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Needs More !@#$% Clause


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[i]And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.[/i]
[b]Genesis 6:7[/b][/center]

[u][b]The Real Talking Snake[/b][/u]


In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness, because darkness is awesome and stuff.


Both signatories shall retain their sovereignty and shall not take any action, directly or indirectly, that would threaten the sovereignty of the other signatory.


Both signatories pledge to refrain from any attacks upon the other, be it directly or indirectly. Both signatories shall not condone any acts of aggression toward the other nor use sanctions upon the other. Both signatories also pledge that diplomacy shall be the first action taken in any incident.


The signatories agree to pass on all information vital to the security of either signatory immediately.


Signatories agree to provide aid, be it financial or diplomatic, should either signatory request it. Economic factors may be taken into account.


An act of war upon one signatory is to be considered an act of war upon the other and will be responded to with all available force.


Signatories retain the right to ask each other for assistance during an aggressive war, however this help is not mandatory. In the event one signatory is planning an aggressive war and does not require assistance, they must notify the other signatory no less than 2 hours before planned aggression will begin.


Should either signatory be attacked due to a result of their own aggressive action or as a result of following treaties other than this one, this treaty will be viewed as an oDoAP.


Should either party wish to cancel this treaty, they may do so with 72 hours private notice, after which time a NAP will remain in place for 48 hours.


[b]For the Global Order of Darkness[/b]:

Xiphosis, Dark Lord
Big_Z, Lord of Diplomacy

[b]For Genesis[/b]:


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[quote name='Big Z' timestamp='1288746403' post='2500294']
Glad to see this [b]finally[/b] signed! :wub: Genesis

Also, NO U Templar!
NO U! This was an inevitable step after our solid friendship for such a long time.

o/ Genesis
o/ GOD

Edited by Templar
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1288746895' post='2500309']
[color="#0000FF"]A shame to see a respectable alliance like Genesis align themselves with scum.[/color]
Sorry, it's just that with MK dropping their treaties we were left without a 'scum' ally, so we needed a new one. :(

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