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Announcement from the Blackstone Commission


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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1293395476' post='2554569']
I was under the impression that the OP wanted the members attacked, he since clarified his position. I withdraw my objection.

And no there aren't "plenty" of other nations to raid.
You just have to look harder!

[quote name='Smooth' timestamp='1293404645' post='2554720']
I'm just going to pop in here and remind everyone that the Viridian Entente protects Celestial Being. Any attack on them shall not be taken lightly.
Dear Santa,
It's. not. too. late.

[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1293412021' post='2554788']
And this is where I get to say, "I'm speaking from experience". As far as BCOM went, I tried it all. Early on, I set high standards - sending out messages for everyone to increase activity and the like, but to no avail. I then progressed to "monthly sign-ins", where if you failed to sign-in, it would result in dismissal. I enforced that policy for a short time, when I realized that BCOM would effectively lose 80% (or more) of its member base at that rate. By today, after governmental reformation, new policies and procedures, a new board, new art, new ideas, you name it.... none of it worked. Which was slightly surprising, I must admit.

The only common denominator was, it was directed toward people who simply didn't want to contribute.

Now, as for "large teams" like MHA - honestly, size doesn't matter imo. MHA, like any team, is bound by the same principals. If, for example, 80% of their members simply couldn't be counted on, that will certainly reflect in times of war. Many alliances like to keep stagnant players because it increases their stats, and that's fine and well during peace time. But any stats generated for any alliance by any stagnant player might as well be zero if they refuse to fulfill their basic obligations to their alliances.
I'm curious where these folks came from; were they spam recruits?

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293413824' post='2554837']
I'm curious where these folks came from; were they spam recruits?

The folks that currently remain under the BCOM AA are definitely a product of messaging. Everyone else came from networking and has since left.

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As a founding father of the Blackstone Commission, this announcement is deeply harrowing for me to witness.

First of all, I would like to say that I agree with PotFace's sentiment; what you get out of an alliance should be on the scale of what you put into it.

What was created in BCOM was an alliance with rather remarkable potential. We had a somewhat difficult start, seeing as we took on the Blackstone name and attempted to turn it around, into something perhaps a little more respectable. Whether that goal has been accomplished or not, I cannot say. What I can say however, is that it was an immensely exciting journey that I was honestly proud to be a part of. There were things that could have been done better admittedly, something I partially blame myself for. Oftentimes, I have found myself in a state of regret over leaving the Commission at its worst of times. At the time of my departure, I felt that leaving was the best thing to do, as I believed two things: the first, that we did not have the necessary experience to put the alliance in the right direction and subsequently keep it going in that direction, and the second, that in the near future, disbandment would take place, as we had our most experienced member's leaving, left, right and centre. I realise now, that my departure only worsened the situation and perhaps brought the prospect of disbandment forward a little (or maybe even a lot) further.

That being said.

The never-ending bastardry of real life is something that often produces obstacles that can be extremely difficult to navigate, as was the case in BCOM. PotFace, being so tied up with RL as he was, simply could not devote as much time as he would have liked to devote, to the alliance. In addition to this, the un-cooperative nature of the general membership was frustrating to say the least; we would have been lucky to get as many as ten people on a roll call even at the height of our power. Thusly, a small elite group of us comprised the alliance's activity. This is not a problem of course, and in fact, it is more-or-less expected. But the level we were seeing it on, and at such a critical stage in the growth and development of the alliance no less, was really not up to the standards we were setting.

Add to the proverbial bubbling cauldron the fact that we were caught up in attempted assaults by our enemies (I point my finger of course to such characters as Fortunado and Severus), the fact that we had some terrible government changes (BMv2, I'm looking at you), the fact that we had numerous problems with alliance protection ("The UrINE Affair"), and the fact that we were, in the end, "doin' it wrong", and you have an alliance who's only direction is quite simply going to be down.

