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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1279943545' post='2387037']
Telling that 87% of respondants see Bob as just the same or worse in the year following the great new world Karma had promised.

Oh sorry. You're right. Everything was so much better with curbstomp after curbstomp. SO MUCH

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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1280001556' post='2387637']
I took the community question as quality of members and quality of posts/discussions. I chose that it stayed the same. Regardless, I don't think it can be blamed on Karma, Hegemony, or anyone else for that matter. Blame yourselves, if you have to blame anyone.

The first time I played I remember all the log dumpings and such that caused a good deal of drama. What we need now is a new Doitzel tells us all of how SF is betraying CnG. :ehm:

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1279943545' post='2387037']
Telling that 87% of respondants see Bob as just the same or worse in the year following the great new world Karma had promised.

That could also be spun to say that over half the community feels that things have progressed or at least stayed the same. ;)

In reality there have been both positives and negatives. Just wish the nation count was higher... :mellow:

As for the new wonder question: time travel, no question.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1279993425' post='2387540']
Oh sorry. You're right. Everything was so much better with curbstomp after curbstomp. SO MUCH

Well over 80% of people voting seem to think it's no better, or even worse than it was, and for some of us the curbstomps haven't ended at all.

Not really sure why you'd complain though, GOD has been on the stomping side pretty much since UJP I ended, including most of the curbstomps that Karma was so outraged over in the following year.

GOD had big roles in the stomping of NoV, Illuminati, LoFN, and signed with Continuuum alliances to help roll Polaris and company.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1280008235' post='2387719']
That could also be spun to say that over half the community feels that things have progressed or at least stayed the same. ;)

In reality there have been both positives and negatives. Just wish the nation count was higher... :mellow:

As for the new wonder question: time travel, no question.

Yes, but the bill of goods that was sold during Karma promised a whole lot more than was delivered. That's why so many "moralists" that sided with ex-Heg during Karma are generally found in a depressed state these days. The world they were promised in exchange for their blood was never delivered. Instead of a less tangled treaty web, it's even more tangled. Instead of an end to curbstomps, they are still the norm. Instead of going to fairly even wars without tons of treaties being activated, optional aggression or no treaty at all are used to make sure a stomping happens in the wars that take place. Instead of lower reps, they are the biggest in history. Instead of 2-4 week wars, the wars last 2-4 months.

Facts are facts, the world declined post-Karma, and again after this most recent stomping and it's borderline spiraling at this point.

I actually blame a great deal of it on the MP wonder. It causes such destruction to smaller and newer nations that they generally tend to fold their tent. When they are 15-20,000 ns, 150 days old in their first big war and getting 3 vs 1 and nuked on top of it by 1000 day old nations day after day, they tend to quit instead of sticking with it.

I was extremely excited and worked really hard to get my nation into the top 5% to buy nukes. Then the MP came along and one of the major goals of the game was gone.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1280019968' post='2387855']
Well over 80% of people voting seem to think it's no better, or even worse than it was, and for some of us the curbstomps haven't ended at all.

Not really sure why you'd complain though, GOD has been on the stomping side pretty much since UJP I ended, including most of the curbstomps that Karma was so outraged over in the following year.

GOD had big roles in the stomping of NoV, Illuminati, LoFN, and signed with Continuuum alliances to help roll Polaris and company.

I joined up with GOD only for the "last curb-stomp" where (we gave CCC white peace), and you really wanna compare notes over my current alliance versus your current alliance? I have more than four off the top of my head, let alone researched since the final breath of resistance from AEGIS.

Please list most of these curb stomps that GOD was on the winning side of. We gave our targets white peace (CCC) in NoCB war. and as mentioned earlier, I was not around for the other three.

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1280022124' post='2387880']
I joined up with GOD only for the "last curb-stomp" where (we gave CCC white peace), and you really wanna compare notes over my current alliance versus your current alliance? I have more than four off the top of my head, let alone researched since the final breath of resistance from AEGIS.

