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[quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1282062559' post='2419756']
Oh, we're going to do something about it. Last night was just the dress rehearsal.
Right, keep telling yourself that. In all seriousness, just let this thread die, everyone knows you won't do something about it, due to STA and her friends being better than your friends.


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[quote name='WildeKaard' timestamp='1282063232' post='2419784']
So I wonder what happens now...\m/ is all over former GGA nations like flies on manure right now.

Nothing. Remember we didn't care that they raided the GGA AA. We simply didn't like them claiming it as their own for the purpose of raiding it. They're free to do as the like now that they've backed down from their policy.

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1282063153' post='2419781']
Right, keep telling yourself that. In all seriousness, just let this thread die, everyone knows you won't do something about it, due to STA and her friends being better than your friends.


Sorry to point it out but euhm STA's friends share a lot of friends with \m/'s friends. That's why all of this chest-pumping (from both \m/ as STA) is unnecessary and dumb.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1282063759' post='2419798']
Sorry to point it out but euhm STA's friends share a lot of friends with \m/'s friends. That's why all of this chest-pumping (from both \m/ as STA) is unnecessary and dumb.
Yeah, I know. I was just hoping for him to reply... I really don't think this thread is going anywhere. And \m/ did back down and realized how dumb they were.

I just hope MM accepts the peace, then this can finally be over...


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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1282022279' post='2418896']
Oh look at this. This is cute. I'd rather be a twin of NpO than an original CSN any day. Not that STA is a "twin" at all, as you're suggesting. My point is your post is stupid.
we at STA are much cooler B-)

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[quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1282063591' post='2419791']
Nothing. Remember we didn't care that they raided the GGA AA. We simply didn't like them claiming it as their own for the purpose of raiding it. They're free to do as the like now that they've backed down from their policy.

Thank you for the clarification, it is much appreciated and understandable.

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[quote name='Strykewolf' timestamp='1282024032' post='2418971']
For what it is worth.

The alliance of Blackhorse salutes the Syberian Tiger Alliance. Well done. We should talk, sometime.

o/ STA

Come on over, make an embassy, let's chat. :)

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I have two things to add, after waking up and reading the thread from where I left off.

1.) In response to someone from \m/ stating that we attacked MM before verifying his position: We did not. I had our Captain of the Guard ready to go, and as soon as I got the word, I gave the order to attack. It was immediately after. I've been outright called a liar by both \m/ and PC on this point. Both myself and STA have long histories of honesty and open discourse. If you truly believe that we would throw that reputation out the window over you, I guess I can't stop you, but history and logic are not on your side here.

2.) Of course they were trying to intimidate and bully us. The "Outnumber and Browbeat" tactic is one of the oldest in they Cyberverse, and it's still practiced because it is exceedingly successful in many situations. It was fine for them to try it, and I've seen it work on many an alliance. It was never going to work on us because, in addition to us not being dumb enough to let it happen, we're probably the most stubborn group around. It is, however, a valid tactic and there's nothing wrong with trying to use it.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1282066440' post='2419895']
So hey, there's still hope that \m/ could get themselves rolled? Keep going MM, please!

Not really. \m/ told us last night that he wouldn't be attacking, and if he does, we can have him. So if he decides that he doesn't want to follow \m/'s order to peace out and would rather continue his war, they'd release him to us. Relevant quote below.

[quote][03:27] <~EmperorMarx> Alright. How about STA peaces out with Merrie. And just like that the situation is handled. Done.
[03:27] <~EmperorMarx> Merrie won't be attacking
[03:27] <&Kev_McD[Goauld|Tri]> no, Josshill[PC]
[03:27] <&Kev_McD[Goauld|Tri]> but EM can
[03:27] <~EmperorMarx> And if for some god awful reason that he does, then you can have him.[/quote]

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STA :wub:

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1282023444' post='2418950']
I'm pretty sure they will be able to find help from their allies if they need it in this case.
You are correct. In this particular instance, all their allies will be more than willing to help. :D

[quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1282035762' post='2419308']
STA did not achieve any victory of sort. They did a very silly thing by attacking our member and despite the fact that they didn't pay any reparations, I'd say we won the moral victory.
STA did achieve a victory. The moment \m/ ceased raids on GGA and twisted the announcement to be a joke, STA achieved their goal, the attackorate is no more :smug:

And as many people have repeatedly tried explaining it to you......The only reason STA attacked Merrie Melodies, is cos he threatened to go rogue and was deemed an ex-member of the alliance by your own MoFA. If he had not been regarded as an ex-member, STA would have most definitely pursued the diplomatic route and held a conversation with \m/ gov regarding MM's statement.

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282057229' post='2419616']
Actually, war still exists, I haven't decided to accept their peace offer. Whether my alliances mates see the golden opportunity before them is another story, I have faith. Some opportunities only come around once. Thanks Tyga.
Not accepted their peace offer ??

Golden opportunity for who ?? From where i stand it looks like a golden opportunity for STA and allies, not for your alliance mates :wacko:

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282057229' post='2419616']
Actually, war still exists, I haven't decided to accept their peace offer. Whether my alliances mates see the golden opportunity before them is another story, I have faith. Some opportunities only come around once. Thanks Tyga.
If this means what I think I does, i'll be there. :smug:

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282059536' post='2419662']
Well the way I see it, until wars are peaced the agreement can be canceled.
Um no actually your Gov said if you do anything then we get free reign to grind you into the dirt now please just be quiet and do whats good for you.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1282066663' post='2419907']
Not really. \m/ told us last night that he wouldn't be attacking, and if he does, we can have him. So if he decides that he doesn't want to follow \m/'s order to peace out and would rather continue his war, they'd release him to us. Relevant quote below.
Just........stop. STA has already achieved maximum sexiness.

[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1282065443' post='2419861']
Thank you STA for proving me that \m/ are made of sniveling cowards.

And thank you MM for providing some fun to go along with it.

o/ STA
Every raiding alliance talks tough until someone until they're presented with an actual challenge.

Edited by BlkAK47002
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