkenny' timestamp='1300723673' post='2672296']
Wow, hurt feelings much?? you wnet from I DID IT TO YOU ALONE, to OF COURSE THE GUY WITH THE MOST TECH DOES THE DAMAGE.

Uhm, sorry if I hurt your feelings, I didn't realize you were so sensitive. Would you like a tissue?? or maybe a cookie?? I have some nice irradiated cookies here for you :rolleyes:

too bad no one informed nightshade about that though...he might not have nuked me if they had. :D

LAWL, so it goes from discussing it to me miraculously being hurt and sensitive, Or not. You didn't hurt my feelings, you can sleep better at night knowing this. I love how it is the standard retort. "you are crying" :awesome::lol1:

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300723677' post='2672297']
You're extremely delusional, reps are only paid to winning alliances. Were you winning it would be within your rights (and ability) as an alliance to attempt to gain money from people who attacked you, I wouldn't argue against that. Additionally, if you think you can last to labor day you're even more deluded. Your side is already seeking to compromise with us.
Hint: They're not reps if they're defined by who gets paid.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1300719783' post='2672246']
If you dont give them what they want you will turn on yourselves as Stormsend said.
I believe I said they attacked themselves out of boredom, not that they would tear themselves apart. The former is boredom, the latter sounds malicious.

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[quote name='SpiderJerusalem' timestamp='1300724024' post='2672300']
Hiro my dear... You know that I am usually defending and agree with you, but in this instance, you're wrong. Pretty much the entire NSO has fought in this war, so they are not the worst of them, at all ;)

Credit is to be given when credit is due, and NSO should really be given credit here, as opposed to most of the rest

It looks that way going by their charts, again If that is not the case I don't mind admitting I'm wrong Spider.

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1300723753' post='2672298']
You do realize that the top tier [i]will[/i] drop out of being the top tier after having fought? Your rationale doesn't take this into account. This is true of all alliances that have unleashed their top tier in any sense.

Current should be the word I was looking for, again I apologise I never specified this. I hope it cleared up the point I was getting at.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1300718353' post='2672234']
I didn't say it was THE reason but it clearly indicates less than a good will from Pacifica towards the Kingdom. Are you saying that SirPaul is a lone MK hater in NPO and that the rest of you guys had nothing but love and respect for us?

I don't even think SirPaul[i] is[/i] a MK hater. Poking fun at you guys doesn't mean he hates you.

What reason has MK given us to love and respect them?

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[quote name='Henry' timestamp='1300724444' post='2672308']
I don't even think SirPaul[i] is[/i] a MK hater. Poking fun at you guys doesn't mean he hates you.

What reason has MK given us to love and respect them?

I don't think I said that. But I'm sure that's not going to stop you from putting words in mouth. Or avoiding anwers to easy and straight forward questions.
I also didn't claim you have to love and respect us: no one is all black or all white. Let's be honest here: we both take every opportunity to take a shot at each other. And, given the chance, both of us would enjoy rolling the other. We took this opportunity before you could. No more no less.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1300726141' post='2672319']
I don't think I said that. But I'm sure that's not going to stop you from putting words in mouth. Or avoiding anwers to easy and straight forward questions.
I also didn't claim you have to love and respect us: no one is all black or all white. Let's be honest here: we both take every opportunity to take a shot at each other. And, given the chance, both of us would enjoy rolling the other. We took this opportunity before you could. No more no less.
At least you can admit that you're here out of hatred. Watching Roquentin jump through hoops trying to justify this war was getting kind of ridiculous.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300727090' post='2672327']
At least you can admit that you're here out of hatred. Watching Roquentin jump through hoops trying to justify this war was getting kind of ridiculous.

That's not what I said either. I am not here out of hatred, personnally. As I said earlier, to think there is only ONE reason to all this is both disillusional and incredibly dumb. Roq has reasons, I view things in a slightly different light, so do Stormsend, lebubu, Nathan, Xavii, Archon, Sardonic... But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your world is unidimensional.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1300727619' post='2672334']
That's not what I said either. I am not here out of hatred, personnally. As I said earlier, to think there is only ONE reason to all this is both disillusional and incredibly dumb. Roq has reasons, I view things in a slightly different light, so do Stormsend, lebubu, Nathan, Xavii, Archon, Sardonic... But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your world is unidimensional.

no idiot all of doom house is a unitary hive mind get back in line or archon will put you in the camps

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1300727619' post='2672334']
That's not what I said either. I am not here out of hatred, personnally. As I said earlier, to think there is only ONE reason to all this is both disillusional and incredibly dumb. Roq has reasons, I view things in a slightly different light, so do Stormsend, lebubu, Nathan, Xavii, Archon, Sardonic... But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your world is unidimensional.
I can accept that you all might have slightly varying reasons for this.

