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[quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1282667287' post='2429501']
You survived two weeks of war. My god! You guys are like the next FAN!

Haven't you heard? NSO came up with the concept of not disbanding from two rounds of war. They are true pioneers.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282667436' post='2429503']
Don't get me wrong, I found the beer review funny and all (really did), but I don't think an alliance full of star track enthusiasts should really be poking fun at what someone else is into.

Star wars. And just because we're here doesn't make us all enthusiasts. I actually do enjoy a lil HP now and then - and Malfoy is actually one of my more favourite characters (if I had to pick one) - tho not in the manner he's displayed in my av, that part is merely for poking a little fun.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1282667597' post='2429509']
Star wars. And just because we're here doesn't make us all enthusiasts. I actually do enjoy a lil HP now and then - and Malfoy is actually one of my more favourite characters (if I had to pick one) - tho not in the manner he's displayed in my av, that part is merely for poking a little fun.

Track, wars, malfoy, whatever. You've known me long enough to be fully aware of the fact that I don't speak spanish, Ray. Still step back for a moment and appreciate the irony.

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[quote name='Midkn1ght' timestamp='1282666598' post='2429481']
You guys really need to get over yourselves. It's cute when Ivan does it, it's his thing, and he's good at it, but the body of your alliance showing the same arrogance is lulzy. We actually had no desire to fight you, it was going to get us nothing but annoyance. It was boring last time, it was boring this time. It's not worth it to loose 180K NS eating nukes from turtles ( * VALID TACTIC alert!) who won't even bother to do anything but carry on on the OWF and send PM's saying "Hey I'll "forget" to nuke you if you "forget" to nuke me?" I mean damn, if you were going to nuke, at least follow it up with navy and air. While turtling is a valid tactic, for the bravado you all show, you could of at least brought it.

We were asked to join because we had folks online, sure, anything to help one of our best friends, but we don't have this stupid vendetta you seem to think we have. You lot have tried to spin it into we wanted disbandment, or we wanted to ZI all of you, or <insert BS propaganda here> Let me tell you our thoughts on NSO:

You're not a threat to us as an alliance. We couldn't care less about you outside of the mouthiness you all have on the OWF, which sometimes funny, mostly comes off hot air, and while we think you needed a throttling, the same can be said about several other alliances(us included I'm sure) I was actually disappointed CSN didn't get the chance to go instead of us and VE, at least they have a beef. We tend to not bother putting a large showing on the boards, so it's easier to paint us as the boogeymen compared to VE, or RoK. Go for it. Xiph has a habit of holding grudges for folks who've wronged us. Nothing wrong with that, but that's the extend of our evilness. But guys, we can't be the meatshield for RoK following Hoo's orders lockstep, and then be the ones bossing him around at the same time over terms. Pick one please. I prefer the evil twisted one, it gives a higher chance for a fun war somewhere down the road.[/quote]
You say you don't care and didn't want to fight us, but the actions of your leadership in this war certainly contradict that. Threatening to continue fighting after RoK left, and then getting RoK to indulge your need for pointless and false terms against their own word, that sort of thing. Granted, your alliance had no interest in actually communicating with us, that's obvious given the total !@#$%*fit Xiph threw anytime he was approached.

[quote]Amusing calling someone childish when your alliance is making OOC attacks against Xiph, the newest one literally one post down from your post in Rayvon's avatar.
You just spent an entire post blathering about us "crying" and now you're using the "OOC attacks" card over an avatar?

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[quote name='lorian' timestamp='1282666292' post='2429475']
why is everyone congratulating NSO when we should be congratulating the victors especially TENE as they are a small alliance who would have been surely destroyed if it wasn't for ROK's support and the valiant members of TENE
Any bunch of crap alliances can beat on one a fraction of their size. Im not saying they are crap alliances but why on earth would you congratulate them for doing something that should have been easy because of their numbers and NS advantage.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1282666402' post='2429477']
TENE would never have been destroyed. The incident between them and Sedrick would have remained between them had RoK not declared on him while he was under our AA ...... But - that's a wartime argument. We're post-war now. We'll save it for next time RoK comes knocking.

[quote]Next time? Duly noted. ;)[/quote]

Also,on a side note,it would remain between us(don't consider TENE and RoK apart from each other - you say them referring only to TENE),if you hadn't accepted a rogue under your AA.

Now that Hoo posted this topic is complete and worth of attention.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1282667976' post='2429517']
Any bunch of crap alliances can beat on one a fraction of their size. Im not saying they are crap alliances but why on earth would you congratulate them for doing something that should have been easy because of their numbers and NS advantage.
You have a point, but the larger issue with his post is that TENE was never in any danger, at least not before RoK tossed them into a war, so I'm not even sure what he's trying to talk about.

edit - I suspect he may have been being sarcastic, but it's hard to tell anymore.

