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3 Years Later Still Going S-- Weak


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[size="2"]This day 3 years ago, some kid who I picked on relentlessly told me about Cybernations.net and how him and his sister used to play it after I [i]bragged[/i] about this crappy game that Pacifica came from. Ever since then this game has been a ****ing addiction of mine. Granting me little sleep throughout the years, like most of you here. Hard work out at 4 A.M.? Well, I guess I can stay up till update (1 A.M). Wake up for school at 6 A.M.? Well, I'm having fun in this skype call...I'll just stay up till 2 A.M. I guess those were my sacrifices for this game. But, this isn't for whatever sacrifice/ill-advised move I've made for this game. This is about the story of my career here.[/size]

[size="2"]3 years ago today, I formed Believland. Which, in all honesty, should have been Believeland for the '08 Cleveland teams. Indians, Cavs, and Browns. Those are my other addictions along with girls. Anyway, I was bombarded with recruitment messages and I decided to with Monos Archien by the "[font="sans-serif"]Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" method. However, I never signed up on their forums -- yeah I'm one of those retarded noobs who never knew about forums -- and after a bad raid I was to be put up for trial on their forums. So, I decided to jolt. Off to none I went. That's where I got a recruitment message from a great friend, Lewenhaupt, telling me about the glory of Order of the Sword. And just like MA, I joined and didn't sign up on the forums. Until I got a message from Lew telling me to sign up on the forums or get attacked. I decided to do the former, and it was one of the best choices of my life. I had a ****ing blast in OTS. I started to meet some great guys in this game, many of which don't play anymore. After a few weeks some great guys from Cosa Nostra were talking to us (Order of the Sword) about a merger to form Legio-X. We thought it was a great idea because we're awesome. They're awesome. And if I'm doing this math right: Awesome x Awesome = Awesome[sup]2[/sup][/font][/size]
[font="sans-serif"][sup] [/sup][/font]
[sup][font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Off to LX we went. Easily the greatest choice I've ever made. A good friend from Freaksafari.com (The alliance) decided to join. His name was Budlight. He is easily the greatest friend to me in this game. In fact, I think he deserves his own paragraph. Which will be delivered later. Back to LX. This is where I really got to know my better friends. Again, shout out section will be delivered at the end. Two weeks or so after LX formed our ally, Norden Verein was attacked for OOC reasons. This is when and where I learned about honour and the evil of Continuum's power. Legio-X joined in defense of NoV... kinda. Originally we were but, DefCon's MoW? decided to attack us because he [/size][/font][s]thought[/s][font="sans-serif"][size="2"] knew LX would honour their treaty with NoV. So, we decided to attack DefCon instead of hitting someone else. But, that was okay as every one else decided to let us have some fun and hit us instead. Now, this is where the honour comes in. LX asked it's allies to 'sit this one out'. However our allies, whether it be due to stupidness or sheer stupidity, most likely both, decided to jump into the fire with us. This is where I also learned of Continuum's evil. Our friends in LUA were going to quit this game after the war. So, when deciding to honour our treaties, they decided to go balls out and nuke their opponents. For those who don't remember, Q really hated nukes for some reason so they were shocked when they got nuked. Instead of 'Manning up' they decided to freak the freak out and sentence them to PZI. Even with that sour spot in the war, we still found the silver lining.[/size][/font][/sup]
[sup] [/sup]
[sup][font="sans-serif"][size="2"]For our peace terms Q told us to get rid of all of our treaties and to get protection by a Q alliance. We went to TOP. The greatest choice we could have done. TOP and Gre (Well at least Ejay) helped us a lot. I honestly, owe my career to TOP and what they did for us then. After the war was over, we ended up signing a protectorate with TOP that would last 3 months. We renewed it by the second month because of our relationship. A great guy named, VI/VIdiot/EmperorVIcious/ Emp/ EV/ I have too many nicknames because I'm a pretentious loser/ decided to join LX. He was able to bribe Mero into joining too. This marked a significant gain for the alliance, with a new gov't and activity increasing. However, we lost Bud during WoTC and almost lost me as well. If it wasn't for an intervention with Bud(ironically), VI and Hormones, I would have been running into Vox or [i]trying[/i] to fight with MK. But, I stayed within the confides of LX. Forever wanting to fight against NPO/Q. The same Q that ended our friends in LUA. [/size][/font][/sup]
[sup] [/sup]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Soon after my decision to stay in LX, retardation plagued the alliance. For some reason, terrible reasons, we decided to merge and form The Dark Evolution. In order to not rant like radio talk heads, I will not be getting into that.[/size][/font]

[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]After I left DE, I went straight to TOP and almost got in. For Better or for worse. Instead I ended up joining my friends in FACE. FACE was great, easily the best time I had in this game. We didn't do too much but, the discussions were fun as hell. There really wasn't a bad time in FACE until it started to go inactive. Once that started I left. First I applied to Doitz's alliance. I have no idea why I did that and got denied rather quickly. I then tried my second go around with TOP. This time I knew more people and was pretty quickly accepted. The time was fun. Most of it was chilling out since TOP isn't one of the alliances to need leaders to step up constantly like micros do. The time was fun but, I always planned to start my own alliance. [/size][/font]