Moving off the negative side of things, I will say that the creation of BCOM was nothing short of exhilerating and entertaining- as it should be. I encourage anyone who is currently thinking of building an alliance with their bare hands to go right ahead and do it: you will not regret it. My advice would be to plan things out precisely and carefully, and have a plan for every possible situation you can think of, including contingencies. Above all, have fun with it. I know I did. BCOM did a lot of good things while it was around. We cultivated lasting friendships with alliances such as AzN, TSCE and NSO. We had a fantastic community that, in my life on Bob, remains unrivalled thus far. We did not clutter the treaty web, which I'm sure many of you will be thankful for. And above all, the Commission went out as dignified as it came in. These things, combined with the negative points, are what made BCOM so damn great to be a part of.

I sincerely hope those left on the Blackstone Commission AA will find new homes quickly and with little trouble involved. It was fun while it lasted, old friends.

PotFace, I could not be more honoured to have work beside you mate. You are an intelligent and well-mannered leader, one with an old school class of style, something Bob seems to have lost. The whole experience was interesting and fulfilling from start to finish. I am wondering what might have happened had I not entered that IRC channel at that precise moment in time, but I have to admit, I am glad with the way things have turned out. BCOM may have disbanded but it is not a failure my friend, it's a success, without a doubt. I hope you are able to continue your stay on Bob, and if not, I hope that your journies in that other world are fruitful and interesting. Good luck to you Sarge. o7

Hail Blackstone. o/

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1293393314' post='2554530']
I do, however, encourage the cyberverse to understand that serving up nice things to thankless people is a poor investment, and encourages stagnation.

Quoting this because it's the freaking truth and I want everybody to read it again slowly and understand it.

Stop protecting everybody. Take all the rubber guards off the sharp corners of the world and let everybody stand on their own two feet for christ sake.

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[quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1293421517' post='2554949']
[i](....excellent post)[/i]

It's all about the ability to adapt and overcome to adverse contingencies. You can't avoid them. We were able to adapt and overcome to everything - except for lack of growth. That being said, you could almost look at it as an .... art. Sometimes one little imperfection to the picture makes it greater than it otherwise would be.

It's been a real pleasure being on a team with you, Hadrian. If we have the skill and will power to found BCOM and usher it to what we did, imagine what the future has in store for us both...

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1293422790' post='2554967']
It's all about the ability to adapt and overcome to adverse contingencies. You can't avoid them. We were able to adapt and overcome to everything - except for lack of growth. That being said, you could almost look at it as an .... art. Sometimes one little imperfection to the picture makes it greater than it otherwise would be.

It's been a real pleasure being on a team with you, Hadrian. If we have the skill and will power to found BCOM and usher it to what we did, imagine what the future has in store for us both...

I agree. There will [i]always[/i] be unforeseen circumstances. In our case, this is not necessarily what stopped us. Rather, we were unable to maintain a rising standard of growth. Whether this was due to our recruiting abilities or not, we may never know. Regardless, we created something remarkable and for that, we should pat ourselves on our backs.

Indeed. The future is constantly changing, but I believe there are great things to come.

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[quote name='Weezy' timestamp='1293394468' post='2554551']

Until further notice, Octava Orden will be assisting Celestial Being in the protection of the alliance affiliation "Blackstone Commission"[/center]
If there was a nation in my range id raid the hell out of it just to see you squirm and call on other allies

For those just arriving, ill summarize the thread for you. VE and RoK are protecting this alliance

Edited by wickedj
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1293426403' post='2555020']
If there was a nation in my range id raid the hell out of it just to see you squirm and call on other allies

For those just arriving, ill summarize the thread for you. VE and RoK are protecting this alliance

If it makes you feel any better, if I ever had a chance of being in your range, I would raid the hell outta you, for the helluva it.

As far as calling on our allies:

1. CB & OO declared protection over BCOM (which means an attack on BCOM is an attack on CB and OO, just incase you needed clarification ;) )
2. An attack on CB & OO is seen as an attack on CB & OO's mutual defense treaty partners.
3. CB and OO's allies get involved.

Its all real simple, You get my point? right? I mean surely someone of your nations seniority knows how treaties work..

Edit: Of course all issues regarding this protection would be first given a try at diplomacy :)

Edited by Weezy
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[quote name='Weezy' timestamp='1293427991' post='2555041']
If it makes you feel any better, if I ever had a chance of being in your range, I would raid the hell outta you, for the helluva it.

