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[quote name='Matthew Conrad' timestamp='1295944799' post='2599641']
Is this guy serious? Crymson, is he serious?

He must be very unaware of just how well Feanor and I know Pacifica. Hell, we probably know Pacifica better than he does.

Edited by Crymson
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Of course Duckroll needs to do a little bit of soul-searching to discover who their [i]real[/i] enemies instead of holding onto a grudge match. Remember Duckroll, this is a completely different war, with a different defensive chain and a new CB.

Either way, played right into our hands Doomhouse :smug: .

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295944609' post='2599633']
I'm not sure if "old friend" is a justifiable tag for someone you've talked so much trash about behind his back.
Iron knows what happened that night in karma and if my reaction to that pressure is trash behind back then so be it. I think anyone in IRON that was there that night is man enough to accept those criticisms as I accept those for not having the fortitude to correctly lead TPF in the early hours of that war. I speak as an ally that was pressured to go against everything we believed by multiple allies in all directions, if being resentful of that experience is trash talk then thats how it is. In the context of his comment regarding alliances helping defend those who now attack with no reason in the karma war, my comment is no less valid. Whatever criticism I have of those that night does not erase years of working together and fighting together.

Your rapid sway from those whom defended and stood by you for years as friends, to picking petty insults that serve no real reason is truly sad.

Edited by mhawk
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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1295945184' post='2599658']
Of course Duckroll needs to do a little bit of soul-searching to discover who their [i]real[/i] enemies instead of holding onto a grudge match. Remember Duckroll, this is a completely different war, with a different defensive chain and a new CB.

Either way, played right into our hands Doomhouse :smug: .
Do tell me who our real enemies are. :v:

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1295937442' post='2599231']
---snip--- you still put your hatred for the Orders above logic and let it happen. When Doomhouse comes knocking at your door, quite honestly you'll deserve every bit of it for your stupidity. But that's another discussion for another day.[/color]

This is rich. Just how many times have we heard the exact same sort of line, only with roles reversed, when the Orders were the attackers as they were so many times while they were in power?

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='mrwuss' timestamp='1295944747' post='2599638']
A reason was given bit you seem to have missed it. We don't like them.[/quote]
Fair enough. Nice to know you're not trying to couch this act in any kind of honor or more respectable reason.
[quote]Also men do not have migraines, while it is typically the term given even to men for vascular pain im the brain it is referred to as a cluster headache for a male in the medical books.

See, today, you learned two things.

There's just so much wrong with this statement, I don't know where to start.

Tell that to one of Organized Chaosia's most popular football players, Percy Jackson, who was sidelined every couple of months this year for migraines. My (Duncan King's) brother also suffers from them. Also, the Organized Chaosian National Migraine Association, a national advocacy group, says that you are [url="http://www.migraines.org/commfaqs/commfaqs.htm#11"]wrong about men not getting migraines[/url].

There's also one key factual error that you're missing, but I'm going to let you figure that out on your own.

Edited by Duncan King
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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1295945184' post='2599658']
Of course Duckroll needs to do a little bit of soul-searching to discover who their [i]real[/i] enemies instead of holding onto a grudge match. Remember Duckroll, this is a completely different war, with a different defensive chain and a new CB.

Either way, played right into our hands Doomhouse :smug: .

Way to play into our hand into your hand into our hand. :smug:

(hint : you didn't have a hand to play into and no legs either and coop just stole the walker you lot used collectivly)

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[quote name='iamthey' timestamp='1295937130' post='2599209']
And now we can all see the truth for what it is. Enjoy your world CN: you got what you deserved.

If only we had accepted the NPO's kind, selfless dominion again!

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1295945249' post='2599665']
Iron knows what happened that night in karma and if my reaction to that pressure is trash behind back then so be it. I think anyone in IRON that was there that night is man enough to accept those criticisms as I accept those for not having the fortitude to correctly lead TPF in the early hours of that war. I speak as an ally that was pressured to go against everything we believed by multiple allies in all directions, if being resentful of that experience is trash talk then thats how it is. In the context of his comment regarding alliances helping defend those who now attack with no reason in the karma war, my comment is no less valid. Whatever criticism I have of those that night does not erase years of working together and fighting together.
But a multi-year smear campaign just might do the trick.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1295945249' post='2599665']
Iron knows what happened that night in karma and if my reaction to that pressure is trash behind back then so be it. I think anyone in IRON that was there that night is man enough to accept those criticisms as I accept those for not having the fortitude to correctly lead TPF in the early hours of that war. I speak as an ally that was pressured to go against everything we believed by multiple allies in all directions, if being resentful of that experience is trash talk then thats how it is. In the context of his comment regarding alliances helping defend those who now attack with no reason in the karma war, my comment is no less valid. Whatever criticism I have of those that night does not erase years of working together and fighting together.

