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A Sad GOONS Announcement


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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293130433' post='2551787']
One day I'm going to give you the biggest noogie ever. I'm going to pop out from behind a wallscroll when you least expect it, put you in a headlock as your nostrils flare and eyes roll in fear trying to decide fight or flight, and then you will feel my knuckles racheting over the crown of your head and your screams of terror and surprise will mingle with my bellows of "NOOOOOOOOGIE! NOOGIE NOOGIE NOOGIE!" and it will be the most awful chorus of Hell. And when I'm done I'll let you slide out of my arms and slump on the floor, and lean on my knees to collect myself for a second, then leave you quivering on the floor.

And after that we will be atoned, and you can be at peace with our past.

It's gonna be great.

schatt, you need to realize something: there is no beef between us. Nothing in our past bothers me, and I hold no grudge against you.

My dislike of you is purely, empirically, and entirely because you're a loudmouthed tinpot with no sense of how own inherent pointlessness. You don't need to hold a grudge against a stone in your shoe to find it annoying.

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[quote name='fluffyewunga' timestamp='1293101135' post='2551467']
So in a nut shell you feel u have the right to tell GOONS to interfere with the FA's of an allaince thats not even in PB? If u had a problem with MK's choice of allies you should take it up with them not use GOONS as the fall guy.

And people wonder y i didn't want anything to do with SF's, CA or GOD.

First of all what does SF have to do with this? This hasn't affected Ragnarok's relationship with Goons. Secondly, i'm pretty sure YOU weren't the reason we don't have anything to do with USN, other then you are just a terrible alliance.

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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1293130935' post='2551796']
schatt, you need to realize something: there is no beef between us. Nothing in our past bothers me, and I hold no grudge against you.

My dislike of you is purely, empirically, and entirely because you're a loudmouthed tinpot with no sense of how own inherent pointlessness. You don't need to hold a grudge against a stone in your shoe to find it annoying.

Who will remove this stone from my shoe?

THAT IS WHAT ORGANIZED CRIMINALS SAY WHEN THEY WANT A GUY RUBBED OUT!!! And you just got him to let his guard down by saying there is no beef between you two!


Who's next to fall as you build your criminal empire, Lamuella? PUPPIES???

NV hereby signs a MDoAP pact with GOONS and then cancels it IMMEDIATELY.


So [i]there.[/i] Neener neener neener.

But I still love me some Sardonic. :((

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293130433' post='2551787']
One day I'm going to give you the biggest noogie ever. I'm going to pop out from behind a wallscroll when you least expect it, put you in a headlock as your nostrils flare and eyes roll in fear trying to decide fight or flight, and then you will feel my knuckles racheting over the crown of your head and your screams of terror and surprise will mingle with my bellows of "NOOOOOOOOGIE! NOOGIE NOOGIE NOOGIE!" and it will be the most awful chorus of Hell. And when I'm done I'll let you slide out of my arms and slump on the floor, and lean on my knees to collect myself for a second, then leave you quivering on the floor.

And after that we will be atoned, and you can be at peace with our past.

It's gonna be great.

Jeez, someone's horny.

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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1293131565' post='2551806']
How DARE you imply that we're in any way organized?

You heard me.

Sure, you don't all have SDIs or warchests, but you guys have structures and policies in place.

I know your type... Buncha joyrider hotshots that don't think twice about overdue library books. But I'm on to your little game, laughing boy, and I'll ride your case until that book you borrowed in 1995 makes its way back to the Happy Valley Public Library so help me if it's the last thing I ever do.


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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1293083019' post='2551169']
Now we're dancing in the new world.

I will enjoy the music as we two-step.

I stand behind Xiph and support him and his decisions. As a great alliance leader, he has played an important role in the forming of Digiterra.

I am sure he had his reasons behind doing what he did.

Let us say that what he did was wrong.....Are we not human? Do we not make mistakes?

o/ Xiphosis
o/ GOD

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1293126946' post='2551739']
Ok ok i call some BS here your willing to give them a chance as long as it adds great benifit to yourselves. Dont act like you guys are all forgiving and hollier than thou.
It's not that it was a great benefit for us so much as we actually have come to enjoy TOP as an alliance during and post-war, and find them to be a good match as treaty partners. I said this in my first paragraph. MK has high standards for activity and communication so your argument is easy to make since we generally wouldn't find ourselves in the position of talking to alliances that don't 'add great benefit' which I'm sure is your way of referencing TOP's stats and war performance.

If less 'beneficial' alliances made anywhere near the effort to improve relations like TOP did throughout this year I think you'd find we are just as holy.

