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When there is a fork in the road...

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[img]http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/2859/tfdflagmatchedtoupn.png[/img] [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/1/14/UPN_flag.png[/img]

When there is a fork in the road, one must decide which path he will take, and stick to that path with vigor.

It was a very long time ago, a few Great Wars anyways, that the twinkling of the TFD-UPN relationship began. The days in CDT were, unbeknown to us, the foundation rocks to a relationship that would last for many days, months, and years to come, and continues to last today. And as we look back on the path we have journeyed together, we remember the good memories, the rough times, and the celebrations, each mark on our history represented by a stable, bumpy, or smooth marking on our road. Our history together is carved. It shall never be erased, forgotten, or foresaken.

But when a fork in the road comes, and we must decide what we will do next, the most difficult of decisions must be made: to let hold of the rock we have together used to carve on our path, and pick up two of our own rocks together, and begin carving.

UPN is taking a fork in the road that will separate us, but the path we have carved together will never be erased, forgotten, or forsaken. Our relationship that we have built up over time will not falter. And finally, the support and gravitation of old friends to each other will not be lost. We are old friends and will remain helpful to one another when possible.

This decision is not made in haste or in malice. No recent events are to blame. Strong deliberation has taken place between both TFD and UPN, and our decision reflects what we believe is best for both of our futures.

With that, TFD announces the cancellation of "The Indigo Goes Deeper Convention" MDoAP with UPN.

We'll see you on the flip side, old friends. B-)

[i]Signed for TFD,
Speaker - LetsHunt
Senator - The Iggy
Senator - Barkeaters
Senator - Phil
Senator - Illius Vander
Minister of Foreign Affairs - GearHead

Signed for UPN,
Prime Minister - Peggy_Sue
Minister of Defense - DonVox
Minister of Communication - We Are Not Alone[/i][/center]

Edited by GearHead
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Sorry to see you two diverge.. perhaps one day things will be different. Best of luck to both alliances.

oo/ TFD
oo/ UPN

PS :wub:

I hope both alliances work past these differences and grow to be better friends again.

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There is nothing dramatic about changing a treaty or canceling a treaty. It may be sad, yes, and it may make folks nostalgic, yes, but it reflects the reality of change.
Change is the one constant in life here and on other planets; those who learn to embrace change for the new experiences it brings will likely be happier.

The treaty web is a bit less tangled now. That is one thing I've heard complaints about for more than a year. When an alliance does something about it let's try to see the overall picture.

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[quote name='LetsHunt' date='12 June 2010 - 06:33 PM' timestamp='1276363994' post='2335154']
We may no longer have a piece of paper bonding us, but we all know friendship can't be measured by a piece of paper :)

Indeed. Just look at us (STA) and NSO.


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Nobody paying attention to world affairs In the last year or so could possibly be surprised at this announcement. Although our paths once converged, we've been going different ways for a while now and the treaty referenced a promise that would not be kept. For better or for worse, we both have commitments to other allies that made honoring this treaty difficult. Keeping this treaty would have meant ignoring the fact that the treaty would not be honored or canceling our conflicting treaties (which for TFD, means all of our other treaties). Neither of these choices were particularly good and that is why canceling this treaty was a good choice to make.

Although I'm not sure that this cancellation was unfortunate, I do think that it was necessary. Happy trails, UPN.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='12 June 2010 - 08:48 PM' timestamp='1276372094' post='2335290']
[color="#FF00FF"]I'd like to congratulate UPN on finding new masters in CnG. TFD, you never could rely on UPN anyway. So good riddance.[/color]

You caught us again. MK totally tells our puppets in ODN what to tell UPN to do. :blush:

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