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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1300395253' post='2668118']
The worst case scenario is playing out right now. Doom House has made it quite clear that Pacifica must face a war before any conclusion is brought about. If Pacifica does not come out of peace mode (which I suspect they won't) then Doom House will continue to remain in an aggressive stance towards them until they do (IF they ever do).

If that isn't a progenitor for eternal war, then I don't know what is.
If peace terms cannot be agreed upon the war continues. This is true for every war.

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1300394531' post='2668105']
I am going to have to assume English isn't your first language from this point forward because some very basic concepts seem to keep missing you.[/quote]

Ah, a 'no u' would be called for here, apparently. The man that can't recognize a run-on sentence when he himself writes one has the audacity to accuse me of being ESL...quite rich, good sir. You've also developed a taste for ridiculous assumptions over the years, I see.

[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1300394531' post='2668105']
Regardless, no, I didn't think of you during lunch at all. I saw the flaw in your post and since that seems to be your "thing" I decided to comment on it. As a general rule I tend to avoid commenting on the grammar or prose of a participant because it demonstrates a lack of intelligence and a failure to competently retort. You are a success in that regard.[/quote]

I agree...you commenting on grammar or prose would definitely make apparent a definite lack of intelligence, although, perhaps, not quite for the target you intend. I appreciate the fact that you consider me a success in demonstrating your lack of intelligence and failure to competently retort...that's the nicest thing you've said to me. :wub:

[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1300394531' post='2668105']
You claim to be baiting me but my general posting style has played out over the years to pinpoint exactly this sort of scenario. You on the other hand are being one upped on the very tactic that you hold most dear (for some unknown and illogical reason) - the insulting of another posters diction. It must be sad for you to know that even in your special place I am still your superior.[/quote]

It's quite a pleasure to watch you grasp for straws that have left your reach a long, long time ago. Your posting style has not improved over the years, and has surprisingly declined to the point of awe. Once upon a time, you may have invoked esteem from me. It's been so long, though, that I can't remember if it was just false adoration over your fame and power. I see, now, that much like any random pop-star of today, that the fame you accrued is nothing more than blind allegiance from weak-minded individuals.

[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1300394531' post='2668105']
So, feel free to carry on. I will grant you your wish and not address your meaningless off-topic and unintelligent posting style any further.

Very well, good day to you and your posting style sucks worse than ever, sir.

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Take the offer and be done with it. No guarantees Doomhouse won't attack without provocation again in the future, but at least you can score some PR points and possibly shift some loyalties and gain a few allies in the interim.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1300395253' post='2668118']
The worst case scenario is playing out right now. Doom House has made it quite clear that Pacifica must face a war before any conclusion is brought about. If Pacifica does not come out of peace mode (which I suspect they won't) then Doom House will continue to remain in an aggressive stance towards them until they do (IF they ever do).

If that isn't a progenitor for eternal war, then I don't know what is.

Ok, so you replied by saying the exact same thing you said before, rephrased, and didn't respond to anything I said.

Have a good day.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300395474' post='2668122']
Or something else could happen besides this painted black and white scenario, like reps or something.[/quote]
No. :lol1:

No-one is going to believe that Doom House is simply going to charge NPO reparations and end the war, then just turn away.

Of course, if that's not what you mean by reps, then please clarify.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1300394812' post='2668110']
No, your assuming the worst possible case scenario because its easier to post angry things about. There is not a single indication in the OP that will be the case. There is an indication that if the war is not fought, things in regards to conclusion will be much worse, and that is not something the alliances on the NPO front want to see. The two are not the same.

You're right. The OP didn't state that. But I know you well enough to know that you've been reading every post in this thread and that you know quite well that Ardus, the OP himself, stated this is the case, in this very thread no less. Should you have a hard time remembering, it is here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99990&view=findpost&p=2667140

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[quote name='2burnt2eat' timestamp='1300394927' post='2668112']
I don't ever recall receiving a battleplan to hold off 4 nations with nukes from you at 8k NS. I'm all ears.

But then again I remember how far you got knocked down in NS despite being bankrolled and having a ridiculous amount of comrades to rely on. That casts a bit of doubt on your advice.

