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An Imperial Announcement from the New Pacific Order

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300212256' post='2665656']
First of all, it was four, go back to elementary school and learn how to count.

Second, given that all he said was "you have your head up your ass," yes, it was a lot of words with relatively little substance. Even less substance given that his verbosity lacks any sense of a cohesive idea. He has decided that logic is completely unnecessary if you can just throw lots of big words at your opponent with the distant hope that one of them might confuse him.
My mistake I missed the 3 word sentence. That really must have added a lot of strain on you.

As for the big words I think he expresses himself very well. If the big word confuse you I think the problem lies with you. I don't see anyone else having any problem understanding him.

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If people use "big words" to express themselves it doesn't always mean that they are trying to "impress" you, or anyone else. It means they have a vocabulary that is clearly more extensive than yours and they choose to use it. How that is somehow a character flaw that needs to be fixed is absolutely hilarious. I agree though, all posters should condense their posts to a series of four letter words that are censored on these boards with poorly worded insults sprinkled in. It is good to see that there are still people dreaming of creating such a perfect world.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300210240' post='2665638']
"Look at me, I use big words, therefore I am automatically right in whatever I say!"

Never has so little been said with so many words. It doesn't make you smart, what makes you smart linguistically is if you could express yourself clearly and in a concise manner. Extra language is acceptable if you are, say, giving an example or a metaphor to help drive the point home. You are merely flaunting the fact that your brain functions as a thesaurus - You have lots of words, but you can't really say anything of value with them.

I noticed that you deliberately removed the portion of [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99796&view=findpost&p=2665384]that message[/url] which was specifically addressed to you. I quote it below:
[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1300169467' post='2665384']I already have. In this thread. Keep up.[/quote]
Oh great critic of all things linguistic, which part of the message actually directed to you did you find superfluous? Which part needed to be further "dummied-down" in order for you to comprehend?

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1300199088' post='2665553']
While I'm sure Doitzel will be flattered, you greatly overestimate his importance relative to the Emperors of the NPO/NpO. In most instances he was a cheerleader, not the man behind the scenes.

With many alliances, preconceived notions about aggression, attitudes and so on melt away through having a simple conversation.

Not so with Pacifica. Just [i]try[/i] mending fences with them. What you will get in return is slander or, as in this case, honey-dripping lies.

Ironic words coming from the same person who played a major part in the 2nd vox populi. Either that or just plain old horse ****. :unsure:

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[quote name='Antonio Salovega VI' timestamp='1300202687' post='2665575']
Thank you! The effect for which I am aiming is the human equivalent that approximates the proverbial burr under the saddle. Your confirmation that I have hit the target pleases me. YEEEE-HAAAAAHHHHH! Giddeeyup!

You appear to be confused, I said I cringed at your posts. I don't find them annoying or aggravating. I'm embarrassed for you.

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[quote name='Stumpy Jung Il' timestamp='1300213656' post='2665671']
If people use "big words" to express themselves it doesn't always mean that they are trying to "impress" you, or anyone else. It means they have a vocabulary that is clearly more extensive than yours and they choose to use it. How that is somehow a character flaw that needs to be fixed is absolutely hilarious. I agree though, all posters should condense their posts to a series of four letter words that are censored on these boards with poorly worded insults sprinkled in. It is good to see that there are still people dreaming of creating such a perfect world.
But nobody talks like that. Hell, he's beating Vladimir for the size of his words. I guess it's possible that he's really like that, but it seems more likely that he constantly has a thesaurus opened up in another tab and is trying to seem more intellectual than he really is. This is supported by the fact that the actual content of what he says is stupid.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1300188973' post='2665487']
To be fair, that would probably be an improvement over its current state.

The answer to this should be obvious. They want to convince FAN of their sincerity, which would obviously be in question given the timing of the statement. It's a lot tougher to take back a public apology that everyone knows about than some post somewhere in a private forum.

[b]It should be noted that the first thing FAN asked for was a confirmation that this post was actually authorized by the Emperor. They're clearly thinking the same thing.

Now I'm waiting for FAN to say something else, given that Mary gave them that confirmation.[/b]

FAN did not ask for !@#$ Haf. They merely stated(correctly I might add) that a majority of Pacifica's leadership did not sign this as per when it was posted(all but one in fact). In fact FAN said specifically that in a post several pages back which you either did not read or chose to ignore, either way swing and a miss!

