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L.I.O.N The Bloc


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[center][b]Welcome to Cybernations – L.I.O.N[/b][/center]
Monday the start of the week, the most refreshed day and for some the most annoying day. For Three prospering alliances its the start of a bloc that has been in forming for a while now, a bloc that is going to be built-up of prospering alliances looking for strength in numbers. CN can be a dangerous environment if you don’t know the right people but by coming together in unit, forming one bloc and pledging to share aid, diplomacy and information between one another we can use these improved communication to further build our Alliances ranks.
The three alliances kick starting this great bloc are –

[color="#FF0000"][b]Union of Communist Republic
Red Elite Defence
Equal Rights Alliance[/b][/color]

[center][quote]All alliances above agree to abide and follow the expression exhibited in this Charter.

[b]1. Preamble[/b]
L.I.O.N. is a body that stands forth to bring alliances of different colours who are friends together for defence and to share common goals.
[b]2. Sovereignty[/b]
All undersigning alliances are able to make decisions for their own alliance and have a voice in the bloc on decisions made.
[b]3. Peace, Aid, Trade, Cooperation[/b]
No alliance in this bloc shall declare war on another bloc member or allow its members to attack a member of another member. All alliances in this bloc are allowed to freely trade, send/receive aid, and sign treaties with alliances- both bloc members and non-members.
Bloc members are obliged to share intelligence critical to the safety of another member alliance. The source of the intelligence may be kept confidential.
Signatories will refrain from public behaviour that can be considered hostile to another signatory alliance, and will strive to resolve all conflicts with other signatories in a civil and diplomatic manner.
[b]4. Defence[/b]
If any member of this bloc is declared upon, the bloc as a whole will come together and decide the actions they shall take as a whole, including the possibility of a block-wide declaration of war in defence of the signatory.
5. Organization
Each leader of a member alliance shall send up to 3 delegates to speak on their alliance's behalf, and each alliance will have 1 vote in matters brought forth to the block.
[b]6. Admission[/b]
If an outside alliance wishes to join the bloc, they must submit to a interview. After the interview the members of the bloc will vote on admission and a two-thirds majority is needed to accept a new member.
7. Ejection
Behaviour by a member alliance that is deemed unacceptable can be reviewed by the bloc as a whole and voted on by the members of the bloc except for the alliance in question. Ejection of a member takes a three-fourths majority by vote.
[b]8. Cancellation / Departure[/b]
If any alliance wishes to leave they are welcome to leave after their alliance government has decided to do so. The departing alliance will have a 72 hour wait, during which time they must follow the bloc's articles and if war is being considered in accordance to Article 4 the departing alliance will have a vote in the manner until the 72 hours are complete, and if a decision is made during that time they must honour it.
[b]9. Amendments[/b]
A two-thirds majority by vote is needed for any member alliances to pass a change.

[font="Comic Sans MS"][b]Signed For
LRA KING - President of Red Elite Defence
RA2Leader - Premier of Union of Communist Republics
Andover - President of Equal Rights Alliance[/b][/font]

Edited by LRA KING
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This doesn't make sense. If your primary motivation for making L.I.O.N., whatever it stands for, is becasue Bob is hostile and you fear attack, then why make your defense clause optional? Its not a logical move. Aid and Intelligence sharing is nice, but won't save you from a war. I must therefore fall back on a timeless adage... lol commies indeed.

edit: Grammar fail.

Edited by DeadAnimal
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Having a bloc with an optional defense clause is basically pointless. You form a bloc together to pursue the same goals but you give the option for those to shirk out of it. Curious decision. Hopefully nobody decides to attack you.

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[quote name='LRA KING' timestamp='1282586061' post='2427908']
This is when true friendship is measured comrades, when one is given an option to defend you.

No it's when everybody abandons you. If there's an option, that means it gives people an out when trouble comes looking. Not having an option makes leaving a PR nightmare.

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ODP blocs have existed before, and the defense clause in this one reads a bit stronger than most - it does suggest the bloc should come up with a joint decision about what to do in the event of war, rather than just giving each alliance an option to declare.

Good luck with this guys.

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