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The Initiative Memorium


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Played the game under a different name in the Initiative days. Was a soldier for the MDC (lol inorite) and to be truthful I loved every blissfully ignorant minute of it. Always felt like an outsider when it came to TI politics, which is probably pretty fitting actually. But you know what? It was my first alliance and I refuse to remember it any way but fondly.

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[quote name='MercyFallout' date='10 July 2010 - 03:06 AM' timestamp='1278745560' post='2365661']
Fighting for the Initiative was probably what got me so hooked on this game.

o/ To the lost age
o/ To the golden age yet to come.

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[quote name='President Obama' date='08 July 2010 - 11:44 AM' timestamp='1278614670' post='2363638']
I personally see several misleading facts in that article.

For one, the Dove War was not just Unjust Path alliances fighting Legion, but also MCXA as well. It wasn't even all the Unjust Path. It was Valhalla declaring war on Legion, and \m/ jumping in due to their MDoAP, and then GOONS, Genmay, and MCXA coming in. The article makes it seem like it was just the Unjust Path fighting Legion, when that was simply not true.

I should get an account on the wiki and change the article to reflect what the authors ommitted for a more complete article.

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The Initiative was the greatest block this game has ever seen because of the line-up of quality alliances in it. No block has even come close to having that many great alliances in it. I served in TOP gov't, and back then we made our bones as an elite alliance known for taking on much larger and well known alliances. The wars we fought together, coming up as underdogs and dominating as hard as we did. '07 still stands out as the best year CN had because of WUT.

Edited by TonytheTiger
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[quote name='Olaf Styke' date='10 July 2010 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1278789517' post='2366066']
Who remembers The League? :3

Anyway, those were good times as far as excitement went. Now it feels more like the Cold War.

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[quote name='Boyle' date='11 July 2010 - 02:00 AM' timestamp='1278828001' post='2366696']

Anyway, those were good times as far as excitement went. Now it feels more like the Cold War.

I think it feels more like an afternoon spent in a railway car in the Compiègne forest. I'm expecting some enterprising soul to start the League of Nations soon...

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[quote name='Fallen Fool' date='08 July 2010 - 12:20 AM' timestamp='1278544787' post='2362865']
The Initiative had its moments, but I enjoyed watching it crash and burn far more then I enjoyed any other event in its history.

[quote name='Olaf Styke' date='10 July 2010 - 08:18 PM' timestamp='1278789517' post='2366066']
Who remembers The League? :3
I do, quite fondly as well I might add.

Edited by Cataduanes
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[quote name='Kevanovia' date='11 July 2010 - 12:45 PM' timestamp='1278866722' post='2367007']
I wish the web looked like that today. Also, on a side note: Where in heavens name did ACID go?
Absorbed by the Obsidian Entente.

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[quote name='Ardus' date='11 July 2010 - 10:22 AM' timestamp='1278868939' post='2367025']
Absorbed by the Obsidian Entente.
Seriously? I always thought that offshoot was a joke.

Then again, it would explain a few things (such as: Why do it to begin with?)

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[quote name='Chron' date='11 July 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1278879687' post='2367187']
Seriously? I always thought that offshoot was a joke.

Then again, it would explain a few things (such as: Why do it to begin with?)
[color="#0000FF"]Obsidian Entente existed for a short while after VE disbanded. Not sure what happened to it afterward though.[/color]

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[quote name='Adrian LaCroix' date='11 July 2010 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1278885635' post='2367283']
OE disbanded not too awful long after VE disbanded, not sure why exactly, I'd have to ask Vulcan or someone like that. I'd imagine it had to do with the political climate at the time though.
I explained the whole thing over in the Dolomus Files thread. If you want more details, ask over there. This here is for remembering WUT.

NpO+VE against NAAC in GWII was a hoot.

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' date='12 July 2010 - 12:36 AM' timestamp='1278902145' post='2367634']
That web looks absolutely glorious.

Yeah, but I would preffer an complicated one if we could had just this number of alliances again. I think that just in Blue Sphere there are more alliances than in this picture.

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At least this web doesn't give you eye-cancer when you look at it and try to understand it. Back then, it was still possible to categorize everyone into "good", "evil" and "neutral" (although "good" and "evil" depended on the viewpoint, but you get my point). Today, you're practically allied with everyone and where you end up fighting depends on which "chain" arrives at your alliance first or a choice.

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