[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Order of the Sword was founded in November with some close friends of mine. Originally, we planned to get 3 treaties. One with TSO, one with NoR and another with TOP. We first went to TOP and wanted a protectorate or some other treaty. However, with a lot of drama going on with TOP (Kronos situation, Citadel collapsing, Gre collapsing, etc., etc.) there really wasn't enough time to make one and we decided to walk separate ways. This was a time where we weren't under any protection until some time in January. During this time both FOK and iFOK raided us. I went to Mike and Tromp(?) looking for reps. At this time we weren't in any position to get reps at all. We were a small 10 man alliance without any treaties, that didn't stop the FOK's into giving us ~30 mil. So we hung around and switched up our forum format a few more times. After that we were informed that NpO attacked \m/. TOP pre-empted CnG and TSO followed them. Now, at the time, NoR had everything tied up with their wars. They didn't need any help. But, our brothers in TSO did. Without a treaty, we decided to hit Eldar in defense of TSO. Even today I would not take that move back. Eldar were some stand up folks and we really should have signed a treaty. A few months later we signed our treaty with NoR and TSO. The rest has been history.[/size][/font]

[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Shout out section:
Bud: Even though you won't play this game anymore I wish you the very best. You need to get on AIM more so we can chat and still keep up. You're easily the best friend I've ever had in this game and have taught me a lot, for better or for worse.[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]VI: I love you. That's all that needs to be said. You're great and I'm sorry we never got FACE into Citadel like we dreamed too. I'm also sorry in the way I left FACE. I hope you're having a wonderful time doing what you're doing because you deserve it. I hope the misses and you do well in the future. And I think everyone, yes everyone, is waiting for you to reroll.[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Hormones: I can't wait till you come back. You are one of the best in this game.[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Rev: I too hope you come back to this game. I missed our chats and your ways[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]She: You guys were great. Get more active, kay?[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Jgat: You too okay?[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]LX: Greatest group of guys aroudn[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]DJ Pen: I miss you brother. You were my greatest vouch within TOP. Also, you suck at nation building ;)[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Ejay: You really had some amazing ideas for Ninjas and they were really cool. You're one of those guys who [/size][i]actually[/i][size="2"] no what they're doing and you're an excellent poacher. Also, she wasn't up for the Eiffel Tower :([/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Timberland: Michigan is our *****again[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Owned-You: TE alliance now[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Bama: Look upwards[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]LW: Look upwards[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Crymson: I won in NHL that one time :smug:[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Twisted: Get active[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Jenko: Worst emo around
[/size][/font][font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Greeny: OTS IS OTS JOIN OTS[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]AUT: Look upwards[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Omni: Look Upwards. One of the nicest guys in CN.
[/size][/font][font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Jofna: You sir are great[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]mitchh: > all[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Ex: TOP radio now[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]CtC: Look upwards[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Sky: I have fun in your chan[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]DLT: You're. a. Noob[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Thar: <3[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Kylie: Look upwards[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Chax: Look Upwards[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Mag: Look upwards[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Roq: You're a great guy and Umbrella is a great alliance[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Schatt: You're also a great guy. Don't let the dumb get you down.[/size][/font]
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Everyone else: You're great. Even you NC :wub:[/size][/font]

[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Elbo, you're a ****
[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]It's been a fun ride even though I expect we're almost done. Cheers.[/size][/font]

[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]I might give you a shoutout if I can remember too.[/size][/font]

[font="sans-serif"][size="2"]Also, if there's one thing this game has taught me: This is a game, remember that. Also **** sides, support friends.[/size][/font]

Edited by Believland
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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1296346151' post='2610105']

[size="2"]3 years ago today, I formed Believland. Which, in all honesty, should have been Believeland for the '08 Cleveland teams. Indians, Cavs, and Browns. Those are my other addictions along with girls.[/size]

Haha who you trying to fool Azy we all know you couldn't get a girl even if you had a $100 bill hangin out of your zipper. :lol1:

Oh look I got a shout out and so did the ole Cosa Nostra crew :wub:

btw (1,515 days old) I'm older :P

Edited by jgator
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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1296353311' post='2610213']
I don't know if you're aware but, I'm quite the lady's man :smug:

Also, OTS is OTS join OTS


ahhh yeah your ladies ;)

Edited by jgator
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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1257726814' post='1955669']


[quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1296353280' post='2610212']
Roll BEazy

OMFG is gonna OMFG.

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[quote name='TheyCallMeJeezy' timestamp='1296360503' post='2610338']
As a soon to be OSU grad



[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1296366406' post='2610560']
I'm looking up... and seeing nothing but people who should be kneeling to me. I will forever have you trumped over at Steve :P
psh, own a color sphere then get back to me.

[quote name='President Obama' timestamp='1296410491' post='2611248']
The lack of Jersey Shore in this announcement is terrible. :colbert:

Also, congrats on 3 years!

Jersey Shore deserves it's own thread. It cannot just be shouted-out to like any other TV show and/or movie.

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