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Nutty North Korean Announcement

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The Nutty North Koreans (NNK) is rumoured to have been founded by Kim Jong-Il so that he may test nuclear weapon launches on computer scenarios before firing them around the World. Needless to say, NNK doesn't have any nukes, but Kim Jong-Il and his in-game counterparts keep doggedly trying. Well, kept doggedly trying, for an hour or so. Now they just sit around and watch reruns of Will & Grace with a tub of Chapman's Ice Cream, thoroughly enjoying Karen's unnaturally high-pitched voice and vile persona. This has nothing to do with the announcement, but Colin and Justin's Home Heist was just on, so I'm in the mood for talking about the shows on Woman's Network, though I can attest, I am certainly not a woman. My genitals are far too external.

Anyway, that isn't the point. North Korea, as the most technologically advanced nation in existence (Being the inventor of Doors: the worldwide phenomenon, currently undertaking its latest advancement, Doors 2.0), launched its newest innovation, known as Google, and we were horrified by the results.

After an innocent google search for "NNK", we received the following results.




Kim Jong-Il was outraged after reviewing the results of the search, and ordered his top scientists to determine if any of them were true.

After extensive study, they determined that NNK is certainly not a carsinogenic chemical, and we only deteriorate brain cells after prolonged exposure, nor are we a negro cult, and we're certainly not the proprietor of a lucrative cigar business.

Because of this, Kim Jong-Il is currently writing a letter to the owner of Google, the following being the first draft:

[quote]"What you think? We are not chemical. I hear lot of chemical, like air, and NNK not chemical. And we not negro. I just look in mirror to make sure I still sexy as usual, but see no negroe in there. And we not cigar seller. NNK engage in no illegal activity ever. That is truth."[/quote]

But above all the lies and slander being perpetuated by the Google, we found one that cannot be topped:

[url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/10506482.stm"]Justin Bieber coming to North Korea[/url]

Those of you who have a firm grasp of North Korean history will remember the epic battle fought between Justin Bieber fans and the North Korean government. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Earth-shaking war, here is a link to a documentary created about it:

[url="http://adet.forumotion.co.uk/Justin-Bieber-h2.htm"]Park Hwang-Bo Productions[/url]

But now Justin Bieber is visiting North Korea again?! Have we not lost enough to his ear-splitting screech?! I lost my mother and my brother during that war. They died together, sharing an iPod bud, [i]One Less Lonely Girl[/i] still blaring obliviously. Should Justin Bieber ever enter North Korea, he shall not exit. If anyone objects, we will write you a strongly worded-letter, with caps locks and myriad expletives.

But this announcement, despite the nonsense above, is to let a couple alliances know that their embassies are inactive. In fact, every embassy we have is inactive. Are we really that boring? Park Hwang-Bo will do degrading dances if that'll please you.

Anyway, STA, BACoN, USN, Menotah, AO, go write something. And I think I may have deleted a couple others, but I doubt they care. Just as reminder, our forums are [url="www.cn-nnk.co.cc"]www.cn-nnk.co.cc[/url]

If you want to make a new embassy with us, go sign up. Our MoFA needs work to do, anyway.

In other news, North Korea is completely changing its Government system. Many people unjustifiedly think of us as a Communist totalitarian regime. That's just not true. NNK is holding its first Ministerial elections in forever. Considering North Korea invented Democracy, we're giving it a try.

Our incumbent Government is probably as follows:

[b]Stooge of War:[/b] Gorchin
[b]Stooge of the Interior:[/b] Alistair Thorrington
[b]Stooge of the Exterior:[/b] Vesta

[b]Dear Leader Dietitian (MoE):[/b] Sarikitty
[b]Dear Leader Personal Trainer (MoD):[/b] Teh Squishy
[b]Dear Leader Translator (MoFA):[/b] Pikachujc and Pimpleman
[b]Dear Leader Official Piss-On (MoIA):[/b] Britwarlord

[b]Dear Leader Bathroom Staff:[/b] Je Mange Le Chat

So that's all for now. Just letting you know we're still here, as Cybernation's premier source of unmitigated crap (Or what some call entertainment). Toodles. And remember:

[center][img] http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3634/3565759415_f5b0beed7e.jpg[/img][/center]

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' date='09 July 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1278729282' post='2365412']
your other posts were funnier.

So what you're saying is that last time, you were like:


But this time you were like:


I spared you your digestive system. You should be grateful.

Edited by Alistair Thorrington
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[quote name='Alistair Thorrington' date='09 July 2010 - 08:51 PM' timestamp='1278733859' post='2365507']
So what you're saying is that last time, you were like:


But this time you were like:


I spared you your digestive system. You should be grateful.

Too bad, I already lost my appendix. Something else has to go. :smug:

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wtf happened to kaiser? And don't you dare talk bad about justin bieber. He is a god, so talented at only 11! He is the next Michael Jackson, only white...well...pretty close to Michael Jackson. Plus, he hangs out with usher, who makes girls want to say "oh oh oh oh oh oh oh." ...etc you get the point.

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[quote name='Alistair Thorrington' date='09 July 2010 - 08:31 PM' timestamp='1278725460' post='2365367']
nor are we a negro cult[/quote]

You guys ARE on the black team though... :P

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[quote name='Alistair Thorrington' date='12 July 2010 - 10:14 AM' timestamp='1278890064' post='2367357']
Well, that's a buzzkill :P
Just saying it like it is ;)


It could be worse.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='11 July 2010 - 05:56 PM' timestamp='1278867357' post='2367012']
o/ Kim-Jong II

It's Kim Jong-Il, not "Kim-Jong II". There isn't a "Kim-Jong" in his name nor is there numerals of any kind.

Kim Jong-Il, it's easy as
123, as simple as
Do re mi, ABC, 123
baby you and me giiirlll

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