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Notice of Condemnation - From the High Priest of Moralism


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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1296028754' post='2602410']
My child, the world is at war. Bickering about non-issues is the devil taking advantage of an idle mind. Go forth and slay the barbarians where you find them.
So I guess you don't represent anything different from the side you're fighting other than your treaties putting you on one side, if all your moralism really amounts to is everyone should honor their treaties and nothing should change, then I don't think people will see them as meaningful. NSO got screwed declaring to help you guys with no treaty in the BiPolar War and you don't seem to have a clear policy on when people will be sanctioned by your alliance, other than it being explained that declaring war without a proper CB makes someone considered a rogue who gets sanctioned by both friends and those not allied to the one requesting it. I think if you're trying to convince anyone other than your allies to help with this call you should have something more to your ideals than everyone slaying what they can find.

What does Tygaism represent different from the Unjust Path?

Edited by Methrage
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My child, because the senator of the white team from the Siberian Tiger Alliance put you on a sanction list upon request for being a nuclear rogue does not have anything to do with Tygaism or the Church. The Church knows it is standard practise for senators to sanction nations upon request for certain activities and support this when the reasons for such requests are found to be valid. There can be no good without discipline.

As far as what Tygaism offers that is different to the Unjust Path, you need only look at history to see that the Tygaist alliances have not instigated nor declared wars of aggression nor have they colluded to instigate such a conflict. A Tygaist judges each issue on its merits. If you had studied the Tygaist texts as every good person should, then you will see that being a Tygaist is not about pleasing everyone but about being honest and doing what you consider to be right regardless of the reaction it brings.

If all alliances were Tygaist alliances then you'd have had no alliance to attack. The fact you attacked the alliance you did and not mine shows you know what the differences are but choose to allow the devil to play on your mind.

The barbarians are attacking and you are standing idle arguing about past non-issues. Shrug off the devil and embrace the good.

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1296030635' post='2602440']
You misspelled honor in the original post and because of that I disown you and your teachings. :mad:

My child, the teachings of the Church use the traditional and correct spelling of words. The alteration of spelling is the work of the devil and as such completely immoral.

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1296033766' post='2602483']
Does your church frown upon fornicating with whomever I choose/eating meat on Fridays?

My child, the less the Church knows about you fornicating the better. Our better judgement prevents us from asking whether the meat eating was a separate question or something to do with your fornication ritual.

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1296030635' post='2602440']
You misspelled honor in the original post and because of that I disown you and your teachings. :mad:

I have had a look at the op and it is spelt honour, so you are actually the incorrect one, it is spelt the way of the English in English and as all know the English are truly Gods own children so the church should spell it this way. :P

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[quote name='simon2269' timestamp='1296047194' post='2602608']
I have had a look at the op and it is spelt honour, so you are actually the incorrect one, it is spelt the way of the English in English and as all know the English are truly Gods own children so the church should spell it this way. :P

Hallelujah, my child.

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1295930465' post='2598333']
Your moralist crusades have brought us to the place where we are. All who follow Tyga will perish inevitably. You don't realize that literally, EVERYTHING MUST DIE. If you wish to provide boredom and peace to planet Bob, you will seal your fate with your nemesis. War and fun are a virus, and this entire planet will be plagued.
If everything must die when will MK hit TOP, Umbrella hit GPA, and GOONS DOW MHA?

Everything must die, right?
Or is it everything on the "other side" must die?

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1296264568' post='2608250']
If everything must die when will MK hit TOP, Umbrella hit GPA, and GOONS DOW MHA?

Everything must die, right?
Or is it everything on the "other side" must die?

everything but the hegemon duh... that should be obvious.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1296264568' post='2608250']
If everything must die when will MK hit TOP, Umbrella hit GPA, and GOONS DOW MHA?

Everything must die, right?
Or is it everything on the "other side" must die?

[font="Tahoma"]That phrase is hyperbole used for a variety of reasons. One being for our obvious amusement from overreactions delivered in a consistent basis from detractors. Another is to help identify future detractors as well as repeat detractors and make mental notes on whom we could trust and who we couldn't for future conflicts. Oh and most importantly it sets into motion the domino effect, that will trigger the next war. You see, we really are that [u][i][b]good[/b][/i][/u] at Cybernations that we may fight a war while simultaneously planning for others months and years into the future.[/font]

[font="Tahoma"]Scary isn't it?[/font]


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[quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1296270822' post='2608393']
[font="Tahoma"]That phrase is hyperbole used for a variety of reasons. One being for our obvious amusement from overreactions delivered in a consistent basis from detractors. Another is to help identify future detractors as well as repeat detractors and make mental notes on whom we could trust and who we couldn't for future conflicts. Oh and most importantly it sets into motion the domino effect, that will trigger the next war. You see, we really are that [u][i][b]good[/b][/i][/u] at Cybernations that we may fight a war while simultaneously planning for others months and years into the future.[/font]

[font="Tahoma"]Scary isn't it?[/font]


Not really. I knew about this back in 2006. :awesome:

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1296264568' post='2608250']
If everything must die when will MK hit TOP, Umbrella hit GPA, and GOONS DOW MHA?

Everything must die, right?
Or is it everything on the "other side" must die?

No. All of planet Bob must die. We shall get there, in due time. Let's go one thing at a time. There is a methodical way of doing this.

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296415124' post='2611338']
No. All of planet Bob must die. We shall get there, in due time. Let's go one thing at a time. There is a methodical way of doing this.
As long as you don't keep us all in suspense or take so long we die of old age before you get to it.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295929969' post='2598271']

[b][size="5"]From the Desk of His Grace, High Priest Tygaland[/b][/size]

It is with the full backing of the Church of Tygaism, the Church of Moralism and the Court of Honour (Cyberverse) that I condemn the recent attack upon the New Pacific Order by the barbarian hordes from Doomhouse.

For many years, in my various roles keeping order in the Cyberverse, I have always stood for what is right on our planet. Today, a great evil has spread its wings and cast shadows across the lands. Today I invite all who value what is good in the Cyberverse to fight this evil in all its forms.

Rid our wonderful planet of the vermin that now seeks to destroy it.

The children of the Cyberverse are all Tygaists at heart. Our planet needs you, go forth, my children, and fight for what is true and right.

Crown Prince Mishka,
High Priest of Moralism, Grand Arbiter of Honour and founder of the Church of Tygaism. [/center]

Infidels, Inglip will CONSUME you!!

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[quote name='Crowdog' timestamp='1296415124' post='2611338']
No. All of planet Bob must die. We shall get there, in due time. Let's go one thing at a time. There is a methodical way of doing this.
If all of Bob must die, then why has peace been given to the weak?

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1296666683' post='2616286']
If all of Bob must die, then why has peace been given to the weak?

They aren't a threat to ruin our plans so I really don't care. Probably because the alliances they fought didn't think they were worth fighting anymore, and the weak alliance was in fact too weak to keep fighting. Thus surrender/peace was the most value creating option. I don't think much more thought went into it to be honest.

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