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Personally, as the leader of a small neutral alliance, I feel left out of the list.

I agree, though, with many people if you want to be your own alliance look to some of those mentioned as protectors and go off to the Wikia and read about their alliance. Or look for somewhere that you might feel you can have as your home for ever. You might find someplace you don't want to leave.

I could sing my alliance praises, but we would likely want to keep you forever *wink*. We value honor, integrity, equality, neutrality, community, and rationality. I can also tell you that being peaceful in the big aggressive world of Digiterra can be a challenge.

I can also recommend you do not stay without an alliance for long as you will eventually get rolled.

Good luck, and no matter what your decision, come visit us at: http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pax_Corvus/index/

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[quote name='Kirke' timestamp='1288872921' post='2501812']
I am still surprised that so many believe that the OBR is heavy on roleplay. Yes, we so have a few that do, but they are actually in the minority and it is typically reserved only for the formalities. Our main requirements are Honor, Integrity, Respect, Maturity (not age dependent) and activity. Our member's ages range from 14 to 58 with the majority over 30.

Getting on IRC and actually talking with both government members as well as those who are not will be your best bet. You should feel that you are comfortable and confident in the alliance you choose. :)

Oh look im sure OBR isn't really "that" heavy on role play... just like Ragnarok isn't realy that full of warmongerors, or Goons arnt that focused on pwn-ing noobs, the NPO isn't that badly affected by a superiority complex, and i can also tesify that the NSO arnt really that evil.

Still... you've got to admit ... if you wanted to role play heavy surely the OBR is the fit :)

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If you haven't decided on a home yet then you might wish to check out our charter, especially our cardinal rules: http://www.castledoom.com/CN/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=35

We are a small, quiet, dignified, and very old alliance going back more than 3 years. Our specialty is building nations very large very fast.

We likely only go to war about once a year, but when we do we wade into it with all the big boys. We'll glow for months afterward, as do our opponents. It's glorious.

We aren't tied into the big tangled web too deeply that we get dragged into every idiotic mess started around here, but we do have old, large, and influential friends who we aid when we feel the cause is right. They do the same for us. Our word is our bond and our word iron clad proven.

Given your group's size you could actually play an important factor in our elections and likely get a chance to "drive the bus" around a bit a your members learn the ropes of alliance management.

Who knows, you might even decide that DOOM can become your group's home for good given your chance to enter into leadership there. But if you just want to chill there for a while that's fine too. We can even help you get your own place set up properly when you decide to do that. I've been in senior leadership most of my time in CN in both large and small alliances. I can help you learn the ropes and meet good people.

The charter link is also our forum link. You can contact me there or pm me here.

Whatever way you choose to go, I would like to welcome you to CN. :)

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first of all thanks to everyone that replied.

we dont really get every aspect of the game yet, but we're working on that ;) i'll think i'll join a CN irc channel tomorrow (3.19am for me atm) when i wake up and ask some general questions, like why someone would sign a protectorate treaty with me etc and some other questions i got when reading all replies.

about the joining, learn the ropes and leaving again:
we're an alliance in "another game" since 1999, with all of us knowing each other for many years, so we're not willing to give up out "clan identity" just because we change the game.

and we dont want your money, you offered it first!! we would be stupid to not accept it though, wouldnt we? ;)

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Give the North American Confederacy a shot, we are looking for new members and have plenty of experienced players to teach you the best way to build your nation.
Our forums are located here http://nac4ever.forumotion.net/forum.htm or contact me in-game if you have any questions. Good Luck finding a home

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My recommendation is for your group to split up for a while. Branch out and join different alliances. You will see more diversity, you will learn more about our world and its politics and how to grow. Once you feel you have grown to a sufficient size and have learned the ins and outs, then form your own alliance, by that time you should have an idea of who you want to align yourselves with so finding a dependable protector and treaties will be easier.

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The North Atlantic Defense Coalition would love to have you.

We can offer a 45 million dollar Nation Building Plan where we will teach you how to use the money you get.

Message Nation Ruler : Dark Wizard [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=424758"]here.[/url]

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