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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1289949550' post='2515232']
Aren't asking questions about it contesting it? People clearly want to know what this content was.
Did said content even exist in the first place?
You're asking me to produce evidence to a wrong that, by the very nature of the wrong, can't exist anymore. I don't go around taking pictures of everything with the expectation that I'll need them later. When I say that the fact is uncontested I mean that it is uncontested by NPO, the party against which we have a grievance.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1289888473' post='2514202']
So.... NPO kicked you out of their club house..... You kicked NPO out of your club house..... sounds like somebody needs a nap.

Enjoy I suppose
:lol1: My thoughts exactly. Now they're having a quiet contest to see who speaks first.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289941299' post='2515041']

Dude, I know you cant go without us :smug: , but either join again or let it go man,...just let it go. Move on.


So they are free to rejoin the alliance, but not come back as a diplomat from another?

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[quote name='lebubu' timestamp='1289949836' post='2515236']
I don't see any Pacificans contesting it.

Clearly if theirs is the only view you wanted, you would have conducted this privatly, no? By informing the OWF, you're opening it to public scrutiny, if that's not what you wanted, why make a public annoucement?

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1289949935' post='2515241']
So they are free to rejoin the alliance, but not come back as a diplomat from another?
So, I was joking with Cager's obsession with us?

Couldn't be.

Edited by Branimir
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289949621' post='2515234']
We're not setting a precedent but rather conforming to one. All of this occurred in Francograd, so it's only appropriate that we check the precedents of that jurisdiction. As it turns out, a precedent was set through the inclusion of "editing posts" in a controversial justification of war. Editing posts in an embassy is a serious thing in Francograd. Actions by representatives of the Pacifican Emperor are serious things. Serious things deserve serious responses.
Was a serious thing years ago. They havent gone to war for that reason post Karma so you are just making assumptions that they still think the same way because they once thought that way.

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[quote name='Straylight' timestamp='1289945555' post='2515128']
We were merely preventing a sethb-type situation from escalating on our forums, there was no slap in the face besides MK's decision to close the Pacifican embassy in Castle Hall and create this dramatically overblown PR thread. Kingdom diplomats remain more than welcome in Francograd.

So Tamerlane and Seerow, being Kingdom diplomats, are welcome back? Oh goodie!

[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1289945696' post='2515131']
Oh, so thats what you meant. I misunderstood.

The guy to whom you responded obviously didn't read the OP, as he was asking if a war will come out of this and the OP clearly said that MK doesn't consider such action. If there is to be a war over this, this would be a DoW not a public complaint. Obviously the war ball is not in play as it was not chosen to be put in play in the first place. I took your comment as if now its up to NPO to somehow break this one way or the other--in sense to avoid a war or start one. Didn't made much sense to me since that option is not even a part of the context from the beginning.

I am sure that NPO and MK both will do something abut it, in sense that communication between respected governments will take place.

I meant the ball in general, not relative specifically to war. Although this is a relatively light-hearted situation to begin with (I mean, I doubt MK has high hopes for relations with NPO, and vice versa), the prerogative is nonetheless on Pacifica to do nothing here, or to do something (the something being at Pacifica's discretion). MK has already made its move (being this thread).

[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1289945954' post='2515137']
William you're trying to hard.

Kevin, your well thought out, well articulated point has been duly noted.

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1289946002' post='2515141']
That would be a NPO victory.

Yes, NPO can chalk up a victory here. MK is utterly defeated.


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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1289950057' post='2515245']Was a serious thing years ago. They havent gone to war for that reason post Karma so you are just making assumptions that they still think the same way because they once thought that way.[/quote]
Emperor's word is the law. Unfortunately in this case, the Emperor of the time isn't even in the alliance any longer, let alone still reigning. The new Emperor didn't had a chance to express by act or word his attitude towards the issue. So,..I dunno really.

[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1289950194' post='2515249']I meant the ball in general, not relative specifically to war. Although this is a relatively light-hearted situation to begin with (I mean, I doubt MK has high hopes for relations with NPO, and vice versa), the prerogative is nonetheless on Pacifica to do nothing here, or to do something (the something being at Pacifica's discretion). MK has already made its move (being this thread).[/quote]
Yeah, I see what you are saying.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1289949621' post='2515234']
We're not setting a precedent but rather conforming to one. All of this occurred in Francograd, so it's only appropriate that we check the precedents of that jurisdiction. As it turns out, a precedent was set through the inclusion of "editing posts" in a controversial justification of war. Editing posts in an embassy is a serious thing in Francograd. Actions by representatives of the Pacifican Emperor are serious things. Serious things deserve serious responses.

As for the logical conclusion, it was reached with the opening announcement. We've withdrawn and expelled. That was the end of the story. All of this is just epilogue.

Sure but you're not sticking to their precedent or I would be much more happy right now instead of eying my liquor cabinet. Therefore you've set you're own precedent. Congradulations

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[quote name='Holy Ruler' timestamp='1289910381' post='2514518']
It wasn't meant for you, traitor. I dare you to:
a) Attack me or
b) Send a recruiting message to me.
If you got my message this is the right thing to do. Don't you want a war? You will be the saviour of CN for causing a war.

Let's say I agree with your sentiment here. You know where it doesn't belong? This thread. Cut the bull.

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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1289949976' post='2515242']
Clearly if theirs is the only view you wanted, you would have conducted this privatly, no? By informing the OWF, you're opening it to public scrutiny, if that's not what you wanted, why make a public annoucement?

Jasmine a few pages back admitted that posts were edited. At least I believe it was Jasmine. It could have been another NPO official. But either way, NPO hasn't denied editing the posts.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1289950194' post='2515249']
Yes, NPO can chalk up a victory here. MK is utterly defeated.
Like stumpy you missed the next sentence. Here it is [b]"However that’s not what happened [/b]and MK members repeatedly said it was a nothing incident" i'll put it in bold for you to help you see it.

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[quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1289950298' post='2515252']
Sure but you're not sticking to their precedent or I would be much more happy right now instead of eying my liquor cabinet. Therefore you've set you're own precedent. Congradulations
Another precedent is that not every "justification for war" has to be acted upon. ;)

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1289950409' post='2515258']
Like stumpy you missed the next sentence. Here it is [b]"However that’s not what happened [/b]and MK members repeatedly said it was a nothing incident" i'll put it in bold for you to help you see it.

[b]I didn't miss it, I ignored it[/b], since you are far from objective and since rational interpretations of events are entirely independent of Alterego's delusions.

I bolded some of it for you, since that seems to be the cool thing to do.

(PS - For this being a "nothing incident" you sure seem to be taking it all far more seriously than anyone else. ;))

Edited by SirWilliam
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[quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1289949976' post='2515242']
Clearly if theirs is the only view you wanted, you would have conducted this privatly, no? By informing the OWF, you're opening it to public scrutiny, if that's not what you wanted, why make a public annoucement?
I really can't think of a reply to this other than "deal with it."

The posts were rather tame, the editing, however, completely changed their meaning. There's not really anything more to discuss as the NPO has admitted to editing them. The issue is that the posts were edited. The public does not need to scrutinise this as the NPO has admitted they were edited. There is nothing to scrutinise.

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