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1300202954' post='2665576']
As to our treatment of VE in our embassy, I believe you're talking about SethB? Yeah, VE sending SethB to us would be like us sending me to FAN as our ambassador. You can call it a straight up noob move, but in reality it's not a noob move, it's another word with four letters, starts with a d, ends with a k, and you can fill in the blanks. VE at the time clearly wanted the reaction they received so they could use it as PR filler, as you just did. No one is that dense, unless they are being willfully obtuse.

One could have said the same thing about my having volunteered to be Nordreich's envoy to Pacifica.

Nevertheless, my people have a saying for these kinds of situations: "Only Nixon could go to China."

Your alliance's treatment of SethB was inappropriate. It was childish. But it revealed your true feelings, and thus was 'good to know'. The same applies to the vandalism that was done to Nordreich's embassy. I've no idea what your alliance's intentions were beyond acting stupidly, but the message received was, "We do not take you seriously. Now go away." And that is exactly what I did.

[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300214757' post='2665682']Ironic words coming from the same person who played a major part in the 2nd vox populi. Either that or just plain old horse ****. :unsure:[/quote]

You could have cherry-picked quotes so much more effectively than that. For shame. Anyway, I do not think 'irony' means what you want it to mean.

Are you saying I need to apologize to Pacifica for the Red Senate 'thing'? Are you saying I didn't try to re-establish relations between Nordreich and the NPO and put the past behind us?

If so, then my answers are 'lol no' and 'I sure as hell did'. I left Pacifica's halls only after a prominent member of your alliance vandalized our embassy; an action that was subsequently cheered by members of your alliance.

Please don't think I'm being intentionally obtuse. I genuinely do not know what the hell you are talking about. I'm not sure you do, either.

I say this because, if you were better informed, you would know that within Vox I played no role whatsoever beyond 'Red Senate condidate'. I was not a founder. I was never part of their governing structure. And whatever posts I made on Vox's forums (which I suspect numbered approximately two dozen) may be generally summed up as saying, "Guys, can I get some help with mass-messaging for our Senate campaign?"

Once I pulled the plug on our Senate run I departed Vox, never to return. I also departed from this world, not returning until several months later.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1300216511' post='2665700']
One could have said the same thing about my having volunteered to be Nordreich's envoy to Pacifica.

Nevertheless, my people have a saying for these kinds of situations: "Only Nixon could go to China."

Your alliance's treatment of SethB was inappropriate. It was childish. But it revealed your true feelings, and thus was 'good to know'. The same applies to the vandalism that was done to Nordreich's embassy. I've no idea what your alliance's intentions were beyond acting stupidly, but the message received was, "We do not take you seriously. Now go away." And that is exactly what I did.

You could have cherry-picked quotes so much more effectively than that. For shame. Anyway, I do not think 'irony' means what you want it to mean.

Are you saying I need to apologize to Pacifica for the Red Senate 'thing'? Are you saying I didn't try to re-establish relations between Nordreich and the NPO and put the past behind us?

If so, then my answers are 'lol no' and 'I sure as hell did'. I left Pacifica's halls only after a prominent member of your alliance vandalized our embassy; an action that was subsequently cheered by members of your alliance.

Please don't think I'm being intentionally obtuse. I genuinely do not know what the hell you are talking about. I'm not sure you do, either.

I say this because, if you were better informed, you would know that within Vox I played no role whatsoever beyond 'Red Senate condidate'. I was not a founder. I was never part of their governing structure. And whatever posts I made on Vox's forums (which I suspect numbered approximately two dozen) may be generally summed up as saying, "Guys, can I get some help with mass-messaging for our Senate campaign?"

Once I pulled the plug on our Senate run I departed Vox, never to return. I also departed from this world, not returning until several months later.

Yeah I was pretty active in Vox, at least after December of 2008 and kingzog wasn't involved really much at all.

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[quote name='Arcades057' timestamp='1300202954' post='2665576']
As to our treatment of VE in our embassy, I believe you're talking about SethB? Yeah, VE sending SethB to us would be like us sending me to FAN as our ambassador. You can call it a straight up noob move, but in reality it's not a noob move, it's another word with four letters, starts with a d, ends with a k, and you can fill in the blanks. VE at the time clearly wanted the reaction they received so they could use it as PR filler, as you just did. No one is that dense, unless they are being willfully obtuse.