Please list most of these curb stomps that GOD was on the winning side of. We gave our targets white peace (CCC) in NoCB war. and as mentioned earlier, I was not around for the other three.

Was GOD not on the winning side of the Karma curbstomp? Not involved in stomping TPF in late December by the tune of about 600 nations vs 120? Not on the winning side of this last curbstomp vs IRON and Co?

Besides, as I and many others were informed during Karma, it doesn't matter if you weren't in the alliance when events happened, it doesn't matter if the entire Govt changed, as long as the name is the same, you bear the responsibility of all past sins of that alliance.

GOD just happens to be one of a group that rolled with the Hegemony that didn't have to pay for their past. RoK, Sparta and MHA are a few others that come to mind right off the bat.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1280020980' post='2387867']
Facts are facts, the world declined post-Karma, and again after this most recent stomping and it's borderline spiraling at this point. [/quote]

Fact: The number of nations has declined after every single Great War/major conflict since GW III...truth be told, it also declined after GW I and II.

So is it that Karma didn't deliver, or...that people quit because they decide they will never accomplish their goals, achieved their goals and now wish to move on to something else, or simply dread the idea of more nights spent losing sleep in the next big war (or simple planning it)? This game will quite literally take ALL of your waking hours if you let it.

Don't get wrong, it was NPO's time for a beating. Past time. But unlike many, I hoped things would be "better" (more competitive, less jammed up with treaties), but I already knew that an idealic world where ZI orders were never given and unreasonable reparations were a thing of the past, was never going to happen.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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There were declines after major wars in the past, but there were also recovery of lost nations in the few months after. There hasn't been a recovery lately. Just steady decline. At this rate there could be less than 20,000 nations total very soon and honestly, only about half that are even reasonably active players at most.

NPO as the big, untouchable bad guy was a rallying point for activity. That no longer exists inspite of boogeymanning by half the treaty web towards them.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1280023655' post='2387900']
Was GOD not on the winning side of the Karma curbstomp? Not involved in stomping TPF in late December by the tune of about 600 nations vs 120? Not on the winning side of this last curbstomp vs IRON and Co?

Besides, as I and many others were informed during Karma, it doesn't matter if you weren't in the alliance when events happened, it doesn't matter if the entire Govt changed, as long as the name is the same, you bear the responsibility of all past sins of that alliance.

GOD just happens to be one of a group that rolled with the Hegemony that didn't have to pay for their past. RoK, Sparta and MHA are a few others that come to mind right off the bat.

Who set themsleves up for of those curb stomps? OH yeah, YOUR side did.

Lets see...NPO hit OV, an alliance less than 20% of its size, in the middle of peace negotiations.

TPF spied on OUR side, and admitted it. the only reason it was 120 versus 600 was because your allies, took 10 days to show up. White peace was achieved after that.

and TOP and IRON hit OUR side in an act of aggression...in the middle of peace negotiations.

GOD has never rolled with hegemony, ever. We were SF, watching you and your friends crush CIS, FAN, GOONS, GPA, MK, FPI, VE,and NADC and countless others.

I fought in Karma to stop that hegemony, and we did. Call our current state what you will, but anything is better than what we had before.

We the children have to live with sins of the father. Think about what GGA, UPN, and Legion has to deal with every day, even ODN still deals with it.You're right. Its not right for me to deny those curb-stomps, they happened, and maybe I was just lucky, or you were unlucky in your side.but don't try to !@#$%^&* me and tell me stuff was better than it was, because if you truly believe that, there's no further point in wasting time trying to talk to you.

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1280026460' post='2387934']
Don't get wrong, it was NPO's time for a beating. Past time. But unlike many, I hoped things would be "better" (more competitive, less jammed up with treaties)

I agree with ChairmanHal. We must be right. :smug: I hoped too. I was hoping things would change dramatically. I didn't plan for after the war. I was hoping all those vox guys and karma guys would fix everything and everything would be happy daisies. Things got better, but not quite what I was hoping for. Nothing to start a revolution over, but you understand.

