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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1281332212' post='2406667']
Or because my alliance isn't my own private army that I should be tossing around every time I get into a pissing match with an egomaniac. I go to war when it is in the interests of my members, not to prove what a big man I am. If that warrants labeling me a coward, then you can continue doing so. At least I don't view my membership as toys to toss about for my personal amusement.


[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1281331884' post='2406639']
Really? Weird. Because the way I remember it, even though I went out of my way to avoid being in a main conflict I still got labelled a traitor by a lot of people in the NPO for it and lost my active membership there, which I had enjoyed for a very long time. So I am pretty certain that I personally did not benefit from Karma. Plus, the same people that wanted me dead before Karma still wanted me dead after, even if my people bleed for them. Just ask MK.

I was talking about NSO. I couldn't care less about you.

Edited by Mr Damsky
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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1281333455' post='2406750']
Or are you suggesting that the FA department of the NPO was just taking a vacation during the entire rebuilding process?

Why would you need a FA department? NPO needed no allies in their conquests after that point.

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[quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1281333580' post='2406761']

I was talking about NSO. I couldn't care less about you.
Yes, that is exactly what you should have gotten from that exchange. *rollseyes*

And the NSO didn't get anything, as I mentioned at the end. We entered to defend MK and they have consistently been one of our biggest detractors every since so I fail to see what huge benefits we got out of Karma at all considering those we aligned with afterwards were actually people we were talking to beforehand.

So again, what?

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1281333485' post='2406753']
And since you are apparently incapable of understanding me...

1. Jesus bloody Christ, two people on vacation who were inactive in the best of times. Go you, you war machine. Next, you might actually beat someone who actually checks in once during the war. Baby steps!

2. GDA was utterly pathetic from top to bottom, deal with it. You have no room to talk about anyone.
Did your master feed you that line?

They responded within a day of my attack. And certainly weren't half my NS. Maybe thats what I beat them to.

Touchy subject for you huh?

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1281333627' post='2406764']
Why would you need a FA department? NPO needed no allies in their conquests after that point.
Really? That's the best you can do? Mixing arguments that have no correlation with one another in hopes of scoring some browning points with the peanut gallery?

I never stated that the NPO never needed allies. I stated that historically it made its own path and later on its allies followed suit. It never let its allies dictate its foreign policy for the most part unlike many follower alliances, such as yours.

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[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1281333485' post='2406753']
And since you are apparently incapable of understanding me...

1. Jesus bloody Christ, two people on vacation who were inactive in the best of times. Go you, you war machine. Next, you might beat someone who actually checks in once during the war. Baby steps!

2. GDA was utterly pathetic from top to bottom, deal with it. You have no room to talk about anyone.

(sippyjuice[GDA]) We want to make the rest of this war as honorable as possible.
(sippyjuice[GDA]) Given the rather crazy beginning
(sippyjuice[GDA]) If you guys are willing, we are willing to fight this war without the use of nukes
(NoFish[GOD]) No.
(NoFish[GOD]) Sorry, but we have a huge nuclear advantage.
(NoFish[GOD]) We're not going to just give that up.
(sippyjuice[GDA]) understandable
(Thrash[GDA]) is that your general MO?
(Comrade_X[GOD]) Yup. Not a chance. You attack us, you get nuked.
(Comrade_X[GOD]) We didn't spent billions on those MPs not to use them.
(sippyjuice[GDA]) Well, if you guys aren't willing to budge then... I guess this is over...
(Comrade_X[GOD]) Ta.

Relevancy. See us in #GOD if you want to talk more about your heroic tales of defeating nations on vacation.

Edited by Emperor Whimsical
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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1281333455' post='2406750']
The in-game rankings were more important then than they are now and you know it.

I resigned because I was bored with the game and what I had done at the time. The foundations for what happened with the NPO after the Great Patriotic War were already well underway prior to my resignation and Dilber taking the throne. Or are you suggesting that the FA department of the NPO was just taking a vacation during the entire rebuilding process?

So again, what are you talking about? You just posted a completely incorrect assumption because you obviously aren't up on your history and then tried to validate your mistake with an even bigger one.

As usual, you are out of your depth. Just run along now.
Oh my dear Ivan, more important and "important" are not nearly the same thing. Once you enter the era of the coalition, you have to take more than a single alliance's stats into account, and in that area, under the waning days of your reign, NPO was certainly lacking.

And claiming credit for the Dilber-era diplomatic success now? Surely you have better things in your reign to justify your leadership without reaching for things that didn't even happen while you were there?