VE sending SethB to NPO is like NpO sending Dajobo to VE... Oh wait, Dajobo is on our forums, and throughout the entire war was treated at least with a modicum of respect. People may not have agreed with some of the things he said, but not one person in VE insulted or disrespected him. The torrent of abuse you hurled at SethB, who at the time was our Deputy Secretary of State and is now the Secretary (i.e. the person we task with ensuring embassies, both on our forums and abroad, are maintained), was both incomprehensibly classless but also very telling of your true feelings. You say "VE at the time clearly wanted the reaction they received", when the actual goal was to simply update NPO on the current government of the Entente, as he did with his post. He never said anything inflammatory, never set out to incite any sort of reaction from you other than 'ok, this is your government, thank you'. That you took it further shows nothing on our intentions, but your own.

That is why I hardly ever take the things you say here at face value. 'Apologies' like this are meaningless if you don't mean them. You would only do this in public because it would allow you to try to gain some brownie points while still not having to be sincere about it. It goes against the Pacifican ethos of 'we are always right and better than you' to actually sincerely apologize to someone you have 'wronged' (I don't feel you feel the things you have done are wrong so I emphasize that) and posting this doesn't change that.

In the end, it is your duty to be respectful to outside alliances if you yourself want their respect. I'm sure Penguin and Dajobo could tell you how Polar ambassadors have been treated, or likewise someone like Jasmine could tell you how Pacifican ones are, but the one thing that remains constant is that when you invite people into your forums in order to maintain some form of relationship, how you treat those people goes a long way toward what kind of relationship is maintained.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300217572' post='2665709']
VE sending SethB to NPO is like NpO sending Dajobo to VE... Oh wait, Dajobo is on our forums, and throughout the entire war was treated at least with a modicum of respect. People may not have agreed with some of the things he said, but not one person in VE insulted or disrespected him. The torrent of abuse you hurled at SethB, who at the time was our Deputy Secretary of State and is now the Secretary (i.e. the person we task with ensuring embassies, both on our forums and abroad, are maintained), was both incomprehensibly classless but also very telling of your true feelings. You say "VE at the time clearly wanted the reaction they received", when the actual goal was to simply update NPO on the current government of the Entente, as he did with his post. He never said anything inflammatory, never set out to incite any sort of reaction from you other than 'ok, this is your government, thank you'. That you took it further shows nothing on our intentions, but your own.

That is why I hardly ever take the things you say here at face value. 'Apologies' like this are meaningless if you don't mean them. You would only do this in public because it would allow you to try to gain some brownie points while still not having to be sincere about it. It goes against the Pacifican ethos of 'we are always right and better than you' to actually sincerely apologize to someone you have 'wronged' (I don't feel you feel the things you have done are wrong so I emphasize that) and posting this doesn't change that.

[b]In the end, it is your duty to be respectful to outside alliances if you yourself want their respect[/b]. I'm sure Penguin and Dajobo could tell you how Polar ambassadors have been treated, or likewise someone like Jasmine could tell you how Pacifican ones are, but the one thing that remains constant is that [b]when you invite people into your forums in order to maintain some form of relationship, how you treat those people goes a long way toward what kind of relationship is maintained.[/b]

Seems a common theme Pacifica, Maybe time to give some thought to it?

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1300216511' post='2665700']
One could have said the same thing about my having volunteered to be Nordreich's envoy to Pacifica.

Nevertheless, my people have a saying for these kinds of situations: "Only Nixon could go to China."

Your alliance's treatment of SethB was inappropriate. It was childish. But it revealed your true feelings, and thus was 'good to know'. The same applies to the vandalism that was done to Nordreich's embassy. I've no idea what your alliance's intentions were beyond acting stupidly, but the message received was, "We do not take you seriously. Now go away." And that is exactly what I did.

You could have cherry-picked quotes so much more effectively than that. For shame. Anyway, I do not think 'irony' means what you want it to mean.

Are you saying I need to apologize to Pacifica for the Red Senate 'thing'? Are you saying I didn't try to re-establish relations between Nordreich and the NPO and put the past behind us?