Then I check your nation and see you literally got destroyed yet again this week by one nation that declared war on you.

...And that suggestion just takes your credibility from zero to the negatives. :lol1:

Deaf ears again, sweetie? Alright, keep your embarrassment of a 'Director of War' in the dark when it comes to stupid moves during wartime. It suits you and the rest of your alliance.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1300395533' post='2668123']
If peace terms cannot be agreed upon the war continues. This is true for every war.
Your "peace terms" are actually "war terms".

[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1300395622' post='2668126']
Ok, so you replied by saying the exact same thing you said before, rephrased, and didn't respond to anything I said.

Have a good day.[/quote]
Ditto on both of those points.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1300374853' post='2667732']
Once again our huge shady past is brought up and once again I find myself asking, what exactly is it that we've lied so much about?

I realize that NPO and friends might not be quick to trust us seeing as we're currently at war and that's a great reason but I don't really get where all these unspecified lies in our past comes from. From what I recall we've always been pretty upfront about our intentions.

Honestly my guess is that one of the reasons(among many im sure) they are hesitant to trust MK revolves around Karma and how effectively Archon set NPO and others up in the beginning of that war thru, if not deceit, then misdirection. Hard to step out on the trust plank again after past histories of manipulation are present.

just my .02

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1300395657' post='2668128']
No. :lol1:

No-one is going to believe that Doom House is simply going to charge NPO reparations and end the war, then just turn away.

Of course, if that's not what you mean by reps, then please clarify.
But why? What reason is there not to trust they'll do as they say? Starting an aggressive war, for whatever reasons, is not grounds to make them untrustworthy, unless they expressly said, at some stage to NPO, we will never declare war on you.

You, and others, might think a lot of things about DH but being liars is not something that they've ever showed any evidence of being.

EDIT: Terrible grammar.

Edited by Karolina
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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1300395657' post='2668128']
No. :lol1:

No-one is going to believe that Doom House is simply going to charge NPO reparations and end the war, then just turn away.

Of course, if that's not what you mean by reps, then please clarify.
I did say "or something." I don't know what's going to happen, but I am saying that it's far from the truth to believe that the only possible outcomes are "come out of peace or eternal war."

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300395261' post='2668119']
Unless there was more than one of those sentences in the part you quoted (which there was not), "This" was the proper word. As I have stated in the last post, "Sentences" is the word that collects all the instances of such errors. Your use of the word "like" means you were using the quoted bit as an example of the category. A singular example.

It would be a compliment to call you merely an idiot.

You're being blatantly stupid now, HoT. I know you're smarter than this. Keep up, son. THERE IS MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE LIKE THE ONE I QUOTED. Unless you [i]really[/i] think that Alterego is the only person in the world to create the only sentence in the world that is insulting someone else's intelligence, I suggest you read the OWF more often...especially your own posts.

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[quote name='Mofeta' timestamp='1300336721' post='2667016']
What are you even trying to argue here? Doomhouse declared without a numerical advantage, especially when factoring in various counters. And we certainly expected to fight your upper-tier nations from the get-go. The only thing that denied us a 'straight-up fight' from the very beginning was the staggering cowardice displayed by your coalition. We are merely offering you a chance to redeem yourselves.

Is it your claim that cowardice is immoral?

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1300395085' post='2668115']
I believe you missed a few posts prior in which the opposite was the case.

I only commented on his ignorant posting style because he felt the need to attempt to do so to others and myself.

Regardless, I am finished with it now. It was a trivial entertainment which has lost its shine.

I saw the posts Ivan...

Im just saying that in my opinion you are better then posting such weak jabs. Go back to your old style of few words but heavy meaning and overflowing aggression. Suits you better and is more enjoyable to watch. :wub:

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300395474' post='2668122']
Or something else could happen besides this painted black and white scenario, like reps or something.
So you declare an unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against NPO for no good reason, and then expect to charge them reps for their trouble? That is, if they won't let you completely break their entire alliance first, and even then you might decide that there is no reason to grant peace.

If this was at all about the Polar front, a front that is now closed, you would be offering this whole coalition white peace. The fact that you do not even offer that to Pacifica shows your real motive for this war, to conduct an opportunistic attack against Pacifica and her friends, an offensive born out of paranoia and hatred.