As far as calling on our allies:

1. CB & OO declared protection over BCOM (which means an attack on BCOM is an attack on CB and OO, just incase you needed clarification ;) )
2. An attack on CB & OO is seen as an attack on CB & OO's mutual defense treaty partners.
3. CB and OO's allies get involved.

Its all real simple, You get my point? right? I mean surely someone of your nations seniority knows how treaties work..
But haven't you heard? If it doesn't have it's own announcement, it's not official. Clearly you just don't love BCOM enough to put in the effort of making an announcement. :(

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293428069' post='2555043']
But haven't you heard? If it doesn't have it's own announcement, it's not official. Clearly you just don't love BCOM enough to put in the effort of making an announcement. :(


I am sorry Locke, for I have let you down, and not kept with the newest "unofficial" rules of the cyberverse. Please forgive me?

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[quote name='Weezy' timestamp='1293428185' post='2555045']

I am sorry Locke, for I have let you down, and not kept with the newest "unofficial" rules of the cyberverse. Please forgive me?

Meanwhile, those that you're sticking your necks out for are currently 100% oblivious as to what's going on in the world around them. And like it that way.

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[quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1293428443' post='2555048']
Meanwhile, those that you're sticking your necks out for are currently 100% oblivious as to what's going on in the world around them. And like it that way.

While that may be true, they should be given a fair (and possibly last) chance at changing that. Since the announcements and messages sent to the current nations flying that AA, World Peace has found a new home in TSCE without losing any tech. If nothing else is achieved through this that is enough for me to call it a good choice.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1293426403' post='2555020']
If there was a nation in my range id raid the hell out of it just to see you squirm and call on other allies

For those just arriving, ill summarize the thread for you. VE and RoK are protecting this alliance

Hahaha I love when people try to act tough.

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After some discussion with members and government of the recently disbanded Blackstone Commission, we have come to learn that BCOM members were left to hang out to dry by their alliance leader. For the sake of justice and all that is right, Sovereign League of Armed Powers is throwing our hat into the fray of alliances that have beat us to the punch on offering some form of protection to Blackstone Commission's former members. All nations on the Blackstone Commission AA are hereby under the (defensive only) protection of the Sovereign League of Armed Powers. Any aggressive actions taken by members of BCOM will be considered individual and rogue action if made unprovoked, and any wars declared by BCOM members will be considered an act of individual action, however any unprovoked action against a member of the Blackstone Commission will be considered an act of war against the Sovereign League of Armed Powers.

-Ruling Government of SLAP

King - Pmacdaddy
King - Spoonman
Prime Minister - Azace
Minister of Internal Affiars - MC LET ME BE
Minister of Economics - Andover

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[quote name='Andover' timestamp='1293480021' post='2555414']
After some discussion with members and government of the recently disbanded Blackstone Commission, we have come to learn that BCOM members were left to hang out to dry by their alliance leader.

That's interesting. As a former member of BCOM government, although it's been a while, I still visit the forums on a regular basis. I can attest to the fact that Potface was dead on with his assessment of the BCOM membership. Despite encouragement, by Pot, for them to get active and contribute to the alliance, this never happened. Hasn't in quite some time. Like Pot, I frankly don't care if that offends anyone reading this who was a former member of the Commission. I felt his pain. They were given all the tools and failed to use them. If anything, they left their leader hanging out to dry during their tenure there. Now, some might say that Pot should have taken the time to post notice of an impending disbandment, and he could have done that, sure. But, he gave back what he was given. No deposit, no return.

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[quote name='Zhaan' timestamp='1293486406' post='2555504']
That's interesting. As a former member of BCOM government, although it's been a while, I still visit the forums on a regular basis. I can attest to the fact that Potface was dead on with his assessment of the BCOM membership. Despite encouragement, by Pot, for them to get active and contribute to the alliance, this never happened. Hasn't in quite some time. Like Pot, I frankly don't care if that offends anyone reading this who was a former member of the Commission. I felt his pain. They were given all the tools and failed to use them. If anything, they left their leader hanging out to dry during their tenure there. Now, some might say that Pot should have taken the time to post notice of an impending disbandment, and he could have done that, sure. But, he gave back what he was given. No deposit, no return.

More prominent alliances would call this phenomenon..... "Karma". Seems like I need to talk a few people in here to get screened for amnesia or something.

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