If so, then my answers are 'lol no' and 'I sure as hell did'. I left Pacifica's halls only after a prominent member of your alliance vandalized our embassy; an action that was subsequently cheered by members of your alliance.

Please don't think I'm being intentionally obtuse. I genuinely do not know what the hell you are talking about. I'm not sure you do, either.

I say this because, if you were better informed, you would know that within Vox I played no role whatsoever beyond 'Red Senate condidate'. I was not a founder. I was never part of their governing structure. And whatever posts I made on Vox's forums (which I suspect numbered approximately two dozen) may be generally summed up as saying, "Guys, can I get some help with mass-messaging for our Senate campaign?"

Once I pulled the plug on our Senate run I departed Vox, never to return. I also departed from this world, not returning until several months later.

A musician without an instrument is of no joy to no one, but in the case of vox it would have worked regardless. So I guess you have a point there.

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[quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1300210420' post='2665640']
Why do you twist my words? I ASKED for NOTHING! I stated two simple facts.
Oh come on. Here's the post in question.

[quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1300070679' post='2663960']

[size="3"]We have viewed this post. We are surprised to see such an official looking document with only one of the following signatures:

Emperor: Cortath
Imperial Regent: Mary the Fantabulous
Imperial Officers of Military Affairs/Grand Marshal of the Army of the Pacific: Jesse End & Gandroff
Imperial Officers of Foreign Affairs: VektorZero & Iamthey
Imperial Officers of Economic Affairs: Bakamitai & Jasmine
Imperial Officers of Internal Affairs: Bilrow & Red
Imperial Officer of News and Propaganda: Brennan[/size]
You expressed surprise that the post was only signed by one Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs. There's only one reason why that fact would matter, and that's if NPO later on wanted to worm out of responsibility for it on the grounds that it was just something Vektor did.

You got all the signatures that you expressed surprise about being missing now anyway, so I really don't see what difference this makes. As I've mentioned, what matters is what NPO says to you and your responses to them, not what you think of me.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300217572' post='2665709']
VE sending SethB to NPO is like NpO sending Dajobo to VE... Oh wait, Dajobo is on our forums, and throughout the entire war was treated at least with a modicum of respect. People may not have agreed with some of the things he said, but not one person in VE insulted or disrespected him. The torrent of abuse you hurled at SethB, who at the time was our Deputy Secretary of State and is now the Secretary (i.e. the person we task with ensuring embassies, both on our forums and abroad, are maintained), was both incomprehensibly classless but also very telling of your true feelings. You say "VE at the time clearly wanted the reaction they received", when the actual goal was to simply update NPO on the current government of the Entente, as he did with his post. He never said anything inflammatory, never set out to incite any sort of reaction from you other than 'ok, this is your government, thank you'. That you took it further shows nothing on our intentions, but your own.

That is why I hardly ever take the things you say here at face value. 'Apologies' like this are meaningless if you don't mean them. You would only do this in public because it would allow you to try to gain some brownie points while still not having to be sincere about it. It goes against the Pacifican ethos of 'we are always right and better than you' to actually sincerely apologize to someone you have 'wronged' (I don't feel you feel the things you have done are wrong so I emphasize that) and posting this doesn't change that.

In the end, it is your duty to be respectful to outside alliances if you yourself want their respect. I'm sure Penguin and Dajobo could tell you how Polar ambassadors have been treated, or likewise someone like Jasmine could tell you how Pacifican ones are, but the one thing that remains constant is that when you invite people into your forums in order to maintain some form of relationship, how you treat those people goes a long way toward what kind of relationship is maintained.

I seriously doubt your government is unknown to your alliance members that are below the rank of deputy secretary of state, so I don't see why your choice of SethB was needed or even reasonable, unless you have no problems with being betrayed. While there is merit to your part of how people should be treated when invited to someones forums, there should also come into consideration who you decide to send.

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Mr. Haflinger,
What matters is you take very simple statements and try to spin them into something they are not. Please don't waste any more of my time as I cannot possibly compete with your vast intellect. I mean you really must be very special to know what I meant even better than I do. Good day sir.

Edited by Princess Doomee
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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1300220680' post='2665752']
Oh come on. Here's the post in question.

