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How Much Yo Momma Jokes Hurt


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This an official apology to FK from RAD we're sorry lads.

Oh mother jokes the oldest insult in the book, Everyone uses them. They're funny, or so i thought.

[b]Picture this the date is[/b] 02/07/10 (07/02/10 for americans)

xR1 of the Fallen Knights(FK) and MConorDever of the Republican Army of Draco(RAD) were having a argument, When MConorDever made a fatal mistake. [b]He Made A Yo Momma Joke![/b].

[u]Rule 1. Never Attack Someone Bigger Than You.[/u]

xR1 sent his hell hounds to attack RAD.

RAD lost 24,000NS. Fatal Mistake

So people i preach to you don't make yo momma joke there fatal:

[b]You See[/b]
Someone makes a Yo Momma Joke This is what happens when you insult xR1 and FK


So people of FK i ask you for peace! Please!

Edited by MConorDever
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oh please not another war over a mama joke. :wacko:

I assume you guys have no treaties. It would be best if you got some and then maybe this wouldn't happen.

I can bet that after this announcement GOONS will be raiding your alliance too so you might want to find some quick. If you need help see me on irc. Good luck.

Edited by Omniscient1
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[quote name='MConorDever' date='03 July 2010 - 11:50 PM' timestamp='1278197429' post='2359052']
We have a peace deal from GOONS

Have one from \m/ and PC too? They'll be next. Sitting in an alliance with no treaties is never a good thing. (nuetrals excluded although it don't always work out for them either)

Take my advice find a protector.

Edited by Omniscient1
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I posted in the other thread before realizing this thread was 'moved'. Not sure why there are two threads people are able to post in, but....yeah, he successfully negotiated peace with GOONS by fulfilling our demands....but this thread (and its clone) are disappointing. Come on, MConor....I expect better of you. :(

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[quote name='Neo Uruk' date='03 July 2010 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1278201287' post='2359106']
Wait he was smart enough to get peace from GOONS but not smart enough to refrain from posting threads like this?

I must have missed something.

Obviously RAD is in fact, not RAD.

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I guess that means the fake RAD can be tech raided by those who were in the real RAD.

Though in all seriousness, good luck in your future endeavors. This wasn't the brightest thing to do and I hope you've learned from it.

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='04 July 2010 - 02:50 PM' timestamp='1278273008' post='2359602']
'Your Mom' jokes are never acceptable. I'm deeply disappointed.

Your mom is deeply disappointing.

(Sorry, it really had to be done)

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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='04 July 2010 - 04:43 PM' timestamp='1278279804' post='2359667']
This means war.

Aww man, oh no...if my mom finds out that I started another war, I'm going to be mending doilies for weeks.

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