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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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I smell a rat. The idea two of the top political alliances would do any of this in public out of the blue makes no sense unless there is an agenda. If you are hoping the opposition PB/MK/C&G/SF were calling for to form because of this or behind NPO you can think again.

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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289890357' post='2514262']
Ah, so you guys ARE just trying to divert attention away from your $%&@ ups and trying to put attention on the big bad NPO.

NPO, being mean again :rolleyes: MK grow the $%&@ up.

It's very difficult to tell someone to grow up when you yourself post like a child.

OOC - Also, to those complaining of this threads irrelevancy - in the real world, if ambassadors were ejected from a country, it would be an enormous deal. This is a nation simulator, no?

Edited by brickyard
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1289933455' post='2514857']
I smell a rat. The idea two of the top political alliances would do any of this in public out of the blue makes no sense unless there is an agenda. If you are hoping the opposition PB/MK/C&G/SF were calling for to form because of this or behind NPO you can think again.

Its Supergrievebox. Get it straight.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1289933455' post='2514857']
I smell a rat. The idea two of the top political alliances would do any of this in public out of the blue makes no sense [b]unless there is an agenda.[/b] If you are hoping the opposition PB/MK/C&G/SF were calling for to form because of this or behind NPO you can think again.

Is it Tygas [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94667]agenda[/url] maybe? I hear it's missing.

Curious that NPO would make the mistake of masking people that had the 'outcast' tag in the first place, but I suppose weirder things have happened on this planet with regards to masks on forums.

Edit: Just read Seerows "I have every right to a diplomat mask on these forums." and had to :lol1: nobody has any 'right' to a specific mask on another alliances forums, if they don't want you as a diplomat you can't force them to take you (although the above 'why did they mask you in the first place?' remains)

Edited by Vladisvok Destino
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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1289928685' post='2514785']
What a waste of time, both your writing of this announcement and my reading of it. This is the kind piss poor drama I would expect to see between two micro alliances. I hope this achieved your objectives.

Stop pretending you can read MCRABT :o


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Almost delivered, MK, almost delivered.. But do keep on with these kinds of moves. You're definitely on the right path and causing some sort of drama.

I don't get why some of you are completely bashing MK.. Let them continue with this act! :awesome:

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[quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1289934455' post='2514872']
My question is who masked them as diplos in the first place? why even mask them if you didn't want them on your forums.

This, and also why would MK send members to NPO that are on such bad terms with NPO. Some mistakes have been made here.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1289891660' post='2514313']
[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1289891549' post='2514308']
[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1289891005' post='2514293']
No, we are not missing the point. We are all laughing at yet another poor decision by MK.

Go get Archon to sprinkle his magic words to make this ok again. Woodshed for the lot of you.
How your alliance continues to allow you to post is beyond me.
Because his alliance doesn't censor speech? Because his posts are entertaining, maybe and just maybe because there is some truth to them...

No one touched up on this, so I'll finish it. Fernando12 leads his own alliance. He isn't censored because there's no one to stop him from revealing his "relevant" opinions.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1289934857' post='2514880']
This, and also why would MK send members to NPO that are on such bad terms with NPO. Some mistakes have been made here.

To my knowledge they weren't on bad terms with NPO, they just had been in NPO. To me, it makes sense to send as diplomats the members who are most familiar with an alliance.

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[quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1289935184' post='2514890']
To my knowledge they weren't on bad terms with NPO, they just had been in NPO. To me, it makes sense to send as diplomats the members who are most familiar with an alliance.

They had Outcast tags. I think its reasonable enough to assume they were on bad terms with us.

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They were in bad terms about three years ago. How the NPO can't move on after three years is beyond me but somehow I'm not surprised.

Also I would like to volunteer to be the new envoy to the NPO........once I get unbanned that is.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289935240' post='2514891']
They had Outcast tags. I think its reasonable enough to assume they were on bad terms with us.

That's why I said "to my knowledge." It appears I was mistaken.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289935240' post='2514891']
They had Outcast tags. I think its reasonable enough to assume they were on bad terms with us.

So when you decided that they were "Outcasts", you didn't need to ban them, but then when they came as diplomats from MK, [i]that[/i] was crossing the line?! Oh, dear.

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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289935240' post='2514891']
They had Outcast tags. I think its reasonable enough to assume they were on bad terms with us.

Outcast tags from an event 3 years ago that didn't really warrant that tag even then. The extent of our crimes against Pacifica were literally leaving the alliance.