You expressed surprise that the post was only signed by one Imperial Officer of Foreign Affairs. There's only one reason why that fact would matter, and that's if NPO later on wanted to worm out of responsibility for it on the grounds that it was just something Vektor did.

You got all the signatures that you expressed surprise about being missing now anyway, so I really don't see what difference this makes. As I've mentioned, what matters is what NPO says to you and your responses to them, not what you think of me.
You read in quite a lot into it that's not actually there and since the person that made the post actually tells you that you're wrong I'd say you might actually be wrong here.

[s]As for the signatures were they added somewhere in the middle of this thread? I haven't read every post but I don't see them on the actual apology.[/s] Found them.

Edited by neneko
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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300222561' post='2665777']
I seriously doubt your government is unknown to your alliance members that are below the rank of deputy secretary of state, so I don't see why your choice of SethB was needed or even reasonable, unless you have no problems with being betrayed. While there is merit to your part of how people should be treated when invited to someones forums, there should also come into consideration who you decide to send.

It was to notify [b]you[/b] of our government, as one of his jobs was to go around and update those government lists in our foreign embassies.

How did SethB "betray" you, and why do you have to throw a hissy-fit like an 8 year old who didn't get what they wanted for Christmas when he shows up there? I will use the example I used before, it speaks a lot more about you than it does us when you treat an ambassador that way, whereas we can have people like Dajobo over and it is a non-issue? We treat them just as anyone else would treat any diplomat, with respect, but you seem to have a history of being idiots in regard to ambassadors that you invite into your halls.

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As I recall quite clearly, SethB was not "sent" to us. He came of his own accord and without any official mandate. While it was part of his job description to update government lists and appoint ambassadors, there was no burning need for him to go himself. It was hardly surprising that he received a harsh reception from some members of the BR. But the fact that some hotheads in the BR flamed him did not represent an official position and, in fact, our gov did order the more outspoken members to chill out.

What you neglect to mention is that the vast majority of other ambassadors and envoys you have sent have been treated with respect and appreciation. Your attempts to paint with a broad brush the character of the alliance as a whole while referencing a microsample of its behaviors is disingenuous, at best.

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I'm quite amused that VE is pretending that sending SethB wasn't done just to peeve NPO off, as it did.

Anyone with an ounce of sense would have known that SethB wasn't going to have many friends there, and that sending him was just going to lead to trouble. VE wanted trouble, so they sent him, and they got it.

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[quote name='Joe Izuzu' timestamp='1300226073' post='2665826']
As I recall quite clearly, SethB was not "sent" to us. He came of his own accord and without any official mandate. While it was part of his job description to update government lists and appoint ambassadors, there was no burning need for him to go himself. It was hardly surprising that he received a harsh reception from some members of the BR. But the fact that some hotheads in the BR flamed him did not represent an official position and, in fact, our gov did order the more outspoken members to chill out.

What you neglect to mention is that the vast majority of other ambassadors and envoys you have sent have been treated with respect and appreciation. Your attempts to paint with a broad brush the character of the alliance as a whole while referencing a microsample of its behaviors is disingenuous, at best.

I am only speaking of that situation. I do believe your Emperor himself said disparaging things to Seth when he arrived. You say 'came of his own accord' whereas I say 'doing his job'. Who, among the two of us, has a better understanding of what that job entails?

No one in NPO, including Bilrow, would get treated with the level of disrespect and lack of class that your members treated Seth. When it comes out in this thread that you've done it to others, that makes it a history. There is nothing disingenuous about it, dozens of your members treated a ranking member of VE's government the way that you did, it makes it representative of the character of your alliance unless you do something to change it. That the very next thread ended up turning into a flame-fest of a new set of ambassadors confirms that.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300227442' post='2665846']
I am only speaking of that situation. I do believe your Emperor himself said disparaging things to Seth when he arrived. You say 'came of his own accord' whereas I say 'doing his job'. Who, among the two of us, has a better understanding of what that job entails?

No one in NPO, including Bilrow, would get treated with the level of disrespect and lack of class that your members treated Seth. When it comes out in this thread that you've done it to others, that makes it a history. There is nothing disingenuous about it, dozens of your members treated a ranking member of VE's government the way that you did, it makes it representative of the character of your alliance unless you do something to change it. That the very next thread ended up turning into a flame-fest of a new set of ambassadors confirms that.

