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CSN Government Announcement


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[quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1298283538' post='2640519']
It is the truth. I don't like people coming into our threads meant to be acknowledgment of hard working members of CSN and them turning into trashy threads that have nothing to do with the OP. Just happy faces and differences aside. Be happy for upstanding citizens of this planet who contribute and work hard. :blush: They do a damn good job and deserve that recognition.

I lol'd.

May your utter destruction be swift.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1298279156' post='2640499']
A sideways move until it goes quiet. Ditching her would have looked obvious but she couldnt be allowed to continue speaking for the alliance in FA. It was a lame move. Unless you are telling people someone that incompetent was promoted despite their terrible attempt at FA. That WAE tag is looking a little more deserving if thats true.
So it had nothing to do with that our former DHoS was inactive and rarely signs on? Are you sure? Well, I guess you do know better than me. *shrugs*

[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1298301846' post='2640618']
I lol'd.

May your utter destruction be swift.
Our "destruction" is a long, long ways away. If you'd like to make an attempt to speed anything up, please be my guest.

Edited by Gibsonator21
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[quote name='Sir Humphrey' timestamp='1298296628' post='2640588']
It's a bit rich to blame the 'peanut gallery', or to assert that this should be an acknowledgement of hard working members of CSN, when CSN deliberately designs its announcement with reference to the CSN/DT drama to provoke a reaction.

I was thinking the same thing!!!

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[quote name='Sir Humphrey' timestamp='1298296628' post='2640588']
It's a bit rich to blame the 'peanut gallery', or to assert that this should be an acknowledgement of hard working members of CSN, when CSN deliberately designs its announcement with reference to the CSN/DT drama to provoke a reaction.

As far as I know, someone brought up the logs in our public channel and began making a fuss out of it. Sorry if the announcement wasn't super serious and professional for your standards. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1298335253' post='2641134']
As far as I know, someone brought up the logs in our public channel and began making a fuss out of it. Sorry if the announcement wasn't super serious and professional for your standards. :rolleyes:

I think all he was saying is that it appears as the the original post was made to create a reaction about the CSN/DT Issue.

Which is understandable, that was the impression I got as well.

Edit: typo

Edited by ace072199
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[quote name='Goose' timestamp='1298169636' post='2638904']
Due to Liz' outburst during our [i]negotiations[/i] with Dark Templar, she will no longer be The Commonwealth's Minister of Foreign Affairs.

[quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1298283538' post='2640519']
It is the truth. I don't like people coming into our threads meant to be acknowledgment of hard working members of CSN and them turning into trashy threads that have nothing to do with the OP. Just happy faces and differences aside. Be happy for upstanding citizens of this planet who contribute and work hard. :blush: They do a damn good job and deserve that recognition.

I [i]acknowledge[/i] your hard work. And it's definitely in the OP.;)

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1298335253' post='2641134']Sorry if the announcement wasn't super serious and professional for your standards. :rolleyes:[/quote]

[quote name='ace072199' timestamp='1298335617' post='2641144']
I think all he was saying is that it appears as the the original post was made to create a reaction about the CSN/DT Issue.[/quote]

Precisely. I don't recall commenting on the seriousness or professionalism of the announcement. :rolleyes:

The OP directly attributes Liz's promotion to her outburst during the DT negotiations, and makes no mention of any contribution or hard work by the other appointees. Thus, posts regarding the CSN/DT negotiations, and their lack of acknowledgement for the presumed contribution and hard work by you or the others, are entirely consistent with the OP.

Nonetheless, congratulations (OOC commiserations) for [i]your[/i] promotion.

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I would like to apologize for implying that you guys throw bad parties, i do hope you guys take a few minutes to sit back and wonder how despite the largest and most destructive war planet Bob has ever seen being waged, massive propaganda campaigns, and incredibly well planned attacks being carried out and thwarted between 2 coalitions that will likely decide the fate of the political landscape for the comming months or years, CSN has managed to make themselves almost universally hated.

I mean jeez, until all this all i knew was that my good friend Gibs had found a new, supportive and active home after leaving GATO and it made me happy. Liz was a MoFA whom i had a few decent enough conversations with, mutually inebriated, and fun. All was well and good.

Maybe it is just the world looking for a distraction from what is a M.A.D. war between VE and Polar or the entrenched DH/PB vs. NPO and friends war of attrition. Who knows.