Who is to say if they accept any sort of terms, that you won't launch yet another unprovoked attack against them, after they've sent you money to help you rebuild? This is the problem with your entry strategy. There is no reason whatsoever that any of us should trust that you will hold your word, and therefore no reason that any of us should offer up anything in order to buy a peace that will not last.

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[quote name='Karolina' timestamp='1300395857' post='2668137']
But why? What reason is there not to trust they'll do as they say? Starting an aggressive war, for whatever reasons, is not grounds to make them untrustworthy, unless they expressly said, at some stage to NPO, we will never declare war on you.

You, and others, might think a lot about DH but being liars is not something I've ever considered them to be.
Because they are not the white knights of some new era. They are lying through their teeth; they have zero intention of simply obtaining reparations from NPO and then doing nothing. No, ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of DH wants the complete and utter destruction of Pacifica.

And when your enemy wants to destroy you, would you trust them?

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1300395767' post='2668133']
Your "peace terms" are actually "war terms".
Call them what you will. They are very simple terms to end the war.

You didn't address my point. Since it obviously went over your head I'll simplify it a bit for you. How is this situation different from any other war? If terms cannot be agreed upon the war will naturally continue. Hopefully we'll come to an agreement sometime before we hit eternity.

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Eh, I am really indifferent on the issue of weather or not accepting this offer would be best for everyone or not. It's all speculation as to what the outcome would be, at the moment I guess.

Everyone can argue amongst themselves all they want to, but it all boils down to weather or not NPO accepts this offer or not, I suppose.

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1300396063' post='2668142']
I saw the posts Ivan...

Im just saying that in my opinion you are better then posting such weak jabs. Go back to your old style of few words but heavy meaning and overflowing aggression. Suits you better and is more enjoyable to watch. :wub:
I know. I was just passing the time. As you can see, the irrational comments later on made it all worthwhile from my perspective since one of my main motivations here is to simply piss people off.

Maybe when I get back from vacation this conversation will be at 100 pages and still ongoing as everyone sits around and complains about the top tiers not fighting. :)

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1300395760' post='2668131']
You're right. The OP didn't state that. But I know you well enough to know that you've been reading every post in this thread and that you know quite well that Ardus, the OP himself, stated this is the case, in this very thread no less. Should you have a hard time remembering, it is here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99990&view=findpost&p=2667140

Which makes no reference to future avenues, and only states that war will continue if an agreement is not reached (usually how these things go). However, while it does make it clear that the best looking terms NPO will get are that which are at debate, particularly when coupled with the OP, it doesn't justify a leap to the absolute most severe end of the war spectrum.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1300396140' post='2668146']
they have zero intention obtaining reparations from NPO

There, I chopped your sentence down to actually be true.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300395902' post='2668138']
I did say "or something." I don't know what's going to happen, but I am saying that it's far from the truth to believe that the only possible outcomes are "come out of peace or eternal war."[/quote]
Well okay. Though I too don't believe the only possible outcomes are those either, I simply stated that that is the current status quo.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300396074' post='2668144']
So you declare an unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against NPO for no good reason
HoT, I thought we talked about this. That's it, I'm putting you in timeout until you behave. :mad:

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1300396203' post='2668150']
I know. I was just passing the time. As you can see, the irrational comments later on made it all worthwhile from my perspective since one of my main motivations here is to simply piss people off.

You should have done a better job, Ivan. I quite enjoyed myself. :blush:

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1300396140' post='2668146']
Because they are not the white knights of some new era. They are lying through their teeth; they have zero intention of simply obtaining reparations from NPO and then doing nothing. No, ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of DH wants the complete and utter destruction of Pacifica.

And when your enemy wants to destroy you, would you trust them?

On the one hand, you're right.

On the other hand, having been in a position to ask myself and my alliance if we should trust Pacifica in a similar situation, I have a hard time sympathizing. I really wish I could, because we have a common ally and we're allegedly on the same "side", whatever that means these days, but I am having a hard time doing so. I don't think Pacifica deserved this war in this way, and I do think they deserved a chance to do something in the world for the first time in 2 years, but I'm still having a hard time feeling bad for them. Sorry.

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