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Good luck NSO. This was clearly just an excuse to stomp you guys from the get-go, I would have thought that they would have been more straightforward with their motives..but apparently you just have much more honor than your foes.

And 5 alliances? Seriously? How lame.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1281333877' post='2406775']
Oh my dear Ivan, more important and "important" are not nearly the same thing. Once you enter the era of the coalition, you have to take more than a single alliance's stats into account, and in that area, under the waning days of your reign, NPO was certainly lacking.

And claiming credit for the Dilber-era diplomatic success now? Surely you have better things in your reign to justify your leadership without reaching for things that didn't even happen while you were there?
Indeed, because I was just a lame duck. I didn't negotiate our opponents in the Great Patriotic War into basically drooling idiots, I didn't lead my alliance right to the gates of Hell and then see them triumphant and I sure didn't stick around after the war was over to make sure they were on good footing when the time came to retake the top spot.

Oh yeah, and I disappeared after that as well. I didn't write the War Powers Act and have Dilber sign off on it and create the position of Commandante that gave me overriding authority in times of war and I didn't lead (lead from the position of figurehead and chief negotiator, others including Anthony were much better tacticians) the NPO in GWII and GWIII. No, none of that happened.

It happened exactly as you say it did. The war ended and I just tucked tail and hid in a corner sucking my thumb.

How do you know what did or didn't happen when I wasn't "there". I was always there. Until I left the game officially I was never not there, even if I wasn't here publicly. Anyone can vouch for that.

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1281333838' post='2406771']
Really? That's the best you can do? Mixing arguments that have no correlation with one another in hopes of scoring some browning points with the peanut gallery?

I never stated that the NPO never needed allies. I stated that historically it made its own path and later on its allies followed suit. It never let its allies dictate its foreign policy for the most part unlike many follower alliances, such as yours.

You play the game as an alliance who wants to impose its will on others and have them follow you. Sure there is merit to that but clearly since you keep retiring and quitting it must get boring after a while. VE would much rather exist in a place where no one imposes anything on us, and we don't impose anything on others. I don't think playing the game with the goal of friendship and fun in mind will ever get tiring. Sign me right up for that.

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[quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1281334297' post='2406800']
Why are you people so afraid of large scale wars? Did something change in the past few years? Hmmm...

Afraid? HAHAHA. I'm sorry that was a good one. But really go NSO!

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1281333071' post='2406734']
First, I have no idea what you are even trying to say with this post.

You lament the curbstomps of my successors and then boldly claim to be doing the same thing and ask if I am going to oppose it? In what way are you expecting me to oppose such an action? I am not a leader in any alliance. I am retired. I have a non-authoritative position in the Orders and that is it. I have voiced my concerns here and I believe I have spoken plainly enough that even you can tell where my sympathies lie.

So yes, you are the new Hegemony, and yes, I would oppose you with every breath of every soldier in my army and in my alliance if I had one to command because you are wrong. You cry out when others do these atrocities and then you hitch up your wagon and carry on doing the exact same thing and wonder why no one considers you a legitimate authority.

At least I did it with style.

I am saying that it is rich of you to accuse us of cowardice for needing allies to stand up to a dominant power, when it is obvious that the hegemony also required allies to maintain their dominance. The street goes both ways, and seeking friends (like minded individuals) is not an act of cowardice. (I was not a government member, and so I cannot speak on behalf of those who allied one another, but this is my understanding of how things progressed)

I was referring to in-game action, after looking at your nation however, I'm assuming that that aspect of the game does not interest you.

Also, I do not believe it was us crying out when others did this. In fact, I think our actions spoke for themselves during the Karma war, when an accumulation of all pent up frustrations broke loose. It's what you mistakenly called cowardice earlier. And getting back to the topic at hand, are you honestly suggesting, that given the same scenario, and opposite shoes; if you had warned someone off of aiding a rogue (because the evidence was present in-game) plus you had made the results for such action clear, that if said terms were then violated you would not uphold your word? Keep in mind that this is not some fabricated CB presented without proof of logs or readily available evidence.

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[quote name='The Warrior' timestamp='1281334378' post='2406804']
Afraid? HAHAHA. I'm sorry that was a good one. But really go NSO!