But one thing does remain constant: This war of aggression was unprovoked, unwarranted, and unjustifiable, and there is no reason NPO, or any member of this coalition, should have to bend over to your ridiculous demands, in fact there are a number of good reasons why we shouldn't.

Edited by HeroofTime55
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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1300721471' post='2672273']
Like I said, oh, 50 pages ago. I'll pay the 400 million in reps, IF, Athens/=LOST= pays me 400 million each. They were not part of the original attack. We entered on a MDP, so did they. You want to argue this point? Argue it. You think we are not winning the war? Ask me again on Labor day.
These new days of Bob bring interesting things. Not only do losing alliances dictate the terms given to them (64Digits demanding white peace or eternal war), but now losing alliances get reps.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1300726141' post='2672319']
I don't think I said that. But I'm sure that's not going to stop you from putting words in mouth. Or avoiding anwers to easy and straight forward questions.
I also didn't claim you have to love and respect us: no one is all black or all white. Let's be honest here: we both take every opportunity to take a shot at each other. And, given the chance, both of us would enjoy rolling the other. We took this opportunity before you could. No more no less.

You just said SirPaul is a MK hater. Either back that up or don't cite it as reason. In fact, why don't you try to compare the size of our hate crowd to yours?

I didn't avoid a question. There is no love and respect for MK here because you haven't given us a reason to love, respect, or even like you. If you're going to cite it as "one of the many reasons for war" how do you feel now that the anti MK feelings have increased over the past 2 months? Seems to me like we would be giving you a blank check to start a war whenever you feel like if we agree to your terms.

And no, I wouldn't agree to rolling MK for the same reasons you rolled us. It wouldn't be practical and it would do us more harm than good.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300728167' post='2672343']
But one thing does remain constant: This war of aggression was unprovoked, unwarranted, and unjustifiable, and there is no reason NPO, or any member of this coalition, should have to bend over to your ridiculous demands, in fact there are a number of good reasons why we shouldn't.
itt we learn that morals are objective. Thanks HoT!

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300728167' post='2672343']
I can accept that you all might have slightly varying reasons for this.

But one thing does remain constant: This war of aggression was [i][b]unprovoked, unwarranted, and unjustifiable[/b][/i]

That opinion of yours is subjective. You can't argue that, [i][b]factually[/b][/i], we were unprovoked, that our attack was unwarranted, or that our reasons are unjustifiable. Obviously we disagree, or we wouldn't've attacked in the first place. You may not like the reasons given, but that doesn't mean everyone agrees.

Trying to claim that our reasons for warring are unacceptable is just not going to fly except for the people on your own side. When does the other side ever hail the CBs used against them?

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300728339' post='2672347']
These new days of Bob bring interesting things. Not only do losing alliances dictate the terms given to them (64Digits demanding white peace or eternal war), but now losing alliances get reps.
It's well within my rights to refuse anything besides white peace. The only reason I'm not charging reps myself is because I don't believe in them, unless there's a damn good reason they should be paid. Like, for example, when GOONS loses the next war, they should be made to pay reps for all the extortion they've done, plus interest. I imagine that is going to be one large tab when it comes up.

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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1300720292' post='2672250']
which was the NoCB war again? cant find it on the wiki....also i take it's safe to assume not all alliances followed the masses and gave a nuclear greenlight? hell i know we still have that in our charter unless it's cleared as necessary by the Captain

It's also known as the War of the Coalition.

And no, the shift hasn't been absolute. Rather comprehensive though nonetheless.

[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1300721731' post='2672276']
so is everyone else in DH purposefully avoiding the callout that keeps being made of them stating that the DH/NPO war and the VE/NpO war are not the same conflict?

It's the stance of Doomhouse, as well as of many others, that these spats are two different fronts in the same conflict, rather than being two different conflicts. Others may feel differently, and that's fine.

[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300724142' post='2672303']
Hint: They're not reps if they're defined by who gets paid.

Hint: That's not the case, and it never has been. Reparations, in this context, have always been taxes levied on losing parties as punishment for misdeeds, to recoup damages, etc.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300728167' post='2672343']
I can accept that you all might have slightly varying reasons for this.

But one thing does remain constant: This war of aggression was unprovoked, unwarranted, and unjustifiable, and there is no reason NPO, or any member of this coalition, should have to bend over to your ridiculous demands, in fact there are a number of good reasons why we shouldn't.

Yeah, yeah. Blablablabla. We've all been over this many times. Whatever our explanation is you lot all come back to this. Don't like it? Fine. It doesn't really matter to me. We'll see in a bit who has the most will power.

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