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Bully Alliance Preys on the Weak


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[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1284268932' post='2450674']
I have to give kudos to this bully alliance as its the first time I've seen accusations such as "Prays on the weak". What prayers or rituals do they have I wonder.
That's rich. You're mocking him for his spelling/grammar when you can't make the difference between "your" and "you're"?! Get out.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1284282680' post='2450815']
It's a good thing Methrage stepped in to help. If there's one person that knows how to negotiate peace, it's Methrage.
Its just you guys I can't negotiate peace with, most people are reasonable.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1284282902' post='2450818']
Its just you guys I can't negotiate peace with, most people are reasonable.

Reasonable isn't "hey let's just declare white peace ok". If you get yourself into trouble like you're known for doing, you can't expect people to let you go scott-free simply because you expect it to happen. You talk a lot of trash, and that just puts you deeper in a hole with us.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1284242471' post='2450203']
Maybe he's role-playing a dyslexic 12 year old.

[quote name='potato' timestamp='1284280518' post='2450800']
That's rich. You're mocking him for his spelling/grammar when you can't make the difference between "your" and "you're"?! Get out.
Mocking is mocking, hypocrite.

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1284242471' post='2450203']
Maybe he's role-playing a dyslexic 12 year old.
I'm 13, and I not only have dyslxia(i spelled it wrong 5 times before i posted this) but ADHD

[quote name='Ian Dox' timestamp='1284268610' post='2450672']
And here I was thinking the same thing.

One of two things will happen.

1. GOONS will roll CCCP
B. GOONS and CCCP will merge

don't you mean 1 and 2? though maybe both of these things will happen?

[quote name='Kongo Jack' timestamp='1284269553' post='2450681']
CCCP is Russian for "USSR"

More you know.
get out

[quote name='potato' timestamp='1284280518' post='2450800']
That's rich. You're mocking him for his spelling/grammar when you can't make the difference between "your" and "you're"?! Get out.
thank you

[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1284282680' post='2450815']
It's a good thing Methrage stepped in to help. If there's one person that knows how to negotiate peace, it's Methrage.

his name is ironic, rthat he works for peace
[quote name='Rhobar II' timestamp='1284284133' post='2450824']
Not only that - also "its" and "it's".
double thank you

[quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1284296410' post='2450891']
Mocking is mocking, hypocrite.

no no, i am dyslexic

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[quote name='Tautology' timestamp='1284217943' post='2449836']
When I saw the title, I thought it was going to be about Christian Coalition of Countries. :P
Oh no, they're on to us! We'll have to hide our praying on the weak even better now... :unsure:

I also expected this to be about GOONS. I am disappoint. <_<

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[quote name='Grumpdogg' timestamp='1284295941' post='2450886']
I knew this couldn't be about GOONS, because they've got their hands full with that massive alliance war of theirs that they essentially needed to activate treaties for.

D34th does it better. You're basically the inferiour, more pathetic version of him. Maybe a few more lessons and you'll get it.

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[quote name='superjoeker' timestamp='1284209733' post='2449759']
Ok, tto start off, I'm superjoeker. Normally I don't post on this area of the forums, but today i was told very blatently "give me 50 tech in aid and all of you money or your allaince will be destroyed" granted, I uysed to be a rouge that did things like this, and my goal used to be to essentially creat an allaince of war-mongering anarchists, but I've since changed. The AA I'm set to now is really dead. I ended up having the highest NS. My allaince Affilation consists if three members. It was such a *put your own explitive here* move to pull. An allaince where most members are of my nation stregth, calling them self the CCCP(refernce to China's natorious Communist party?) with 17 members bullying a sdmaller allaince. Even when I pulled this *insert explitive of choice* It was either with allaince permission against an un-alligned inactive nation, or with any AA of my own under the same circumstances.

but enough of my complaining.
What if this allaince grows bigger? unnoticed by most until it's too late, once there allaince becomes strong, they could crush us all. please help me put an end to this bullying, it makes the game un-fun

the specific player who messaged me was


not calling him out just saaying this was a *explitive* move

Sigh, and to think ERA let CCCP off the hook so easily for their rudeness to our alliance, perhaps ERA and allies need to roll CCCP this time

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[quote name='Andover' timestamp='1284416124' post='2452777']
Sigh, and to think ERA let CCCP off the hook so easily for their rudeness to our alliance, perhaps ERA and allies need to roll CCCP this time

Actually, you do have a valid CB here don't you? Wasn't SPB treatied to ERA? I remember we all criticised it at the time but maybe it has worked to you advantage now; you could quite legitimately cover superjoeker's ass.

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I s'pose the only reason CCCP got off is because Graham took issue to ERA being hypocrites about the whole thing, after one of their members essentially did the same thing CCCP did to them and TOOL let them off.

Ah well, if CCCP keeps up at this rate, they'll get theirs. Perhaps sooner than later. Check [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=418402&Extended=1"][b]this[/b][/url] out. I doubt AzN would be too thrilled that CCCP is attacking their protectorate's member.


Edited by Uralica
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[quote name='Earl Dumarest' timestamp='1284419862' post='2452857']
Actually, you do have a valid CB here don't you? Wasn't SPB treatied to ERA? I remember we all criticised it at the time but maybe it has worked to you advantage now; you could quite legitimately cover superjoeker's ass.

sorry to disappoint but ERA never has had a treaty with SPB, I have offered an ODP to joker and if he accepts and CCCP persists to threaten them then ERA and hopefully LION will jump into action.

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[quote name='Andover' timestamp='1284430971' post='2453170']
sorry to disappoint but ERA never has had a treaty with SPB, I have offered an ODP to joker and if he accepts and CCCP persists to threaten them then ERA and hopefully LION will jump into action.

Oh yes, sorry, my mistake. Mentioning LION has reminded me. I was thinking of LoIN.

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So you're getting threatened to give up cash and tech or else you're gonna get plowed, and you're asking people to help you and do what's morally good because you're such a nice fellow and they're bullies that could eventually take over planet Bob?

Usually I don't do this but LOL @ you my good man. Instead of whining about bullies try finding a protector or join any alliance that can offer you the protection you need.

Also, obligatory lolcommies!

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[quote name='Andover' timestamp='1284430971' post='2453170']
sorry to disappoint but ERA never has had a treaty with SPB, I have offered an ODP to joker and if he accepts and CCCP persists to threaten them then ERA and hopefully LION will jump into action.
Yes, because you did so much damage to CCCP last "war"

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[size="4"]Attack! Attack! Attack![/size]

Seriously, get together a crew and extort [i]them[/i], you have a valid CB.

There's only 16 of them. Turn them into your tech farm or crush them into a smoldering pile of rubble.

Wait, what's this....?

[b]*listens to whispers from some faceless government official*[/b]

I've received some intel from one of my allies. Here is some data on the biggest of them:


United Soviet Nation

Desired Religion: Confucianism
Desired Government: Totalitarian State
Threat Level: Guarded
Tax Rate: 28%
Number of Spies: 0
Last Nuke Purchase: None
Last Wonder Purchase: 7/20/2010
Total Money: $34,344,272
Technology: 340.20 Levels
Last Bill Payment: 9/17/2010 11:44:15 AM
Trade Partners: The Empire of Esper
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Total Aircraft: 10
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 25
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 30
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:
# Corvettes: 0
# Landing Ships: 0
# Battleships: 0
# Cruisers: 0
# Frigates: 0
# Destroyers: 0
# Submarines: 0
# Aircraft Carriers: 0

Edited by Kzoppistan
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