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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282201135' post='2422850']
For the record, I was more than fair with this clown:

This morning I awoke to see another offer to NSO, so I pmed him asking if he decided to just choose war, and he said bob declined.

This is too funny. Methrage, for our sakes, never change. :)

For your own sake, though, CHANGE MASSIVELY.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282201135' post='2422850']
His actions will be treated as that of a rogue by us despite the slander, just because I'm a damn nice guy, though I don't speak for the other alliances who declared on NSO.

For the record, I was more than fair with this clown:

This morning I awoke to see another offer to NSO, so I pmed him asking if he decided to just choose war, and he said bob declined.
I guess I can dig up more logs for people to see if people are interested, but both aid packages were sent at the same time and the second was accepted while that discussion was ongoing. Anyways I did offer Bob Janova aid and he rejected the offer, then today I'm told my only option left is to send aid to 2 nations fighting NSO even though it was already known yesterday I aided two nations and it was agreed that I just send aid to Bob Janova.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1282201434' post='2422855']
Well it's good to hear that potentially unknowing members won't get attacked.

Scratch that, it seems that they know about the issue, as evidenced by their attack on VE. <_<

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282201485' post='2422857']
I guess I can dig up more logs for people to see if people are interested, but both aid packages were sent at the same time and the second was accepted while that discussion was ongoing. Anyways I did offer Bob Janova aid and he rejected the offer, then today I'm told my only option left is to send aid to 2 nations fighting NSO even though it was already known yesterday I aided two nations and it was agreed that I just send aid to Bob Janova.

Please do dig up more logs, because there aren't any aside from our conversation. Find one instance of me or anyone else demanding you send free aid to VE. Your making an $@! of yourself over a routine issue, its pretty black and white. Just edit your OP and fight your incoming wars like a big boy.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282201485' post='2422857']
I guess I can dig up more logs for people to see if people are interested, but both aid packages were sent at the same time and the second was accepted while that discussion was ongoing. Anyways I did offer Bob Janova aid and he rejected the offer, then today I'm told my only option left is to send aid to 2 nations fighting NSO even though it was already known yesterday I aided two nations and it was agreed that I just send aid to Bob Janova.

I'm lost now. What is this thread about? Admitting that you aided someone at war, then declared war on an alliance, and then...

Like I said, I'm lost. I think it's just you hadn't started a thread in a while and this was the only thing you had ready to go with... right?

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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1282201750' post='2422865']
I'm lost now. What is this thread about? Admitting that you aided someone at war, then declared war on an alliance, and then...

Like I said, I'm lost. I think it's just you hadn't started a thread in a while and this was the only thing you had ready to go with... right?

Oh, okay. Here, let me summarize.

Methrage sent aid to NSO while they were at war. Since this is considered an act of war, VE asked him (rather than asking for reps) to aid someone on the other side of the conflict to even it out. Methrage decided this isn't exactly what he wanted to do, so he decided to send aid to a buddy instead.

Then something happened... and Methrage declared war on VE since it's clearly their fault for this whole misunderstanding and should be taught a lesson by his massively inferior 3-person alliance.

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[quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1282201993' post='2422874']
Oh, okay. Here, let me summarize.

Methrage sent aid to NSO while they were at war. Since this is considered an act of war, VE asked him (rather than asking for reps) to aid someone on the other side of the conflict to even it out. Methrage decided this isn't exactly what he wanted to do, so he decided to send aid to a buddy instead.

Then something happened... and Methrage declared war on VE since it's clearly their fault for this whole misunderstanding and should be taught a lesson by his massively inferior 3-person alliance.

I understand that occurred... it still doesn't explain the self-incriminating thread, though.

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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1282201750' post='2422865']
I'm lost now. What is this thread about? Admitting that you aided someone at war, then declared war on an alliance, and then...

Like I said, I'm lost. I think it's just you hadn't started a thread in a while and this was the only thing you had ready to go with... right?
I made it so people would know why I am at war with nations in VE. They were making a big deal out of sending some aid to NSO and VE are in the wrong in attacking NSO to begin with, so I decided to help NSO regardless of VE's demands.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282202084' post='2422877']
They were making a big deal out of sending some aid to NSO and VE are in the wrong in attacking NSO to begin with, so I decided to help NSO regardless of VE's demands.