Edited by Emperor Whimsical
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[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1279990139' post='2387492']
How is +5 happiness and getting to choose your next event terrible? Who cares about the name it's given...
Because it's not original at all (see Internet, Great Monument, Great Temple). And I care about the name given when it's intended to be humorous and it's more of a horribly-forced awkwardly-bad joke instead,

[spoiler]Don't even try and make a case that the Monument and Temple aren't really +5 happiness wonders, because that's basically what they are give or take 1 happiness[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1280040720' post='2388154']
Who set themsleves up for of those curb stomps? OH yeah, YOUR side did.

Lets see...NPO hit OV, an alliance less than 20% of its size, in the middle of peace negotiations.

TPF spied on OUR side, and admitted it. the only reason it was 120 versus 600 was because your allies, took 10 days to show up. White peace was achieved after that.

and TOP and IRON hit OUR side in an act of aggression...in the middle of peace negotiations.

GOD has never rolled with hegemony, ever. We were SF, watching you and your friends crush CIS, FAN, GOONS, GPA, MK, FPI, VE,and NADC and countless others.

I fought in Karma to stop that hegemony, and we did. Call our current state what you will, but anything is better than what we had before.

We the children have to live with sins of the father. Think about what GGA, UPN, and Legion has to deal with every day, even ODN still deals with it.You're right. Its not right for me to deny those curb-stomps, they happened, and maybe I was just lucky, or you were unlucky in your side.but don't try to !@#$%^&* me and tell me stuff was better than it was, because if you truly believe that, there's no further point in wasting time trying to talk to you.


Wow.....rewrite much history there??? GOD and SF absolutely allied themselves to The Continuum and were solid members of the Hegemony. Heck, even tC let Kaiser Martens off it's ZI list and GOD announced they were going to ZI him anyway. And when did MK get "crushed" by the Hegemony? In noCB? The war where the SF rolled with tC and helped stomp the Polaris/CnG side?

Also, TPF never admitted to spying and it was pretty firmly established that no spying ever actually took place, Mhawk came up with a bad plan during a time we were at war. After we agreed to peace for that war, a CB was generated 6 months later to roll us and try and start another war.

It has further been established that TOP/Iron had two choices, go aggressive and get rolled, or honor their treaties and get rolled. MK has already admitted that they were going to crash into TOP with CnG the moment they entered the war on any front. As for it happening during peace negotiations, well, that was the big problem with Grub, he didn't tell TOP/Iron about the peace negotiations.

NPO did make a mistake, but SF and company had been plotting their downfall for 4+ months, anything was going to be used to roll them. OV actually had to take the gas pipe for SF/CnG to carry out that goal.

Don't act like GOD and SF are moral crusaders that have been out to set the world free. It's blatantly untrue and their history of curbstomps, viceroys and PZI sentences shows it.

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The Flying Circus and the Super Happy Fun Slide are the best named ones.

The Time Travel Technology wonder is actually quite interesting and is not like any of the other wonders currently in existence, but it could be argued that it is too powerful to choose your events, and since events are random, it would be quite difficult to code. The Mind Control Device is also interesting, and doesn't suffer from the same problems.

The Shrink Ray is just too powerful. Doubling your citizens doubles your collections, so the wonder would have to be quite expensive. The High Heel Factory is just a weaker version of the Pentagon, so it's not really needed.

As for the community, I'd say it's evolved, but in a different direction. The players of this game shape its history and future, so if there is something that you do not like about the current climate, then I encourage you to branch out and forge your own piece of history.

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CN's about the same as it was, most of the people who'll be complaining about how much it sucks now are just bitten by the nostalgia bug.

And I'm sorely disappointed by the lack of an option to vote for all.

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