First off, dozens is an extreme exaggeration and you know it. And the only flame fest in the next thread was done by VE members as a result of the initial, not by any of pacifica. And its good to know you only consider what happens on the owf history, when everyone in cn knows the major parts of this game happen behind the scenes.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1300227442' post='2665846']
No one in NPO, including Bilrow, would get treated with the level of disrespect and lack of class that your members treated Seth.
Name me the person in NPO who baited VE into starting a global war that led to VE paying the largest reparations in history.

Right, you can't. There probably isn't anyone in the world who has done as much to VE as Seth has to NPO. Even Bilrow.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1300228121' post='2665857']
First off, dozens is an extreme exaggeration and you know it. And the only flame fest in the next thread was done by VE members as a result of the initial, not by any of pacifica. And its good to know you only consider what happens on the owf history, when everyone in cn knows the major parts of this game happen behind the scenes.

Is it an extreme exageration? My records indicates that it is spot on. I suggest that you be a bit more accurate in your accounting inthe future. In a little more than 24 hours the following individuals posted and in many cases made multiple postings.

[list]'Cortath' date='08 May 2010 - 04:35 PM' timestamp='1273361739'
'Arcades057' date='08 May 2010 - 04:43 PM' timestamp='1273362201'
'silentkiller' date='08 May 2010 - 04:47 PM' timestamp='1273362430'
'VektorZero' date='08 May 2010 - 04:48 PM' timestamp='1273362511'
'Branimir' date='08 May 2010 - 04:53 PM' timestamp='1273362821'
'Tombed' date='08 May 2010 - 04:57 PM' timestamp='1273363065'
'Bilrow' date='08 May 2010 - 05:00 PM' timestamp='1273363217'
'Lord of Darkness' date='08 May 2010 - 05:02 PM' timestamp='1273363348'
'Iceknave' date='08 May 2010 - 05:09 PM' timestamp='1273363750'
'Zblueblur0' date='08 May 2010 - 05:12 PM' timestamp='1273363971'
'bakamitai' date='08 May 2010 - 05:12 PM' timestamp='1273363979'
'Red' date='08 May 2010 - 05:26 PM' timestamp='1273364772'
'The Pansy' date='08 May 2010 - 11:14 PM' timestamp='1273385651'
'Zhihao' date='08 May 2010 - 11:39 PM' timestamp='1273387175'
'Lord Valleo' date='08 May 2010 - 11:42 PM' timestamp='1273387325'
'kenny' date ='09 May 2010 - 07:01 AM' timestamp='1273413711'
'Vengashii' date='09 May 2010 - 08:07 AM' timestamp='1273417642'
'Jasmine' date='09 May 2010 - 08:19 PM' timestamp='1273461587'
'Iceknave' date='09 May 2010 - 08:28 PM' timestamp='1273462084'
'TrotskysRevenge' date='09 May 2010 - 08:29 PM' timestamp='1273462164'
'Applesauce59' date='09 May 2010 - 08:32 PM' timestamp='1273462347'
'WorldConqueror' date='09 May 2010 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1273462905'
'Deatvert' date='09 May 2010 - 08:41 PM' timestamp='1273462912'
'Gandroff' date='09 May 2010 - 08:44 PM' timestamp='1273463041'
'Woody' date='09 May 2010 - 08:44 PM' timestamp='1273463047'[/list]

The text was not pretty and full of vulgarity/profanity. I provide the following single example. Keep in mind that the individual you fine folks in the NPO are referencing was our Assistant Secretary of State.

[quote]Please understand that I am not a part of our Outstanding Diplomatic Team, and part of this reason is for the following:

{Expletive Deleted} Sethb

{Expletive Deleted} VE

{Expletive Deleted} everyone who responds against my Emperor.

Really VE!?! You get an Imperial Officer and then our Emperor and in response you send a {Expletive Deleted} sucking gutter {Expletive Deleted} like Sethb as your diplomat!?! {Expletive Deleted} off and die forever!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, sometimes I hold a grudge, I will see you on the soles of my Jackboots.[/quote]

Yeah, you fine folks of the NPO sure did change but was it for the better?

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