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UPN: What is and what isn't going to happen


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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1292856113' post='2546531']
Good luck UPN, you're definitely going to need it with Mr. Realpolitik Policy Of Not Entering Losing Wars at the helm again.
I don't think that was so much about entering for allies as it was for starting a war. It's not the greatest statement ever, but it's not an uncommon sentiment either. It certainly wasn't their reasoning for staying out of Bipolar.

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1292856113' post='2546531']
So I guess all that was wrong with UPN was a state of mind? (Or was it a [b]State[/b] of Mind?)

Good luck UPN, you're definitely going to need it with Mr. Realpolitik Policy Of Not Entering Losing Wars at the helm again.
he should be proud of that statement, hell iFOK and PC should pay him copyright dues for it,

I'd wish you good luck but lets face it UPN, you amuse me on a near-daily basis so changing would deprive me of lulz

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[quote name='TECUMSEH' timestamp='1292896822' post='2547351']
Godspeed, Altheus. We need you now. It would hurt, heh, if Hans and Magister and Vox and a few others returned either. A man can dream, I suppose.

It would hurt or it wouldnt hurt Tecumseh?

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[quote name='Altheus' timestamp='1292801836' post='2545074']UPN is fulfilling its purpose exactly.[/quote]

haha, oh wow. you're hilarious. founding an alliance as full of fail as UPN isnt something you should be proud of

btw the greek in the image doesnt mean anything, you should write Ιδρυτης instead

Edited by Venizelos
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Good Altheus,

Having once been a long time member of UPN, I believe in your ability to resurrect what has been lost. Quite frankly, I was not aware of the extent of troubles beseiging your halls. A good many noble people of ability may have left, but most started with little or no experience. A young membership can be made great with proper guidance, as I am sure you well know. Godspeed, old friend.

Page Ashenkine
The Order of the Black Rose

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[quote name='King John Philos Vi' timestamp='1293024421' post='2549915']
If the chances of UPN to redeem itself was measured in gasoline, there wouldn't be enough to power a motorcycle around the outside of a penny. :smug:

Cool story bro.

I realize that hating on UPN is "cool" right now, but seriously quit running around acting like it IS cool.

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Ya know, I just looked at your banner and thought to myself "hmmmm, I've seen that before."

Although I certainly do not mind if anybody in UPN uses it in any way, shape, or form for free, it may have been nice if somebody had let me know that my work was being used just so that, well, I knew my work was being used.



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[quote name='Sir Sci' timestamp='1293082551' post='2551140']
Ya know, I just looked at your banner and thought to myself "hmmmm, I've seen that before."

Although I certainly do not mind if anybody in UPN uses it in any way, shape, or form for free, it may have been nice if somebody had let me know that my work was being used just so that, well, I knew my work was being used.


Twice has UPN been called out for plagarism in their announcement banner. Twice has the person calling it out derived their work from others'. :v:
It looks like the texture in yours is the same as the one in the banner (meaning they weren't independently derived from the same source as it was then), and you probably put a bit more work into editing that than 2burnt2eat did into editing his when he claimed it, but still, not [i]entirely[/i] original. :P

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1293083328' post='2551191']
Twice has UPN been called out for plagarism in their announcement banner. Twice has the person calling it out derived their work from others'. :v:
It looks like the texture in yours is the same as the one in the banner (meaning they weren't independently derived from the same source as it was then), and you probably put a bit more work into editing that than 2burnt2eat did into editing his when he claimed it, but still, not [i]entirely[/i] original. :P

You are entirely correct, my work is not entirely original, my entire concept derived from Aeroflot's logo. What can I say, I like the design? Why not utilize its concept? And I can guarantee you that what is in that banner is based off of what I made, because I made it for a UPN flag design contest that got canceled (if anyone else remembers that). When it got canceled I thought I might as well send it to UPN anyway, so I sent it to somebody in the UPN. I never heard anything more.

Like I said, I have no problem with anybody using it. I don't think I need compensation or anything. I just wish somebody had let me know it was being used.

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