I was referring to Shah, not to IRON.

Your rapid sway from those whom defended and stood by you for years as friends, to picking petty insults that serve no real reason is truly sad.

Here we go again. Your mistakes in leadership are not my fault, mhawk.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295945315' post='2599668']
This is rich. Just how many times have we heard the exact same sort of line, only with roles reversed, when the Orders were the attackers as they were so many times while they were in power?
[color="#0000FF"]It was proven countless times, just not against your alliance. Others in similar positions, however. Anyway, understand that I am not your enemy. We may not be fans of each other, but I am not your enemy. If you have no interest in what I have to say, so be it. I will continue to waste neither my time nor yours. Carry on and good luck. If and when your time comes, count on me personally at least being at your side again.[/color]

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1295945184' post='2599658']
Of course Duckroll needs to do a little bit of soul-searching to discover who their [i]real[/i] enemies instead of holding onto a grudge match. Remember Duckroll, this is a completely different war, with a different defensive chain and a new CB.

Either way, played right into our hands Doomhouse :smug: .

Damn, got us again NPO. Maybe next time!

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[quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1295935985' post='2599092']
And NPO's change in leadership means nothing? Or is that a cop-out only you can use?

Most alliances can change with a rotation in leadership. The NPO cannot. Those of us who know them know this quite well.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295945315' post='2599668']
This is rich. Just how many times have we heard the exact same sort of line, only with roles reversed, when the Orders were the attackers as they were so many times while they were in power?

and how many of the people who heard such ended up getting their teeth kicked into their lungs later?

the number is not zero.

Edited by Emperor Mccole
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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1295945510' post='2599676']
I was referring to Shah, not to IRON.

Here we go again. Your mistakes in leadership are not my fault, mhawk.
My apparent mistakes were not plotting and convincing myself my own treaty partner was the boogeyman. You guys were allied to NPO until nearly the day they were hit in Karma. Citing "atrocities" over and over while you held multple treaties at the time is ridiculous.

And to bigwoody, I'm over it. You can decide how you feel.

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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1295945377' post='2599670']
Fair enough. Nice to know you're not trying to couch this act in any kind of honor or more respectable reason.

Tell that to one of Organized Chaosia's most popular football players, Percy Jackson, who was sidelined every couple of months this year for migraines. My (Duncan King's) brother also suffers from them. Also, the Organized Chaosian National Migraine Association, a national advocacy group, says that you are [url="http://www.migraines.org/commfaqs/commfaqs.htm#11"]wrong about men not getting migraines[/url].

I'm using my phone from work or I would supply you endless links to medical journals that state migraines are a female hormonal issue and the exact same issue in men is medically called a cluster headach. Not saying you don't have them just telling you the two sexes have different medical terms.

And what is with the honorable thing? Did Planet bob somehow move it's self to the time of chivalry and open doors for the weaker sex?

You can honor our might (makes right) by fetching my slippers.

On a side note I can not see the normal AA listing as I can when not using this pos iPhone for Internet access, so I have no idea which side the people I am speaking to are on.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1295945852' post='2599686']
My apparent mistakes were not plotting and convincing myself my own treaty partner was the boogeyman. You guys were allied to NPO until nearly the day they were hit in Karma. Citing "atrocities" over and over while you held multple treaties at the time is ridiculous.

As I'm told it, TPF and NPO thought that they could start the war by spitting in our face and still be entitled (yes, [i]entitled[/i]) to our support.

Spare me the garbage.

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[quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1295945852' post='2599686']
And to bigwoody, I'm over it. You can decide how you feel.
Well good to hear!

My main issue is that it takes surprise stompy time for people to suddenly come around hat in hand. While I haven't seen much for contrition anyways, the time for that to feel genuine is not mid-war.

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