This is how politics work, Methrage. If you send money to someone that is at war, it is an act of war. It is totally within their rights to "make a big deal" out of it. Whether or not you think the war is justified is irrelevant.

The fact is, you screwed up and you're doing whatever you possibly can to justify your actions even as they increasingly become irrational.

[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282202334' post='2422881']
I hope you have fun trying, sounds like it could make for some fun times. :ehm:

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

You actually think you're going to win!?

This is highly delusional as usual.

Thread does not disappoint.

Edited by Dr Beefstupid
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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1282202058' post='2422876']
I understand that occurred... it still doesn't explain the self-incriminating thread, though.
I stated the facts and don't think I'm in the wrong, but that VE is wrong in attacking NSO to begin with. If its a criminal act to help NSO, then I guess I don't mind breaking the law.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282202495' post='2422889']
I stated the facts and don't think I'm in the wrong, but that VE is wrong in attacking NSO to begin with. If its a criminal act to help NSO, then I guess I don't mind breaking the law.

Nah, I don't buy it. Previous pattern predicts future actions, and it had just been too long since the ol' spotlight was on you.

Whatever, enjoy it now.

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[quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1282201434' post='2422855']
Well it's good to hear that potentially unknowing members won't get attacked.

If you want to be taken seriously Metharge, you should stop pulling these stunts. You're a nice guy, you just misunderstand lots of things. :x

Look when the foreign aid offers were accepted, within the same day. I don't know why Impero is suddenly claiming I sent a new offer, but they were both there from the start. I don't know why he thinks what he does.

Edited by Methrage
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I guess I could understand the sentiment of wanting to help those you consider your friends, but this isn't going to help NSO at all really. If you wanted to support your friends there are much better, simpler, and more acceptable ways of going about it.

I find this to be misguided intent at best, pure stupidity at worst, since I don't really know you I will just leave it at that and not judge.


Edited by LucasSnow
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282202495' post='2422889']
I stated the facts and don't think I'm in the wrong, but that VE is wrong in attacking NSO to begin with. If its a criminal act to help NSO, then I guess I don't mind breaking the law.

No, thats the thing. If you wanted to support NSO you just could have done so and that would have been normal and fine. But instead, you literally made things up. See, look:

[quote]After threats of war from VE [b]if I don't send free aid to a nation of VE[/b], I offered to send an aid package to Bob Janova of VE as a diplomatic resolution to their complaints, although he rejected the aid offer as he considered it not worth his aid slot.

Now they have presented to me their last offer after[b] I let them know I wouldn't send aid to anyone else, as that would further increase their overwhelming advantage in the war on NSO that they don't need[/b]. Also unlike NSO who was deserving of the aid sent to them and helped me out as well,[b] VE has only tried blackmailing me to send them aid[/b], which doesn't make me want to help them.[/quote]

None of that happened. You are 100% lieing. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90887&view=findpost&p=2422850"]The logs on the previous page[/url] very clearly show none of the above happened.

Is that not correct Methrage?

Edited by Il Impero Romano
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[quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1282202943' post='2422897']
TOP's dollars were well spent. It's like paying the hospital bill for a guy who repeatedly jumps head first into crocodiles.
If TOP was the one being rolled right now I would be helping them in whatever way I'm able to as well. In a year from now if TOP is being rolled and I'm still around I would help them however I'm able to then as well.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1282202495' post='2422889']
I stated the facts and don't think I'm in the wrong, but that VE is wrong in attacking NSO to begin with. If its a criminal act to help NSO, then I guess I don't mind breaking the law.

The next time that you get these urges Methrage, just sit down, take a deep breath, and do the exact opposite of what you first intended to do. I mean, you should really have learned by now how these things end for you, ok?

Also are you dragging your "Alliance" down with you too? (Some one posted they was attacking VE too.) If so,... oh god this is just so dumb

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