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Statement from Nusantara Elite Warriors


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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1292809638' post='2545244']
The line is "it needs to be a separate announcement to be official." And as has been mentioned already, NEW was perfectly aware of the protection and even inquired about it in the original thread. It was already quite explicit and known, NEW knows this, everyone knows this, NEW just came up with it because they literally don't have anything better as a defense.
I've reiterated my statement three seperate times now, none of which even remotely denied the validity of the protection in itself. That i found the initial protection a half-@#$%& afterthought has no bearing on my ability to recognise it.

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Meh, everyone gets what they deserve. DF and their 'protectors' were either too arrogant or too lazy to post a proper protection notice, so deserve the grief, NEW didn't bother double-checking before raiding but something tells me that they didn't want/need to so are presumably happy to take all of the hassle they're getting. I just hope that no major alliances have to waste too much of their time sorting this mess out.

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Everyone complains from lack of stuff happening, NEW makes something happen, which could end in a war and all of a sudden almost everyone is against them.

I will stand by NEW til the end.


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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1292816166' post='2545399']
Everyone complains from lack of stuff happening, NEW makes something happen, which could end in a war and all of a sudden almost everyone is against them.

I will stand by NEW til the end.


You should join them. :)

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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1292816166' post='2545399']
Everyone complains from lack of stuff happening, NEW makes something happen, which could end in a war and all of a sudden almost everyone is against them.

I will stand by NEW til the end.


So what you’re saying is your going to peace mode?

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1292816381' post='2545405']
So what you’re saying is your going to peace mode?

just cause some of NEWs nations are? remember KARMA? how many nations went into peace mode in NPO? can i mention the bi polar war to? all the nations that went to peace mode in that war? or was that the tpf war?

Edited by Lord Caparo
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[quote name='Geoffron X' timestamp='1292735322' post='2543862']

Right there. Now be quiet.
I don't see anywhere in there saying that is an official alliance statement... Its merely a threat that's in bold... Bold doesn't mean its official.

So please, show me where exactly is an OFFICIAL statement? Or is there actually none?

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[quote name='bwc153' timestamp='1292817771' post='2545441']
I don't see anywhere in there saying that is an official alliance statement... Its merely a threat that's in bold... Bold doesn't mean its official.

So please, show me where exactly is an OFFICIAL statement? Or is there actually none?
When the leader of an alliance says "people who attack these people will die," that's about as clear and official as it gets.

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[quote name='bwc153' timestamp='1292817771' post='2545441']
I don't see anywhere in there saying that is an official alliance statement... Its merely a threat that's in bold... Bold doesn't mean its official.

So please, show me where exactly is an OFFICIAL statement? Or is there actually none?

You have strung together words into a structure that resembles a sentence, and yet it carries no coherent or rational message. That's quite an accomplishment. Bravo.


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[quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1292818834' post='2545468']
You have strung together words into a structure that resembles a sentence, and yet it carries no coherent or rational message. That's quite an accomplishment. Bravo.


I assume he means there was no official "This alliance is protecting us for this amount of time so don't mess" statement

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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1292818959' post='2545474']
The Fact an announcement wasnt made, but a post stating, not ANNOUNCING the protection doesnt mean that they are protected as most people wouldnt see it as an announcement.

Let's just throw away years of precedent because a few uninformed people (like yourself) are making baseless, arbitrary assertions.


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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1292818959' post='2545474']
The Fact an announcement wasnt made, but a post stating, not ANNOUNCING the protection doesnt mean that they are protected as most people wouldnt see it as an announcement.
They aren't protected if it's not announced? Get your head on straight. They're protected if they say they are, it was known clearly and ahead of time by all involved parties; that's all it takes.

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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1292818959' post='2545474']
The Fact an announcement wasnt made, but a post stating, not ANNOUNCING the protection doesnt mean that they are protected as most people wouldnt see it as an announcement.

So they were not protected because it was not in it's own thread?

Your statement is idiotic at best.

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[quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1292819155' post='2545502']
Let's just throw away years of precedent because a few uninformed people (like yourself) are making baseless, arbitrary assertions.


Making a brief one liner response on the second page of a thread to announce protection has never been the precedent on Planet Bob. Traditionally, alliances would either make a separate thread, or post a reply directly after the initial post proclaiming their intentions to protect. If what you say was the "precedent", then you should easily be able to reference me to numerous threads and situations where official protection announcements where made, as casually, and vague as this one was. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I patiently wait for the references.

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[quote name='Land of True Israel' timestamp='1292819915' post='2545544']
Making a brief one liner response on the second page of a thread to announce protection has never been the precedent on Planet Bob.
Yes it has. It's been done many times before. It's actually pretty common.

Is your problem that they were too slow for you?

Edited by Delta1212
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[quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1292820887' post='2545557']
Basically, the argument here is:

"But officer, I never would have stolen this car if I had known the police were watching."


It's more like:

"But the car didn't have a 'No Stealing' sign on it, Officer."

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