Funny using the term 'holy' though given the name of the MK-TOP treaty :>

Edited by Drai
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1293128330' post='2551755']
"I hate your friend's girlfriend! Break them up or we're through!"
"What? I couldn't do that if I wanted to, you know how proud Archon is."
"Xiph, baby, please don't."

That's why you don't give GOD the keys to the car. :smug:

[ooc](And no this is not meant in a religious way, it's more sexist)[/ooc]

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[quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1293133521' post='2551836']
That's why you don't give GOD the keys to the car. :smug:

[ooc](And no this is not meant in a religious way, it's more sexist)[/ooc]

But what if you drive a stick? That's the best prevention for GF driving there is.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1293118467' post='2551636']Well said, Sardonic. It's unfortunate, not to mention rather ridiculous, that one man desired control and hated an alliance more than he appreciated an ally. The silver lining here is that there is no doubt in GOONS' minds who are true allies and friends - at the moment, Xiph and GOD can be neither.
[/quote][quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1293125268' post='2551712']Kudos go to GOONS, for not interfering with the sovereignty of MK and TOP in deciding how they wish to structure their relationship.

Flames go to Xiph (not the rest of GOD), for demanding that GOONS interfere with that sovereignty.

Sympathies go to the GOD membership, for you have just lost an ally for no good reason.
This is just how Xiph operates, it shouldn't be a surprise to either of you. He gives unwavering loyalty, no matter what, but he expects the same from all of his allies. A treaty with GOD is basically an MDAP, no matter what the treaty says. If you're willing to play his game, he'll play yours, but if you can't cede a bit of sovereignty, the relationship won't last. Like I said earlier, it's clear GOD and GOONS weren't playing on the same level here, so it's good that you hash this out now rather than in a tight spot.

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1293125446' post='2551714']
If VE fancies itself to be a Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. B, I have some bad news...you're more like a PzKpfw IV Ausf. H. Reliable tank, not a heavy hitter.
My country's tanks have legs. :v:

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293135333' post='2551855']
This is just how Xiph operates, it shouldn't be a surprise to either of you. He gives unwavering loyalty, no matter what, but he expects the same from all of his allies. A treaty with GOD is basically an MDAP, no matter what the treaty says. If you're willing to play his game, he'll play yours, but if you can't cede a bit of sovereignty, the relationship won't last. Like I said earlier, it's clear GOD and GOONS weren't playing on the same level here, so it's good that you hash this out now rather than in a tight spot.

so basically what you're saying is that we didn't act like his lackeys and he has no concept of a treaty between equals rather than a contract between master and servant. I'm amazed that you tried to make this sound like he's the honourable one in all this.

"unwavering loyalty". Sure.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293135333' post='2551855']
This is just how Xiph operates, it shouldn't be a surprise to either of you. He gives unwavering loyalty, no matter what, but he expects the same from all of his allies. A treaty with GOD is basically an MDAP, no matter what the treaty says. If you're willing to play his game, he'll play yours, but if you can't cede a bit of sovereignty, the relationship won't last. Like I said earlier, it's clear GOD and GOONS weren't playing on the same level here, so it's good that you hash this out now rather than in a tight spot.
[/quote]But this isn't really the case, you see.

I can't speak for GOD. But before this incident went down, we considered GOD to be one of our most valuable allies, and beyond just that, we considered them [i]friends[/i]. We would have gone to war in their defense any day of the week, and I'd have fought alongside them in any reasonable scenario.

GOD is a couple non-chaining treaties away from some alliances we want to be nowhere near, but we were willing to let that slip in the name of friendship because we were sure we could work it out like adults if the time came that this became an issue. But I guess we couldn't get that same benefit of the doubt.

Get your house in order, GOD. I still love you guys, I really do, and I hope we can still work together going forward. But I think you guys have some inner exploring to do.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1293128461' post='2551758']
What I don't get about this is that Xiph is allowed to trust Polar because of months of interaction with them, but MK isn't allowed to trust TOP because of our months of interaction with TOP?

Pretty much this. I don't understand Xiph's dislike of TOP at this point. If it's because they dislike Polar, well they have a very good reason to do so. He has disliked NPO and others in the past and I don't see why he's holding this standard to everyone on his "side" when they get to make new friends.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1293128461' post='2551758']
What I don't get about this is that Xiph is allowed to trust Polar because of months of interaction with them, but MK isn't allowed to trust TOP because of our months of interaction with TOP?

I think it's more the fact that MK et al are so blatantly out to roll Polar, for what reason exactly? TOP falls straight into that category too.

GOD aren't allying Polar to, essentially, bully another alliance. MK have done.

At least that's the way I look at it, and I was probably the most pissed off when I found out this had actually happened.

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