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Your favorite alliance motto?


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[quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1280309096' post='2392347']
Zenith's was "Ex astris scientia" which means "From the stars, knowledge". I always really loved that motto because Zenith's flag had a star on it and the motto itself was the motto of Starfleet Academy. I'm a Trekkie. :)
:wub: Star Trek

Very nice...plus, Latin=win.

[quote]I never got this one's significance. I mean...you bled for your alliance...that pretty much what you're required to do. Granted, there are many who don't back there alliances when their cards are down, but ideallyevery member is supposed to.

Ah, but he is special.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1280381449' post='2393635']
I never got this one's significance. I mean...you bled for your alliance...that pretty much what you're required to do. Granted, there are many who don't back there alliances when their cards are down, but ideallyevery member is supposed to.


Of course I'm, my mom told so.

Talking seriously, this "motto" has a lot of significance for who is Polaris, is hard to understand for those who aren't but after noCB war it gave us lots of motivation to do our come back as a world power.

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[quote name='Tony Stark' timestamp='1280247731' post='2391276']
World Federation: "It's not arrogance, it's destiny"
This is my favorite, though I'm so/so about the alliance. Great motto.

Biased but, like DK said, I really dug [i]Ex Astris Scientia[/i]. I've written it a million times. (I didn't know it was a Trekkie thing, though. Now I do. XD)

Edited by Kzoppistan
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I like GOONS' unofficial motto a lot, and can easily see bachelor frog dishing it out.

I like Sparta's "Through Sacrifice and Unity Comes Strength" line. I recently found after searching the internet that it's actually an original motto, and nobody is really sure who came up with it all those years ago. :-S

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[quote name='theArrowheadian' timestamp='1280307519' post='2392335']
Ave Legio because so few of their members know what it means.

You're so right.

We should have taken your example and dumbed down our motto to some 12-year-old nubspeak phrase. Your "The Few, The Proud, T3H 1337!" is obviously far superior to ancient Latin and better suited to attract a recycled cop-show watching demographic.

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[quote name='Shoofly' timestamp='1280481827' post='2394894']
You're so right.

We should have taken your example and dumbed down our motto to some 12-year-old nubspeak phrase. Your "The Few, The Proud, T3H 1337!" is obviously far superior to ancient Latin and better suited to attract a recycled cop-show watching demographic.

Are you implying that your motto hasn't really been dumbed down already? I mean, yeah, it's Latin I guess, but you're acting like you really got an intelligent and brilliant motto right there when it's still in fact just "Ave Legio". It might not be 12-year-old nubspeak, but it's 12-year-old Internet Latin definitely, dull, blunt, sort of cheesy and hardly showing the great intelligence and understanding of mankind's great history you got there. Get off your imaginary high horse.

Edited by Iosif
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I was merely responding to an ignorant and [i]unprovoked[/i] remark. You can't really blame a guy for standing up a bit for his friends. Ave Legio isn't even our motto; it's a war cry. Our motto is Unity is Strength.

[quote name='Iosif' timestamp='1280482811' post='2394897']but it's 12-year-old Internet Latin definitely[/quote]

that's priceless. internet latin. lol.

I would reply to the rest of your post but I can't make any sense of it, honestly.

*gets back up on his ethereal death-steed, Nicodemus*

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Oh well, as the drone I am, I like Sparta's.. and Fark's

What I'd really want to see used is:
"If you loled to make a point we'll make sure you will get rolled". Even that laughing radish thingy is less annoying than "lol."

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[quote name='Shoofly' timestamp='1280481827' post='2394894']
You're so right.

We should have taken your example and dumbed down our motto to some 12-year-old nubspeak phrase. Your "The Few, The Proud, T3H 1337!" is obviously far superior to ancient Latin and better suited to attract a recycled cop-show watching demographic.

So because you can't defend your own alliance's motto, you have to move to trying to insult my alliance and my choice of avatar? So I'm the one who's supposed to be childish? I could see how you might take my comment as an insult, but you could have just said, "We educated our members on what it meant a long time ago." Obviously that's not the case if you're still getting upset at comments like mine. I could also be one of the other 50 people who post on the forum with a Clint Eastwood avatar and a generic alliance signature.

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It isn't our motto, but I thought it was clever.

[quote name='SpoiL' timestamp='1257923461' post='1961684']
We are New Sith Order and Windows 7â„¢ was [i]actually[/i] our idea.


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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1280263070' post='2391561']
"[i]I am Polar, see my scars and behold my commitment.[/i]"

When I first heard that, it came at the end of a really great speech. It's too fuzzy to recall it exactly now, but I remember that it was quite rousing.

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