Edited by Heft
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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282668061' post='2429520']
You have a point, but the larger issue with his post is that TENE was never in any danger, at least not before RoK tossed them into a war, so I'm not even sure what he's trying to talk about.[/quote]
Any good protector would help their protectorate against a rogue nation by getting them involved in a full nuclear war.

[quote]edit - I suspect he may have been being sarcastic, but it's hard to tell anymore.
You're probably right, I was being sarcastic just now too.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1282668501' post='2429531']
Any good protector would help their protectorate against a rogue nation by getting them involved in a full nuclear war.

If diplomacy is attempted and the other side basically says "$%&@ you" then it's probably for the best.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1282627055' post='2428891']
It wasn't needed - your Emperor signed it.

edit: As I'm sure you're aware.

[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1282660133' post='2429409']
I'm sure they'll offer an apology as meaningful as your alliance's admission of wrongdoing.
Well, considering that Hoo felt such stuff is completely worthless not too long ago, I think it's okay if NSO considers it as equally worthless as Hoo does?
[quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1281714986' post='2414399']
Lastly, I don't really care if the NSO are sorry or not. I find public apologies, or apologies of any sort for that matter, to be completely useless.

[quote name='gantanX' timestamp='1282667228' post='2429499']
is that mean NSO hasn't fulfil their term and GOD and Co. have another valid CB to DOW on NSO ? :awesome:
Just wait for it in a couple months: CB rock hard solid[sub][size="1"]tm[/size][/sub]

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[quote name='Copperhead' timestamp='1282666405' post='2429478']
maybe because we were curb-stomped 5 to 1 but we still hung on and survived[/quote]

What makes it even more impressive is that it was quite a bit more than five to one. Not only did we survive, but our resolve is stronger than ever.

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Horrible terms are horrible.

Only skimmed the last 19 pages, but I'm pretty sure that Tyga talked about going rogue on us, MVP stating we will some day pay for our horrible beer review, and people complaining about terms. Pretty sure NSO was sending terms the entire time, and were hoping we'd agree to them, even after Hoo stated that one little line that apparently the ENTIRE SIDE HAS FIXED THEMSELVES ON. Was there some party after that line about how great the world will be once the war ended, and we crashed the party with a beer review? Must have missed that party, probably had some great Kool-Aid.

Shout out to RV who I enjoyed upping my nukes taken from. Sorry I missed a cruise missile run or two.

[quote name='Pyroman' timestamp='1282628604' post='2428975']
The joke is on you SF. CD and her allies were going to declare tomorrow. Oh well, better luck provoking us next time.

So close, but so far away. Next time CD, next time.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1282662063' post='2429441']
Please re-declare.


I'm fairly sure NSO and friends(?) are at the point where they're just looking for things to whine about. If anything, the fact that it started so very early in this thread after beer review terms is testament to that. Might as well accommodate!

EDIT: spelling

Edited by Matthew Conrad
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1282669590' post='2429549']
And the people who demand such worthless things, what say you of them?

I don't base my opinion of people on whether or not they demand apologies. It is possible to disagree with someone else's stance on something and still like or respect them. This point is something I would just tend to agree to disagree on.

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[quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282667887' post='2429516']
You say you don't care and didn't want to fight us, but the actions of your leadership in this war certainly contradict that. Threatening to continue fighting after RoK left, and then getting RoK to indulge your need for pointless and false terms against their own word, that sort of thing.[/quote]

That's odd, you'd think we'd know if he threatened to continue the war and actually meant it, other then eposturing threats, considering how open our alliance is internally. I'll lay money on everyone would of just walked away if not for the fit you guys threw over the beer review last time. It being forced was indeed stupid, childish, etc, but after last time, they were going to make you do it, you had to of known that, hell folks were calling for it at the start. I wouldn't of bothered for the headache it caused, doing it accomplished nothing but making your alliance more bitter seemingly and giving you ammo for "term" fits for what, we'll say 50 pages?

Hoo's got an ego of his own, and I'm sure he wouldn't stand for Xiph trying to boss him around anymore then Xiph would take Hoo giving him orders. Again, you got to pick one, we're either a meatshield who follows orders, or we tell folks what to do. Can't have it both ways. But then again, we're friends, it doesn't work like that on this side of the web. A cluster... er "screw" community of half baked ideas that get voted on sure, but ordering each other around doesn't happen.

[quote]You just spent an entire post blathering about us "crying" and now you're using the "OOC attacks" card over an avatar?
I don't care about the ava, I'm saying folks shouldn't call other folks childish when they're doing just as bad, on a game rule breaking level none the less. I personally find it funny, as I'm sure Xiph does, just pointing out how screwed it is.

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