All i know is that instead of acting like the decent, generally amicable people i talk to on IRC, you adopt these caricature's of lock step supporters of decisions no thinking person considers reasonable. Im sorry for acting like a reactionary ass myself, but you ought to look back on the things you said, and the decisions you made to make every alliance from GPA to GOONS do a double take and ask what you are thinking.

I look forward to talking with the new MoFA and getting to know you.


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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1298321995' post='2640923']
Our "destruction" is a long, long ways away. If you'd like to make an attempt to speed anything up, please be my guest.

Now, now Gibs. Don't joke about such things, or they may happen. ;)

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[quote name='Kubla Khan' timestamp='1298367945' post='2641584']
All i know is that instead of acting like the decent, generally amicable people i talk to on IRC, you adopt these caricature's of lock step supporters of decisions no thinking person considers reasonable. Im sorry for acting like a reactionary ass myself, but you ought to look back on the things you said, and the decisions you made to make every alliance from GPA to GOONS do a double take and ask what you are thinking.

I look forward to talking with the new MoFA and getting to know you.

Likewise, and cheers mate.

[OOC: As for IRC (at least for me) I am much more OOC while on there than on here, at least in our public channel. I will be the first to admit that my OOC and IC personalities are several steps apart. OOCly, I am quite cynical and an overall tendency to prescribe to Absurdism. ICly, I am much more upbeat, but I'm friendly all the same ICly and OOCly. I would [i]hope[/i] people could separate OOC from IC when it comes to CN e-politics, but sometimes they get melded together which isn't always bad.]

[quote name='Manis B' timestamp='1298397936' post='2641808']
I thought CSN was completely inactive before gibs got there. Seems like I remember hearing Goose was the only one who even remembered us. I dont know. im just rambling to myself here. ramble on

To be fair, before Gibs got there (at least while I was MoFA) I had very little desire to do much of anything with GATO seeing as how last time I pushed a GATO relation, well, we got 1V-GATO. Not blaming GATO for that, I just get superstitious and cling onto the Voodoo Doll I have of myself. :unsure:

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[quote name='Manis B' timestamp='1298397936' post='2641808']
I thought CSN was completely inactive before gibs got there. Seems like I remember hearing Goose was the only one who even remembered us. I dont know. im just rambling to myself here. ramble on
That's what everyone told me before I came here. I was shocked to see how active it was, and it's only gotten more active in the past three months. I take full credit. :P

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[quote name='Kubla Khan' timestamp='1298367945' post='2641584']
All i know is that instead of acting like the decent, generally amicable people i talk to on IRC, you adopt these caricature's of lock step supporters of decisions no thinking person considers reasonable. Im sorry for acting like a reactionary ass myself, but you ought to look back on the things you said, and the decisions you made to make every alliance from GPA to GOONS do a double take and ask what you are thinking.

I'd like to say that many people take this stance originally, but after reading up on unbiased versions of the events(not most dt/csn posts)and raw data, most unbiased people without stakes in this change their opinions from being dead against us to understanding and even supporting our decisions.

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I have seen the logs in their unedited, full and tedious length. I still do not agree with your decision or your handling of the matter. I hope to see a swift and fair conclusion to this black spot on your history. The problem is that emotions got the better of both alliances, CSN cannot simply do the right thing anymore and offer white peace after a honorable fight without appearing weak to 1/2 of Bob. The other half will commend you for doing the right thing. DT and its allies will keep fighing until the bitter end since they appear to be inflicting a lot more damage than CSN.

The longer this conflict, and these threads go, the worse it is for a CSN, a decent alliance who made a poor decision, and the better for your opponents who most agree are being wronged and appear to be winning against what started out as a larger alliance as LoSS just passed you in the sanction race.

As i said in the part of the post you did not quote, i have never had anything less than cordial or friendly relations with the CSNers I've talked to. For the sake of your alliance, you ought end this foolhardy conflict and move on.

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1298170418' post='2638945']
I should be made into a really awesome movie with a really crappy triplet of sequels.

Welcome to...
I like your style, sir.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1298455973' post='2642744']
for someone who is hated so much, "Liz" is a p anonymous leader :<

hated is a strong word.

I mean, very few people on Planet Bob are truly hated, and even then it's more of a controversial hatred based on politics... say, someone from the UJW period hating Electron Sponge, or MK hating NPO... they have the right to hate eachother but at the same time those parties also have allies who support them because at the end of the day, the things that those people did to be hated are more or less political. Hell, to be truly hated you need to be rather influential first.

Liz is not hated. She just can't be trusted with anything sharper than play d'oh scissors on a good day.

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