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Some basic understandings of this war

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Putting lies on a list make them become true now? :huh:

[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1295576432' post='2587553']
One thing I find funny is that Ragnarok was considered one of the most honorable alliances in the game. And now that they are doing what they've always done, namely honor their treaties despite what the treaty web is like, are getting blasted by those who just a short time ago were singing their praises.

Welcome to OWF way of life.

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[quote name='Razgriz90' timestamp='1295577652' post='2587578']
Dajobo hardly sanctioned spying. Read the logs and get your facts correct if you're starting a thread to show basic facts.

/me facepalms.

Even if he did why wasn't NpO given a chance to find out the facts for itself and act accordingly? Just recently GOONS, during their problems with Methrage, went time and again to alliances with claims that a member had aided Methrage; and time and again they waited until that alliance investigated and/or punished the accused. When GOONS has more patience and professionalism than you do, you've got problems.

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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1295578165' post='2587584']
Even if he did why wasn't NpO given a chance to find out the facts for itself and act accordingly? Just recently GOONS, during their problems with Methrage, went time and again to alliances with claims that a member had aided Methrage; and time and again they waited until that alliance investigated and/or punished the accused. When GOONS has more patience and professionalism than you do, you've got problems.
Indeed. Especially when after Dajobo went to talk to Impero, Impero didn't want to chat because he was already polishing his nukes. That shows a few things about the CB... :rolleyes:

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Dudes are blowing each other up and in six months to a year the details will have already been corrupted by memory such that the actual truth will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to actually divine.

Just go with it. I'm having a lot of fun from the sidelines at the moment.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295594589' post='2588768']
Dudes are blowing each other up and in six months to a year the details will have already been corrupted by memory such that the actual truth will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to actually divine.

Just go with it. I'm having a lot of fun from the sidelines at the moment.

I think I just realized your avatar is some sort of creature and not a short person wearing a large green hat...

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[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1295561514' post='2587255']
I left because the majority of the RoK government flat out told me that they were [b]not[/b] defending Polar. I didn't leave because some random guy in RoK gov "believed" they weren't going to. Furthermore, the RoK government (almost to a man) contacted me to air their frustrations over that decision and insinuated that they would leave if that decision stood.

So, no ... this isn't just some misunderstanding, over-reaction, or "hissy fit" on my part. RoK initially was not coming in. Period. Anyone who says that they were is simply saying that they would have done so anyway regardless of what was actually decided.

I have no idea what was said to VE or SF.
[/quote]Well, thanks. I guess you've sort of proved me right, I don't know if your intention was to do the opposite. I guess I respect the spirit in which you guilt-tripped RoK, but it still shows them to be a weak-willed alliance.

[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1295576432' post='2587553']
One thing I find funny is that Ragnarok was considered one of the most honorable alliances in the game. And now that they are doing what they've always done, namely honor their treaties despite what the treaty web is like, are getting blasted by those who just a short time ago were singing their praises.
[/quote]That's maybe an issue for their DoW thread, I didn't say anything about whether they were "honorable" or not.

[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1295594779' post='2588777']
I think I just realized your avatar is some sort of creature and not a short person wearing a large green hat...
[/quote]Thanks for your valuable contribution.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1295598584' post='2588887']
I think this thread is close to be called "pulling an Alterego" by MK.

EDIT: As in, people selling their own interpretation as facts and expecting everyone to go along with it.

The fact this is a parody thread has gone over most everyone's heads.

It's vaguely amusing that this thread has gotten over three times the posts of the original thread (with the exact same name). Shows you which side is out in force trying to spam their opponents into submission. Again.

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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1295571931' post='2587480']
He expected to gain info? Then why did they go tell VE what was going on as soon as he was sent screen shots? We all know VE attacked so quickly because Polar was going out the entire set up before VE could DoW. VE knew Lennox was not a Polar spy from the start, in fact the only person that was spied on was Dajobo.
He went straight to VE to tell them? Are you really sure you're not just making this up. Because I think you're making this part up. Bad doggie!

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1295594779' post='2588777']
I think I just realized your avatar is some sort of creature and not a short person wearing a large green hat...
I just saw the short person wearing a green hat and looking over his shoulder instead of the Tonberry and now I can't unsee it.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295540361' post='2586483']
Now this is some objectivity. Not even speaking as an MK member right here - there is literally no other way to really interpret these events without either a LOT of Kool-Aid or some serious tinfoil hats.


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[quote name='Vukland' timestamp='1295621945' post='2589124']
it's basically the only way most people around here will understand the concept of paranoia, i like to tailor my posts to their target audience

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295622074' post='2589126']
it's basically the only way most people around here will understand the concept of paranoia, i like to tailor my posts to their target audience
And this is why we at the WTF stay out of the way of the masses politics!

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295542841' post='2586572']
It sounds to me like the current crop of Ragnarok members doesn't really get what being in a bloc means.
If being in a bloc means knuckling under to what your blocmates want and leaving your other allies hanging out to dry when they need you, well...

I'm happy to say Invicta's not in any blocs :)

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1295551475' post='2586880']
Thats an interesting take on a spy. If I understand your position correctly, if a person spies on your alliance and the result of that activity (universally considered an agressive act of war by the VE side)ends up being a positive result for your alliance the spy who attacked you to start with should be rewarded. This seems to be a major shift in world policy imo.
Alas, no it's not. Successful spies have been rewarded for as long as I've been on Planet Bob.

[quote name='Rampage3' timestamp='1295554642' post='2587005']
I have been silent through this. Interesting how that allows people to speak on your behalf.
If people have an agenda, then not being silent doesn't change that.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1295594589' post='2588768']
Dudes are blowing each other up and in six months to a year the details will have already been corrupted by memory such that the actual truth will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to actually divine.

Just go with it. I'm having a lot of fun from the sidelines at the moment.

Some of us dont have such short memories.

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