You and your allies have perfect opportunity to start one, and have plenty of history of starting them in the past. The only explanation I can come up with is fear.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1281333860' post='2406773']
(sippyjuice[GDA]) We want to make the rest of this war as honorable as possible.
(sippyjuice[GDA]) Given the rather crazy beginning
(sippyjuice[GDA]) If you guys are willing, we are willing to fight this war without the use of nukes
(NoFish[GOD]) No.
(NoFish[GOD]) Sorry, but we have a huge nuclear advantage.
(NoFish[GOD]) We're not going to just give that up.
(sippyjuice[GDA]) understandable
(Thrash[GDA]) is that your general MO?
(Comrade_X[GOD]) Yup. Not a chance. You attack us, you get nuked.
(Comrade_X[GOD]) We didn't spent billions on those MPs not to use them.
(sippyjuice[GDA]) Well, if you guys aren't willing to budge then... I guess this is over...
(Comrade_X[GOD]) Ta.

Relevancy. See us in #GOD if you want to talk more about your heroic tales of defeating nations on vacation.
You must have thought that would be a real spirit crusher?

This doesn't have much relevancy since I wasn't in Gov. Or haven't been nuked by any of you for that matter. I can't say I'm offended since I've seen these already. Good effort though.

[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1281333860' post='2406773']
if you want to talk more about your heroic tales of defeating nations on vacation.
Yes, because nations on vacation fight back right? I must have hallucinated their retaliations.

The three of you are starting to sound like broken records.

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1281334349' post='2406802']
Anyway, it has been fun.

I really did just randomly log on tonight. It is good to know I can still control the crowd even though I have no idea what is happening politically. People are so easy to manipulate.

Have fun.
Goodnight, Ivan. I was disappointed at how easy it was to direct the course of our back and forth and put you on the defensive, considering the fact that I provided more than enough material for you to bloody me something bad, but I still enjoyed it even if it turns out you aren't as slippery as I remember.

Edited by Delta1212
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Now now, Wars have been started for more.

But we set a new record I think. :D 'Course with whoever was speaking to SF about accepting and aiding a rogue... which a warning was given out that we view that as an act of war.

"But we(NSO) dont consider it an act of war"

"Well good for you. We do."

And here we are.

I've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle...

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[quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1281334039' post='2406787']
Good luck NSO. This was clearly just an excuse to stomp you guys from the get-go, I would have thought that they would have been more straightforward with their motives..but apparently you just have much more honor than your foes.

And 5 alliances? Seriously? How lame.
Yeah..uhm hi. remember [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/No_Vision]this[/url]? Or maybe [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Woodstock_Massacre]this[/url]

Your hypocrisy is showing

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A quick look shows that Rok attacked, then NSO aided...
Good on you NSO, its a scary thought that there are so many alliances that would give up members just because someone bigger than them told them to without a good reason.

Oh and Hoo saying "because he is a rogue" isnt a good reason, not without evidence.

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[quote name='MagicalTrevor' timestamp='1281315808' post='2405677']
You mean a year of political isolation followed by an organised curbstomp[/quote]
NSO have had more than a year of political isolation.

[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1281317235' post='2405772']
Well, Superfriends is an MDAP if I remember correctly, so they HAVE to ride to war together.
No, they don't. If a majority of Superfriends vote to activate the MADP, then they do, but an individual Superfriend can declare war without activating the treaty.

[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1281319475' post='2405942']
Anyone who is stupid enough to think that NSO will not accept a member because you claim something without any proof deserves to have people attacking their nations in the first place. NSO did nothing wrong here.
Unfortunately, a lot of alliances work in this manner.

[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1281326211' post='2406339']
So you're saying that it was perfectly necessary for an additional 650+ nations, and 17mil NS to be dropped on an alliance of 170 nations and 3mil. Don't get me wrong, but you really are pulling !@#$ out of your $@!.
Looks like they've got activity problems.

[quote name='bkphysics' timestamp='1281329160' post='2406456']
I think every single conflict we ever have on Bob the rumor of XYZ want ABC to disband is started. In fact, I would be a betting man and say that this isn't the first time GOD has been accused of such.

The idea that someone would try and put legitimacy to such a claim is laughable at best.

The only problem with this argument, which usually is a good one, is that GOD happens to be on the short list of alliances that actually have forced disbandment.

[quote name='Londo Mollari' timestamp='1281330708' post='2406552']
Actually I'm pretty sure that Fark could solo NSO no problem, anytime and anyplace. Just sayin'.
Considering they're the ones who ordered RIA not to solo NSO, seems like a bad example.

[quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1281331858' post='2406633']
A tip for the future: If you have a warchest, Anarchy is pretty much irrelevant. I know GDA didn't keep warchests as a matter of course, but it's 2010 now. Not 2007.
Anarchy prevents a nation from declaring wars. It's less of a problem with modern warchests, but it's still tactically useful, especially when you're hitting a nation that hasn't engaged yet.

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