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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1296660834' post='2616207']
you'd certainly better hope that NPO show me where my detonators are.
I think they'd rather defenestrate you. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/PYU3Q.gif[/IMG]

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[quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1296660197' post='2616193']
Well I tell you what why not ask Legion if we "hide" under their protection, or better yet do some research on what you are talking about

And ps it was IRON govt that cancelled on Legion in a cowardly manner without any warning and then quoted the wrong clause in it's cancellation notice.

It also was IRON govt who lied to the general membership about having communicated their intentions to cancel with all govt after the mass IRON treaty cancellation

But the lies of IRON gov are for another time and place

IRON council members have to take an oath that they will lie to membership about 50% of things, and ignore questions about the other 50%

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[quote name='sojourner' timestamp='1296592367' post='2614941']
We left 110 days ago. We have moved on to our new alliance business.
We are now The Last Republic. We are not ex-IRON.

Our members do not have any idea about what happened, [u][b]we have not generated any hate towards IRON at all.[/b][/u]

However, it seems like IRON has not done the same.
They send a new member here to continue to incite hate and lies.

All I can say is IRON needs to move along as we have done and tend to their own business.
[quote]01:08 &sojourner[TLR] • huh Sam go back to the liars,thieves and backstabbers...they're calling you[/quote]
[quote]00:43 &sojourner[TLR] • eh reputation and enjoyment are worth more than a few pix
00:44 +Brickyard • *see every post against GOONS Necro
00:44 &JhariusII[TLR-CoE] • IRON has that covered
00:44 &JhariusII[TLR-CoE] › looks at Samus[/quote]
Yet we're the liars. :rolleyes:

I can find more if you want.

Edited by Samus
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[quote name='brickyard' timestamp='1296664964' post='2616262']
IRON council members have to take an oath that they will lie to membership about 50% of things, and ignore questions about the other 50%

I never took this oath when I was in council, must be a new one!

[quote name='Razgriz90' timestamp='1296669753' post='2616344']
Nice to know IRON still loves us. We've moved on and you should too.
It is only natural that some IRONers will hold ill will towards The Last Republic, understandable, and should be expected. Although it would be convenient for them to have 'moved on' it is unlikely since a few feel betrayed and rightfully so. However I hold know ill-will towards you since I served with you when times were good. I was not around to know your exact motives for running away when things got to difficult for you so I can not make judgment on my feelings towards you.

Good luck TLR!

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[quote name='TIEIXIAIS' timestamp='1296676115' post='2616447']
It is only natural that some IRONers will hold ill will towards The Last Republic, understandable, and should be expected. Although it would be convenient for them to have 'moved on' it is unlikely since a few feel betrayed and rightfully so. However I hold know ill-will towards you since I served with you when times were good. I was not around to know your exact motives for running away when things got to difficult for you so I can not make judgment on my feelings towards you.

Good luck TLR!
While I do not agree with the "running away" phrase you used, I do appreciate your openness and honesty on this subject. Thank you. <3

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[quote name='Razgriz90' timestamp='1296669753' post='2616344']
Nice to know IRON still loves us. We've moved on and you should too.

Please don't use the posts of a small amount of our members as a pretext to judge the feelings of the entire alliance. Has any member of IRON council posted in this thread to do anything other then wish you guys luck?
Neither IRON nor TLR gain anything from a public mud slinging match. I wish TLR the best of luck, while I may not be happy with what happened betweenus before we can all move on. The past shall should stay exactly where it is.

On another note I wish both the Last Republic and GOONs shall enjoy a good honorable fight.

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[quote name='Zombie Glaucon' timestamp='1296267996' post='2608339']
People were usually able to negotiate their way out of PZI under the old regime too. Try again.
Except sometimes it'd take years, like what your pals in the NPO did to my mate Sean. $%&@ you and the horse you rode in on.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='Jharius II' timestamp='1296581938' post='2614795']
Yeah, why wouldn't we be?

You weren't even in IRON yet when we left.

Now now lets not kid ourselves what TLR and IRON have is not friendship, and your colleagues response to a new members question only exemplifies why that is the case. We may not troll you at every opportunity but that does not equate to friendship.

[quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1296590386' post='2614911']
What's not civil is to be fake to our face but talking ish behind our back

Since you seem to be speaking for IRON champ be a man and tell us what is said

Either put up or shut up but don't intimate like some coward

This tired old chime, if we hated you that much we would have wiped away the brown stain you left on the mattress long ago. We don't care about you get over it.

[quote name='sojourner' timestamp='1296592367' post='2614941']
We left 110 days ago. We have moved on to our new alliance business.
We are now The Last Republic. We are not ex-IRON.

Our members do not have any idea about what happened, we have not generated any hate towards IRON at all.

However, it seems like IRON has not done the same.
They send a new member here to continue to incite hate and lies.

All I can say is IRON needs to move along as we have done and tend to their own business.

Some of our members still have friendships with you guys, that is fine by me, they are free to express themselves. Understandably many view your alliance in a negative light. I do marvel at how you jump to ridiculous conclusions, one new IRON member expresses himself about your alliance in a borderline negative light and suddenly the entirety of IRON spends their days whittling and worrying about you behind you backs, give me a break. You guys really need to stop being so sensitive people have opinions, we have largely managed to ignore one another and I am quite happy to continue with that state of affairs as I relayed to yourself when you last contacted me. But we are not friends lets just make that point clear.

[quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1296658022' post='2616159']
Oh making up lies now? We haven't done any inter-alliance recruiting as an alliance

Very sad that you guys feel such an attachment to us still

But stop acting like the jilted lover and move on already it's actually getting pathetic

But to the war yes GOONs all the best to you all during the course of this engagement and all the best to my fellow TLR members fighting as well

And trust me we are the ones who have moved on it's not TLR that refused to open an embassy for IRON

Don't tell porky pies, I visited you guys personally to reconcile relations shortly after you formed (against my better judgement I might add) you did refuse to open an embassy for us and stated you wanted nothing to do with us. Granted you flip flopped on that position some months later and asked for an embassy on our forums which I denied for the simple reason (as this thread displays) the best type of relations between our alliances is none at all. You guys don't even have enough members to warrant an embassy on our boards and as you are particularly irrelevant to IRON and the world in general there was very little reason to grant your request.

Edited by MCRABT
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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1296679394' post='2616502']
Except sometimes it'd take years, like what your pals in the NPO did to my mate Sean. $%&@ you and the horse you rode in on.

I was no supporter of PZI. Just like I'm no supporter of the New PZI (same great taste but less filling).

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