We had pretty much all assumed that the grudge was long since past. At least since I was let off the ZI list, and that was well over a year ago at this point.

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[quote name='Skap Q' timestamp='1289926058' post='2514745']
Haha, really MK? If this was any other smaller alliance doing this, everyone would be laughing about how worthless and immature this topic was. It might of made it to page 2. Stop trying so hard.

Says the man whose post screams "look at me!".

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This is probably the most hypocritical thread ever posted by MK. Considering the fact that you treat your non-allies who [i]dare[/i] post on your forums like !@#$, MK crying because NPO is policing their own forums really made me laugh.

[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1289912852' post='2514536']
Are you suggesting that lebubu and I have been unreasonable? :(

Right, this is how YOU have personally been treating NATO on YOUR forums in the recent past:


This is only one example among others, and NATO shouldn't complain considering everything that has been said to the Legion representatives for example. So yeah, keep crying, keep trying to divert the negative attention you've been getting recently to Pacifica, keep asking for the respect you don't grant foreign ambassadors on your forums. You obviously believe that the CN crowd is stupid enough not to understand what you're doing. Well, keep fooling yourself, I'll thoroughly enjoy the results.

Edited by Der Kommissar
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[quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1289935240' post='2514891']
They had Outcast tags. I think its reasonable enough to assume they were on bad terms with us.

Then why did you guys mask them again? I have seen many leaders masked with outcast tags that have stayed on the boards, so I think that you are a little off base on that one. Seems to me some admin decided to demask them for personal reason. Now it has turned into a huge issue because of a lack of discipline.

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[quote name='Skap Q' timestamp='1289926058' post='2514745']
Haha, really MK? If this was any other smaller alliance doing this, everyone would be laughing about how worthless and immature this topic was. It might of made it to page 2. Stop trying so hard.

Important distinction: MK and NPO aren't smaller alliances.

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[quote name='bedeur' timestamp='1289935798' post='2514912']
This is probably the most hypocritical thread ever posted by MK. Considering the fact that you treat your non-allies who [i]dare[/i] post on your forums like !@#$, MK crying because NPO is policing their own forums really made me laugh.

Right, this is how YOU have personally been treating NATO on YOUR forums in the recent past:

This is only one example among others, and NATO shouldn't complain considering everything that has been said to the Legion representatives for example. So yeah, keep crying, keep trying to divert the negative attention you've been getting recently to Pacifica, keep asking for the respect you don't grant foreign ambassadors on your forums. You obviously believe that the CN crowd is stupid enough not to understand what you're doing. Well, keep fooling yourself, I'll thoroughly enjoy the results.

the thing is that we treat our own members like that and worse

there are very few people who dont get ~*~abuse~*~ on our forums, and those who frequent our forums are well accustomed to (and even enjoy) such an atmosphere

it could be argued that embassies are generally more respectful than the main social boards though

only when someone is an exceptionally bad fit socially, or does something that crosses a line majorly, is a user banned

ps. that image has bad words in it, you might want to do something about that

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[quote name='bedeur' timestamp='1289935798' post='2514912']
This is probably the most hypocritical thread ever posted by MK. Considering the fact that you treat your non-allies who [i]dare[/i] post on your forums like !@#$, MK crying because NPO is policing their own forums really made me laugh.

Right, this is how YOU have personally been treating NATO on YOUR forums in the recent past:


This is only one example among others, and NATO shouldn't complain considering everything that has been said to the Legion representatives for example. So yeah, keep crying, keep trying to divert the negative attention you've been getting recently to Pacifica, keep asking for the respect you don't grant foreign ambassadors on your forums. You obviously believe that the CN crowd is stupid enough not to understand what you're doing. Well, keep fooling yourself, I'll thoroughly enjoy the results.

You expected class from Voytek?

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[quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1289935937' post='2514916']
Then why did you guys mask them again? I have seen many leaders masked with outcast tags that have stayed on the boards, so I think that you are a little off base on that one. Seems to me [s]some admin [/s]Bilrow decided to demask them for [s]personal reason[/s]because nobody will stop him otherwise.. Now it has turned into a huge issue because of a lack of discipline.

I fixed your post to reflect the most honest appraisal of the situation

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[quote name='Lord Strider' timestamp='1289935937' post='2514916']
Now it has turned into a huge issue because of a lack of discipline.

Huge is an overstatment, essentially, this is 20 pages of the same argument, nothing new has come to the party, you could say it's a huge repetative issue, but not a huge issue.

Or I don't see it as such, I'm just enjoying the party in this irrelevent annoucement :awesome:

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