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A message to the bystanders


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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1296061129' post='2602827']
I guess it just depends on how you look at it then. Their are a couple alliances who don't like NpO and they are on their side just to defend their ally, and they don't consider themselves on NpO's side.

By supporting an alliance defending NpO you're freeing them up to attack NpO's attackers thus supporting NpO.

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[quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1296061690' post='2602840']
I admit calling them cowards is exaggerating it a bit. But not defending multiple allies on the same side isn't something to be proud of either.

Depends upon how one looks at it, if they dont agree with the cause, then yes standing up and saying that they wont fight and help that cause can be something to be proud of.

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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1296060883' post='2602821']
Again, this has happened on all sides. Farkistan has at least one MDP partner who has been attacked where they did not retalliate.

This is the kind of war that scrunches up treaty webs and throws them away. Calling out individual moments of that as cowardice is missing the big picture.

I thought I stated that this was to everyone out of the war (minus neutrals) at the beginning.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1296022525' post='2602244']
I think more of the outrage is over, their allies in MCXA have been hit, their allies in Exodus have been hit, their allies in Nordreich and BTA are in however have not been countered yet. That's four treaties on one side of a war. Usually if you have that many treaties on one side of a war you usually do your best to help that side out. However, because Valhalla seems to have an [b]irrational hatred [/b]of Polar (that's ok, but it's not how I'd do things) they are going to let people they like burn. :(

because its totally irrational to hate/dislike an alliance whom lied to you and then 180'd during a war you are there fighting on their behalf and hung you out to dry.....and thats just on one facet of this war.

We have every right and reason to dislike those that this war is upon atm. Better then most tbh.

That being said, we drew the line at participating in this fiasco(and trust me we had a few offers from the 'other' side too), we politely declined those yet had a big part of us that wished some of them well in their endeaver.

We also have a huge part of us that is wishing the aggressed side well too, as you said we have friends and allies in the fray.

As for our relationship with our allies and the talks between us that is just that, between us.

I will say that all of our allies knew WELL in advance(and i dont mean weeks i mean many months) about our feelings about polaris and what they did and about pacifica and our strained past there. Our whole FA has been based upon that since Karma ended for us, no secret for sure.

So as to what Valhalla and thru us DR(possibly) does or does not do is upto us ultimately, though just fyi we havent dishonored any treaty atm and have no 'obligation' to enter thru paper legaleze. Protip- trying to run a smear campaign and distorting history isnt the way to garner support.

Have a nice day

Edited by chefjoe
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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1296015206' post='2601829']
It's fairly easy to see. I don't have to call them all out for you. If you're not illiterate you can find which treaties aren't being honored. If you are illiterate then me telling you won't help you anyway.
>asked a simple question
>insult the questioner
Credibility +1

[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1296055113' post='2602721']
So is the lesson here "Join my side or I'll keep telling really boring stories"?
You speak to my soul man

If you need help in your wars Omni, just drop by our halls. Paradoxia is a gentle loving alliance, and we'd be glad to help you out.

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[quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1296012656' post='2601696']
Hey Penkala, why did VE need other alliances to take down Polar? That seems kinda desperate, doesn't it?

Guessing the answers are probably 1) They were bigger than us, and 2) We need more nations to declare on them and keep them out of peace mode who aren't in nuclear anarchy.

[quote]At the end of the day it doesn't matter who says what really. You'll still be an idiot. [/quote]

I'm really [i]not[/i] an idiot, though.

Glad to see that you still need to resort to ad hominems to attack my posts, though. I guess not all of us can argue like 12-year-olds. Never change (or grow up), Tyga!

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1296022525' post='2602244']
I think more of the outrage is over, their allies in MCXA have been hit, their allies in Exodus have been hit, their allies in Nordreich and BTA are in however have not been countered yet. That's four treaties on one side of a war. Usually if you have that many treaties on one side of a war you usually do your best to help that side out. However, because Valhalla seems to have an irrational hatred of Polar (that's ok, but it's not how I'd do things) they are going to let people they like burn. :(
That only rational opinion for any alliance to hold toward NpO is hatred or at least avoidance. Holding an MDoAP with NpO like IAA does is the height of irrational behavior.

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[quote name='Bob Sanders' timestamp='1296103619' post='2604451']
That only rational opinion for any alliance to hold toward NpO is hatred or at least avoidance. Holding an MDoAP with NpO like IAA does is the height of irrational behavior.

Wow, for a moment there you *almost* had me convinced to join Polar.

Keep trying.

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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1296107569' post='2604826']
Wow, for a moment there you *almost* had me convinced to join Polar.

Keep trying.
Joining would be somewhat safer than allying them and then having to scramble when they switch sides in the middle of a war like NSO had to do. :ph34r: May I suggest STA for your new alliance? :smug:

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Good lord. If ever an alliance had cause to avoid Polar's side it's Valhalla. And Valhalla, has, quite obviously proven willing and able to fight at the drop of the dime. There's not much room for debate as to either of these points, despite the foregoing.

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[quote name='Bob Sanders' timestamp='1296110514' post='2604984']
Joining would be somewhat safer than allying them and then having to scramble when they switch sides in the middle of a war like NSO had to do. :ph34r: May I suggest STA for your new alliance? :smug:

I don't know... We have a pretty strict admittance process. :mad:

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1296085793' post='2603581']
because its totally irrational to hate/dislike an alliance whom lied to you and then 180'd during a war you are there fighting on their behalf and hung you out to dry.....and thats just on one facet of this war.

We have every right and reason to dislike those that this war is upon atm. Better then most tbh.

That being said, we drew the line at participating in this fiasco(and trust me we had a few offers from the 'other' side too), we politely declined those yet had a big part of us that wished some of them well in their endeaver.

We also have a huge part of us that is wishing the aggressed side well too, as you said we have friends and allies in the fray.

As for our relationship with our allies and the talks between us that is just that, between us.

I will say that all of our allies knew WELL in advance(and i dont mean weeks i mean many months) about our feelings about polaris and what they did and about pacifica and our strained past there. Our whole FA has been based upon that since Karma ended for us, no secret for sure.

So as to what Valhalla and thru us DR(possibly) does or does not do is upto us ultimately, though just fyi we havent dishonored any treaty atm and have no 'obligation' to enter thru paper legaleze. Protip- trying to run a smear campaign and distorting history isnt the way to garner support.

Have a nice day

Valhalla aside, I wonder how the OWF would have reacted to a statement from GATO, Legion, UPN, any other "disliked" alliances, that encompassed this message?

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